Mardi Gras

Did you know that today is Fat Tuesday? I always thought that was a rather amusing name for a holiday… 🙂

Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or where I used to live they call it Carnival… whatever you call it, it is the one day of decadence before you fast for Lent. During Lent, you give up some worldly pleasure that the other 325 days of the year you are a bit more free to indulge in. So, in bachelor party style, you “live it up” the day prior to such a holy, self-depriving pilgrimmage.

It makes me laugh, the thought of such revelry being acceptable, since “Tomorrow, we fast! We will beat our bodies and spirits into submission to the Holiness of God!” We are such funny creatures.

The biggest of these celebrations of the pleasures of life in our country happens in New Orleans. (N’awrlins… not NEW Orleens) But I found out today there are similar celebrations all along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. When they mentioned one in Mobile, AL, I chuckled, thinking of our friend who is a Methodist pastor in that area. I wondered in jest if he was heading out to the parades and the drunken festivities…

Then it hit me.

Why am I still such a line-drawer? I personally would not join in such festivities because I know that none of that is good for me… but I think I was going a tad too far and drawing lines, erecting fences between me – who does it right – and them – the spiritual weaklings who are lost in the darkeness of their own worldly gluttony.

Would Jesus be at those parades? The sinless One? If somehow there were some festivity where everyone was indulging wildly in the pleasures of life, would he be there? Or would he quietly avoid that and then rejoin everyone afterwards?

Careful now… this may be a bit radical for you…

I think he would be. I think we see Jesus hanging out with the seedy crowd. Not in church, mind you… after they have cleaned up from all their filth. No, he went to their houses. He went to their parties. His first recorded “miracle” was at a wedding – HE MADE WINE! (And good wine, at that…) 🙂

Jesus said, “For John the Baptist didn’t drink wine and he often fasted, and you say, `He’s demon possessed.’ And I, the Son of Man, feast and drink, and you say, `He’s a glutton and a drunkard, and a friend of the worst sort of sinners!’ But wisdom is shown to be right by what results from it.” (Matthew 11:18-19)

Neither of those guys were fully what they were accused of, but I think it can be inferred that Jesus was comfortable hanging out at a party where alcohol was served. 🙂

So would he be at the Mardi Gras celebration? I don’t really have an answer. But I know my thinking was challenged once again today. I don’t think Jesus had an “off-limits” sign posted on any one, or any place. He was not offended by our sin (as I spoke of in the last blog). He was not wishy-washy, either. He spoke plainly about choices in life that will ruin us and those around us. But while he condemned sin, he never condemned or even avoided the sinner.

So, more lines continue to fall in my mind. Perhaps that will translate to my steps, and perhaps my feet will continue to fall more in the path of my Master. I am so glad he leads the Way. He IS the Way.

Help, or Harassment? Freedom, or Indifference?

I have been trying to process some thoughts all day. Thought I would air them out here, and see if I can figure something out that way.

I have mentioned before that I have a friend who has been raked through the coals for a few poor decisions he made (that he admits), and even more so for several that were labeled poor by his accusers, but are definitely in more of a gray area. Well, he is still dealing with fall-out from a series of clashes with his immediate family-of-God regarding all of that, and, so am I.

You see, I am confused. I thought I figured out another piece this morning. I was just thinking about the whole idea again of excommunication, and how silly that is – giving a brother or sister the “cold shoulder” until they right their ship and do things the way you see fit. I am not sure that is what Paul meant when he said “hand them over to Satan”. (Though that phrase is definitely strange…) I don’t see Jesus treating anyone that way.

And then I realized, I think I am treating his accusers that way. (At least the organization of accusers, if not the individuals.) I am still just baffled at what they call love… it makes no sense to me how they can not see it my way – and for a while, I have not had much contact at all with them. They hurt my friend. They are acting stupid (according to my standards…) and so… I don’t want anything to do with them.

Isn’t that what I am accusing them of doing?

Jesus was so amazing. How did he sit with the people that everyone knew were sinners, and the people he knew were even more messed up – the self-righteous – at the same time? Remember??? He ate at the tax collectors’ houses. Bad PR move. He was also sitting at a table of Pharisees – having a meal with them, like good buddies – when a prostitute came and showered his feet with expensive perfume. At every time, in every place. Jesus was always comfortable, and treated everyone the same.

