The Intricacy Of Us

I recently watched a Discovery Channel show titled 2057: Future Car or something like that. It’s more than just about the cars of the future. Really it’s about life 50 years from now. Projected by scientists and theorists who feel they are on the current cutting edge of technology and such sciences.

A good portion of the show was both fascinating and scary. It relates to the post below actually. The vision the makers of this show have of the future is a very, very “connected” future. Every aspect of life is interconnected to the others via a centralized network. Everything is known about everyone. The idea is that this makes life much safer, better, but… really? I think not. Maybe that helped me want to “disconnect” (see the previous entry).

Cars that automatically correct errors of human drivers, clothes that report your vitals to doctors every three minutes or so, cameras and GPS systems tracking everyone everywhere. Yikes.

Scariness aside, one segment that caught my attention was the part about robots. The documentary makers made no excuses in saying that robots are not ready for everyday use just yet. They are really hard to make work. There has been great progress, but it has been very slow-going, and very difficult. The interesting part to me was when they were trying to just get a humanoid robot to walk, the creators said, “It’s incredible how sophisticated the human body is, even just the balance it takes to take a step.”

How incredible we are! All these brilliant minds have spent years trying to make a machine that can do what a two year old can do! Amazing. It was fun to watch. I don’t doubt that we will progress and make something that can mimic human life more and more… but God has already done that! Holy cow. He’s just amazing, and I am blown away right now at his design, creativity, and his handiwork in general.

To think that there is no Designer, seems to me you are either just not seeing what I am seeing, or denying it, or maybe just stubborn. And I’m just talking about the intricacies of the human body and how it all works together. I don’t know the complete process of how we came into being, but I have no doubt just from what I have observed that we have quite intricately & skillfully been designed.

I’m not trying to start any arguments here, but as always comments/thoughts are welcome. It was just another moment today when I thought, “How can anyone think this is a sequence of events begun by random chance?” I think some might credit a universal “Life Force” rather than a being (God), but it seems the prevailing scientific thought precludes the possibility of a Designer… and that just seems so crazy to me.

I love that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are just amazing.

Springtime in Palmyra

Spring In Palmyra
I took some more photos earlier this week of the “greening” of our town. Actually, as you can see above… they were more of the redding, pinking, yellowing, and whiting variety. Maybe even some purpling. 🙂 Tons of flowering and budding going on around here, and I captured some of it on a walk with two of the kiddos.

(Click the photo above to see the photo album at Facebook) 🙂


It’s been really warm here the past week or so. Today promises to be a bit nicer (at least, by my standards) with a high around 62ºF. Mostly I don’t like spring – probably least of all four seasons – because it means the hot weather is coming, and usually with melting snow and even more rain, it’s just a muddy mess.

But today, as I was out for a quick morning walk, I was looking around at all the new growth – the “greening” of our town again – and I just thought it was cool. The new life is a very cool thing about spring.

See? You can find a “silver lining” just about anywhere… 😉

Which Way Did They Go?

One of the stranger things from our three days here at the hospital has been watching the migration of the Canadian geese. Thousands – definitely tens of thousands – of these cool birds (that resemble Klingon birds of prey as they descend to the water) have been flying past the big windows in the room where Emma was born.

Oddly enough, though in March geese should be flying north, it sure seemed like they were flying south. We figured they knew what they were doing… so we accepted the direction of their giant goose arrows as north, against our better judgment.

Even more oddly…

This morning when we woke up, the geese were all flying back the other direction! Ha! And, that direction was what I originally thought was north. Sweet vindication! 🙂

A nurse (who seemed equally fascinated by them) reminded us that the lake is maybe just a mile south of us, and that was their southerly destination.

It all makes sense now. And it’s still incredibly cool! Just watching SO many animals working in concert toward the same goal, same destination. Watching what God has designed into His creation is just a reminder of how beautifully simple and complex it all is. I won’t elaborate now, but there have been many reminders through the whole process of the birth of Emma at how simply mind-blowing God’s creation is, and how evident it is that he made it, and holds it all together.

