
There’s a good deal on my plate at the moment, and yesterday I decided to take a (hopefully brief) hiatus from recording my audio book. There are 10 “episodes” available here now, if you are just now coming across this site. And, if you are able to read the print version, you can either buy the book (top right side of this page) or, head to my bookstore and download the PDF!

I will return. Sooner than later, I hope. For now, print is your best option. 😉

Thanks for listening.
Greg Campbell

08 – Institutions and Labels

Podcast!Do we really have to label everything? Must every facet of life be institutionalized? Those are some queustions raised in this chapter. We take things that are meant to be relational – like the church, which is the body of Christ, a family – and we turn it into something. An entity that exists on its own – even with the church. Is it really possible to live life without needing to create a structure, an institution, or labels for doing so?

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

07 – CH??CH

Podcast!CH??CH. What’s missing? U R! The words adorn many a church marquee across the nation. But instead of just filling a pew on a weekly basis, perhaps those words are more true than we know. Has the focus of our gatherings shifted from being a family, and spending time “one anothering” to basically just “going through the motions”? If so, that’s not what it seems the church is meant to be. The Bible describes the church as a community of people where no one was in need, they met together, shared life together every day. Not to sit in rows, always listening to one person sing or talk, but to be together. To “one another”.

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

06 – Quantifiable

Podcast!Everything boils down to numbers. We want things to be measurable – quantifiable. We need to see results. But the numbers in God’s Kingdom do not “add up” as they do in our world. So they become irrelevant. God’s Kingdom should not be – and is not – quantifiable.

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

05 – The Borders

Podcast!We tend to look at people as either “IN” or “OUT” of God’s Kingdom, but Jesus did not seem to. Not that there aren’t boundaries… they just didn’t seem as important to Jesus as they are to us. He didn’t approach everyone with Border Goggles on…

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

04 – Building The Kingdom

Podcast!A quote from a magazine began the train of thought for this chapter. Do we really build the Kingdom, or does the Kingdom simply exist, as God has built it. Is the Kingdom a way of life rather than a physical, tangible, quantifiable entity? Those thoughts are discussed in this week’s chapter.

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

03B – A Bigger View Of Church (Part 2)

Podcast!“So, after 2000 years, how do you think he’s doing?”

That was the question posed by a speaker to a group of church leaders regarding how Jesus is building his church. If you think of church as the fragmented bunch of denominations around the world that continue to split over even very minor disputes… then you’d have to say, “Not very well!”

But what if the Church is much bigger than that?

This chapter includes a reading of Wayne Jacobsen’s article Living in the Relational Church. (Used by permission of the author.) To read more from Wayne Jacobsen, visit his website: LifeStream.org.

(This audio chapter is Part 2 of a single chapter of the book. Part 1 was published last week.)

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

03 – A Bigger View Of Church (Part 1)

Podcast!“So, after 2000 years, how do you think he’s doing?”

That was the question posed by a speaker to a group of church leaders regarding how Jesus is building his church. If you think of church as the fragmented bunch of denominations around the world that continue to split over even very minor disputes… then you’d have to say, “Not very well!”

But what if the Church is much bigger than that?

This chapter includes a reading of Wayne Jacobsen’s article Living in the Relational Church. (Used by permission of the author.) To read more from Wayne Jacobsen, visit his website: LifeStream.org.

(Because of the included article, the chapter will be split into two segments, with Part 2 to be published here next week.)

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

02 – The Emerging Church

Podcast!You may have heard this term before – perhaps quite a bit. It’s loosely applied to many variations on a theme of corporate life together as believers. But what seems to be apparent is that though it’s really applied broadly, it’s still very much the same thing we’ve always done, just with new packaging. The same game, by a different name.

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the printed book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

01 – Redefining Church

Podcast!To begin the book, I really just wanted to lay out there what “church” really is. There are so many different ways we use that word, it can get very confusing! So I take a look at some scriptures, and example of “church” from the Bible… and hopefully set a foundation for some of the other stuff that is considered throughout the remainder of the book.

If you like what you hear, you can purchase the book using the link at the top of this page, or visit the GregsHead.net Bookstore to view all of my books. A free PDF version of Here’s The Church is also available at that link.

Click on the Podcast icon to download, or listen. Or, use the feeds to the right to subscribe in iTunes or your favorite RSS reader.

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