The part I think I understood today was that we really need to let people make their own choices. I think it is our responsibility to encourage each other, and admonish and teach… but it stops there. We can’t call, or IM, or e-mail or even worse, ignore or look away, until the object of our wrath turns from their evil ways. Even if he knew someone was in a destructive pattern of behavior, Jesus did not try to fix everyone.

Some have given me the example of the woman caught in adultery and brought to Jesus as a way of saying Jesus was tough on sinners. Even in his grace, he made sure to command a sinless life from here on out. Yes, he told her, “Go, and sin no more.” But did he check up on her? Did he require that she assign herself to a more spiritual accountability partner? And what about the guy we call the rich young ruler? He came to Jesus desperately seeking the truth. Jesus knew he was on the wrong path – trying to earn it for himself – and he let him stay there! He didn’t say, “Alright… just kidding about that ‘sell all your stuff and give it to the poor’ business… come on back here, we’ll straighten you out.” (A standard, by the way, that no one else was ever held to by God… including you and me!) His timetable is just not the same as ours. We work so hard to fix people’s issues right now… and he doesn’t.

I think perhaps “hand them over to Satan”, and “treat them like a tax collector” (from 1 Corinthians) means to let them make their choices. Even if you don’t agree with someone, let them reach the end of their own decisions and trust their Father to be with them, and to help them. Trust Holy Spirit to convict and bring new life. Isn’t that right?

We have such a hard time doing that. Letting people hurt themselves. How irresponsible to just let God deal with them.

My question was, if we hound someone until they surrender and see it our way, is that help – or harassment? OR, if we do the opposite, and just let everyone go their own way, and let God do the disciplining (which I think is right) is that freedom as God intended – or just plain indifference?

I have certainly not come to the end of this. I have no idea. As it stands, I will stick with grace. It is not my position to judge someone for their poor choices, or enact some sort of punishment – including, but not limited to banishment from my presence, or my friendship. I can find no examples of Jesus doing that. He just lived life with his Father, and shared His love with all whom he met. All. No favoritism. No selection process. Jesus was a friend to all. Friends and enemies.

That is where I want to be. Now, how do I get there?

It Is Done

Well, I did it. I actually did it!

Last night, I clicked Finish Submission, and it was done. I got the happy little e-mail saying “Thanks!”, and it was done.

In 6 weeks or so, I should have the first copies in my hand.

A Journey Shared is now a reality! The book I mentioned a few posts back… is actually at the publisher, being formatted as I type! Whoopee!!!

It’s kinda hard to believe, but it’s true.

From theory to reality all in one week? Sometimes that is how I do things. Just ask Jen. 🙂

Well, they had a promotion going on where I could get 30 free books if the manuscript was submitted by last night. I was close, so I tried… and I did it! That means that with sales of those free books (100% profit), it will help offset the cost of publishing set-up. The rest of the books will be available through and Barnes & and such. (Also here at this website)

This is just too fun! Got my book writing juices going. We have one other work in progress, no, two… and one other one in the concept stage. And thanks to a comment below, perhaps a fourth one in the concept stage. 🙂 So there is plenty of material… but for now, we’ll focus on the first one…

A Journey Shared

A Journey Shared

The Etymology Of The Word "Hiccough"

In response to a request for the origin of the word “hiccough”… here’s one thing I found. I found it on the internet, so take it for what it’s worth. Do some more research before you accept it as completely true. 🙂

Take Our Word For It

Page two, Words to the Wise:

“From Lee Daniel Quinn:

I’ve been deprived all my life.  When I get hiccups, all I do is ‘hic’!  Are there some people who actually ‘hiccup’?  Or perhaps, as in the case of ‘throw up’, it means to ‘hic’ up?

That’s a good guess!  However, if we take a look at the word’s earlier forms, we find hickock and then hicket.  These suggest a derivation from French hoquet, which is a diminutive form of of the sound made when one hiccups.  So a hiccup is, etymologically, a ‘little hic’ (the hic being imitative of the sound made when one hiccups)!  The earliest English form (1544) evolved into the current English form in this fashion: hicket, hickot, hickock, hickop, hiccup, hiccough.   