Even the Klingon geese. 🙂

All Things Together

I’m writing this from 30,000 feet. We have a perfectly clear, sunny day for our return flight home. The view is majestic. It never ends. I never get tired of it. In fact, in between these sentences, I keep glancing over to make sure I don’t miss anything.

So far we have crossed three states, and the Rocky Mountains are well within view. The features below that would be so impressive when viewed from the ground are reduced to small bumps and lines.

Still pretty impressive.

The theme of the week for me seems to have been how everything works together. All that God has made is impressive enough on its own merit, but then when you consider how it all works together, all the more astounding.

I am seeing some of that from this 6-mile-high vantage point. The mountains very noticeably channel water from their tops to the surrounding area at the bottom. You can see “veins” where the water travels. On the more desert regions, the “arms” of the tributaries spread far out into the flat areas below the mountains. I can’t fully put it into words, but from up here, I can just see more clearly how everything works together.

This week as we paid several visits to the Pacific coast, we just kept marveling at the waves. They just never stopped. They were beautiful, and powerful all by themselves. But to see how they were bringing in the kelp for the birds and insects to eat, as well as cleaning out other things, like old shells. And it never stops. Wave after wave after wave. Constantly renewing itself.

The birds and otters were fun to watch too. They enjoyed the surf as much as we do. They would face into a wave, then duck down under it and come up on the other side. (Presumably to get some food, as well as to avoid a serious thrashing if they stayed above the water!)

We also found out this week that Pacific Grove is called Butterfly Village, USA. (Or something like that…) Monarch butterflies winter there. The big cool orange ones. They fly down from Canada each year and spend the winter in Pacific Grove’s warmer climate. Now, the problem is, those particular butterflies can’t have any idea how to get there. They are the fourth generation of butterflies that left Pacific Grove the previous summer. The generation that travels to Pacific Grove lives 8 months, so they can make the long journey, and survive the winter. The others only live for 6 weeks. So there are 3 generations born up north that live 6 weeks, and the fourth then travels back to Pacific Grove. But how do they know where to go? The question was posed on an information board in the Monarch Habitat and simply answered, “We don’t know.” We have ideas, but we really don’t know.

Everything just seems to work together.

All week I kept thinking of the verse in Colossians that says that Jesus holds all things together. All of this makes a lot of sense when you just accept that verse at face value. An amazing Creator made all of this stuff to work together, and he continues to make it work togehter. Incredible.

We had such a great time seeing it happen right before our eyes this week. God is so amazing, and his creation is just one small testament to that.

Fall Is Here… Sorta

First Fall Foliage
A weekend ago, the weather here was just fantastic. Highs in the 60s, beautiful sunny, clear days. Amazing fall weather. But then last week we were back in the 80s!! Yuck! And today, I left the house this morning for some errands around town, and felt just fine walking in my jeans and black t-shirt. But then came the afternoon. It’s HOT again!

Today is the first full day of fall. I do see the signs. The leaves on a tree in our back yard are changing color. But it’s 79ºF. Come on. We live in upstate NY. I want 50s and 60s in late September!! 🙂

It’s coming. Maybe I’ll take some more fall photos and post here in the weeks to come…

Made It

Perseid Meteor Shower
Well, I made it. After finishing my book, then writing about it a bit here… I did another fun project, and then watched the movie World’s Fastest Indian. Good movie.

Well, all of that took me up to about 4:30am. PERFECT for catching a sky full of meteors! 🙂

I only saw maybe 6 or 7, but they were pretty cool. Unfortunately, there was a bit of cloud cover. But when there were holes, I saw some meteors! And, I did get a nice view of Mars, too.

Well, I suppose I should head to bed now… 🙂

By George, You May Be Right!