Note that hiccough is the last in the series.  It was invented, erroneously, because someone apparently thought that cough should be part of a hiccup!

The hoquet form survives as the musical term hocket.  This is where members of a group of musicians take turns in playing the notes of a melody.  Unless this is performed with great skill it sounds like a series of hiccups.”

And one more, from


1580, hickop, earlier hicket, hyckock, considered imitative of the sound of hiccupping (cf. Fr. hoquet, Dan. hikke, etc.); modern spelling first recorded 1788; hiccough (1626) is by mistaken association with cough. Replaced O.E. ælfsogoða, so called because hiccups were thought to be caused by elves.

Interesting… 🙂


Do you remember reading books as a kid, and wondering what in the world the word “hiccoughs” was? I do! I thought, “What is a hicCOUGH? I know hicCUPS… not hicCOUGHs.”

Well, however you spell it, I have an interesting ability.

First, a brief background. My Dad is the king of the hiccup (we’ll go with that spelling for now…) The rest of our family always thought he would probably die someday from a hiccup. That’s how bad ONE of his hiccups is.

So, occasionally, when I get the hiccups, I have a version somewhat like my Dad’s, though not nearly as violent. Well, tonight I have had them TWICE. That a lot for me. And, let me tell you… they are QUITE annoying! 🙂 (Not to mention slightly painful.)

Well, Jen does not believe that I can do this, but I am pretty sure I can “will” the hiccups away. Really! I think I do. When I have the hiccups and I don’t do anything to get rid of them, the persist. BUT, if I just stop what I am doing, and sometimes hold the sides of my head with my hands, and take very long, slow, determined breaths, while focusing my mind on the midsection of my body – relaxing, and controlling my muscles there… they stop! Within 10 seconds… they are completely gone.

You all probably think I am a complete wacko now, but… it’s the truth, and I thought I would share my very odd ability with the world.

Hiccoughs, be gone!


The Mac Mini

You heard it here, as soon as it was made public… the new Apple computer that fits in the palms of your hands, and weighs a ridiculous 2 pounds… is creating quite a buzz. Lots of talk amongst computer folk on the internet about this little power-packed ‘puter. (As Alex likes to refer to them… why add that extra syllable??) 🙂

I was talking with my sister last night about getting one. They have a GateWay? PC that just won’t do anything for them. Has had a lot of issues since they purchased it. SO, they have a nice monitor, and keyboard and mouse… I said, just get a Mini. I think they’re going to check it out. Once they do, I think they’ll see how much they are getting for their money. It’s way more than just a competitive price… it’s An APPLE. No viruses. No spyware. Superior software. SO easy to use. Operating system that never crashes.

Need I say more?

Well, one quote for today, from This is how they describe the Mac Mini…

“As we’ve said before, to really understand the Mac mini, think of it as a $499 software and operating system bundle that is unprecedented in personal computing history that also comes with a free Macintosh computer.”

Read the whole article at

Find your nearest Apple Store

Books, anyone?

I mentioned in the previous blog that I am thinking of writing a book on a simliar subject to Max Lucado’s It’s Not About Me book. I will let you know how work progresses on that book, I had a pretty significant idea for layout of the book today, which is the first step toward actually writing it. 🙂 Progress reports will most likely be posted here…

But… I have another book in mind, as well…

Would you buy a book of my best blogs? It was suggested to me that I should collect my blogs – just the better ones, the ones that apply to everyone, like, probably not all my complaining (or raving!) about the Buffalo Bills… If I was to compile 40 or so and put them in paperback book form and sell for between $9.99 and $12.99… would you buy it? You would get, (1) a book, instead of a computer screen, (2) an organized by topic collection of writings, (3) an edited (perhaps expanded) version of random & wandering thoughts from greg’s head (4) something to give to non-tech-savvy friends and family? My thinking is I will somehow publish a short run of books and then offer them through this blog page, and on

Would that interest you? Is that just silly?

Comments are welcome.

Stay tuned…

It’s Not About Me

New book on the shelf (from our amazing Library system… any book I want.. FOR FREE! Amazing!)

It’s Not About Me – by Max Lucado

Read the first couple chapters this morning. He is a great writer. Simple, engaging, says things in a way that makes you want to think about them more.