Black Holes
Tonight as I listened to a podcast about black holes and the research some folks are doing surrounding the somewhat theoretical existence of such things, I thought, “What if we get to heaven and the guys who work so hard to figure out how stuff got started actually turn out to be more right than wrong? That’d surprise AIG a bit…”

I am certain that once things are no longer seen “through a glass dimly“, many will be shocked at how things really are. Including me. And I really think it would be neat to find out that God in fact did somehow create these super enormous galaxies with black holes inside of them to somehow balance all that needed balancing in them.

And, regarding the billions of years… what if somehow God did take that long… but somehow also did it in a day? The Bible does reference God being unhindered by time (1000 years is like a day is like 1000 years). It’s entirely possible that it is both things simultaneously. I still contend that we just can’t know.

But I do love to see all the stuff we do figure out, or at least… sort of figure out. If you’d care to read the article, click the photo above. Pretty cool stuff. (The piranha thing is a bit strange, though…)

I Love The Sky!

Full Moon over Palmyra
I am simply captivated by the sky. I always have been. I love looking at the night sky the most, I’d say… but really anything that happens in the vast expanse is just mesmerizing to me. Various cloud formations, beautiful colors at sunset (not too many sunrises in the ol’ memory banks…), and I do especially love the slightly transparent looking moon in the bright blue daytime sky.

Over the past couple weeks there have been some stunning sky-scapes. From the aforementioned dazzling sunsets, featuring a darkening blue sky splashed with orange and pink and purple fades that I would have a hard time duplicating in Photoshop, to some just astounding sun rays. When you have a clear sky except for one fantastically puffy, white cloud… which floats directly in front of the sun… and it’s a hazy, humid day… you can get some phenomenal sun rays blasting out from every side of that cloud!

Beautiful Rainbow!
We also saw that rainbow! After a late evening shower, the sun came out again in full force and as the rain passed to the east, the sun setting in the west dazzled all around with a full rainbow that was as vibrant as any I have ever seen. The contrast against the dark blue/gray sky was incredible. I literally was transfixed upon it for the entire 25 minute highway trip home. It was probably a bit dangerous… I couldn’t take my eyes off of it!

Then tonight, I took a bag of trash outside and happened to see the nearly full moon. (It’s full tomorrow.) Spectacular! Super clear night… the moon was lighting up everything! I decided to try and snap a couple photos, and the above as well as the two below were the best of the bunch! It’s pretty hard to get a good clear photo of the moon, I guess!!! I tried various shutter speeds, and the auto modes on the camera… finally got the best photo (I think) when I stood under the street light! Ha! Must have balanced the brightness of the moon somehow.

Well, I don’t usually post so many photos, but… had to share these. Hope you enjoy them. Photos can not capture the grandeur of the real thing though.

I do love the sky. 🙂

Beautiful Rainbow!
Full Moon over Palmyra
Full Moon over Palmyra

There’s a Dead Skunk In the Middle of the Road…

Skunk: R.I.P.“Stinkin’ to high heaven!”

When I was a young lad, my family lived in the country. Due to our secluded location, we traversed many a wilderness road. Due to these wilderness roads, we would often see, or just smell the remains of a cute little black and white skunk. And, frequently the refrain of that little ditty would joyfully leave our lips:

There’s a dead skunk,
In the middle of the road
Stinkinnnnn to hiiiiiigh heaven!

Thing is, until tonight (unless my memory fails me) I have never been the skunk’s murderer. 🙂

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as we climbed the hill on a two-lane country road, with a vehicle approaching in the on-coming lane, a tiny creature slowly scurried across the road on a seemingly perfect path for my left front tire. He missed the car in the opposing lane, but as I had originally predicted, perfectly timed his visit to our left front tire.

Within 5 seconds I was rolling up my window, and hoping the smell wouldn’t get any worse.

Now, where were those tomatoes…

So, our van stinks. Our driveway stinks. It even stinks a bit inside our house. And, maybe my clothes even stink? 🙂

And there’s a dead skunk, in the middle of the road… 🙂