I think he’s right. 🙂 In fact, when we saw this book, Jen & I looked at each other astonished because for a few years now, I have been discovering this truth at the heart of many life issues and have said I hope to write a book about it someday. Even by that title!!!

Max beat me to it! 🙂

So, not to fear, I have another title in mind, and actually my book is slightly different. Max seems to be heading in the primary direction of that phrase… it’s not about me, it’s all about HIM. The first part of the Greatest Commandment, as it is called, is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.” And there are many other scriptures that along with our very inner being proclaim the supremacy of God – he is all in all. Life is definitely all about Him.

But, the other part of that commandment is more my focus in that. So often our me-ness messes up life. First it should be about him, not us. THEN, Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” After God, our attention should rest of the others around us. NOT on us. See, there are lots of other scriptures that let us in on this secret…

Are you ready?

God loves you.

How about that? The all-powerful creator of the universe King… he loves you. So much that he would risk his life for you. Wait, he DID… and he lost it… for you. In romans, it says, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”, and those words should echo through your life as a foundation for everything we do… our every action and reaction in life.

I don’t have to worry about me, because God has my back. Completely. So, my focus can be on knowing him first, and THEN on loving everyone he puts around me. Not worrying about my own life (because He does), but having genuine concern and compassion and yes, even… JOY from serving other people around me. Letting them go first in line, and not demanding my rights or needing to speak my mind. Giving my last (insert your favorite thing here) to the person next to me instead of sneaking in the other room to make sure that I get it, and NOT them… Holding a door open for someone, shoveling mountains of snow of the sidewalk, even if you don’t plan to use it.

There are so many ways to put other people first. It’s a key to God’s kingdom. Life would be better if we would. So, let’s.

And I’ll keep you updated on the Lucado view on the subject… 🙂

A Winning Attitude?

I mentioned in previous NFL postings that I have a really hard time rooting for any player or especially a whole team who just exudes arrogance. But it seems that two of the most arrogant teams in the NFL made it to the Big Dance. (That’s the Super Bowl, for those less versed in NFL colloquialism…)

So, do you need to have such an attitude to have an edge in pro sports? Can you succeed at such a level if you are not just out for yourself… stuck on your abilities… or just a big jerk? 🙂 (Sorry, had to get that one in there…)

I am not refering to the fun of celebrating a touchdown, or a take away, or just an all-around good play. There is not a thing wrong with celebration. BUT, the attitude that comes through can still just be a humble, fun, exuberance rather than a superior, arrogant, condescending, mean-spirited, taunting word or look or gesture made toward the opponent.

I don’t really have an answer. We watched Spy Kids 2 last night with the boys and at the end, young Juni Cortez wants out of the spy biz cause he has “seen what it takes to be the best”, and he wants no part of that. Selfish ambition and vain conceit. We are told to avoid these things and consider others better than ourselves.

I don’t see a lot of that going on with the two remaining NFL teams.

So, believe it or not, I – football fanimus maximus – am not going to watch the Super Bowl. I wish both teams could lose. I just can not celebrate a victory by either team.

I welcome your comments on this… what do you think? Is that just part of the package? Can you win, can you succeed at such a high level without some bit of selfish ambition or vain conceit? Are the “just having fun?”

You watch the game, and let me know what you think.

I’ll be playing Wheel Of Fortune on Jen’s new computer…

I Call You Friends

I was listening to one of our many Wayne Jacobsen audio MP3s today… and he was talking about how in his many travels and speaking engagements, he loves to spend time with the folks there before he gets up to speak. The conversations are always open and genuine and great. Then he is introduced as the speaker, and there are gasps of, “THAT’S who that WAS?!?” and the embarrased attendee will approach him afterward with apologies for not knowing WHO he was.

In fact, they were more right when they didn’t think they knew.

He made the comparison then that I was already making in my head (which is probably what he wanted me to be doing…) That is like Jesus. Jesus is God. But he was also a man, and as a man, he got to spend face-to-face time with the ones he created and loves – without them cowering in fear of the Holy and Awesome God.

How funny is that?! The disciples were hanging out with God… and still found time to bicker, to doubt, and even to have fun and laugh… there was no fear… there was “equal” relationship.

It seems that is what God is longing for. To return to Eden. Where he had an open and amazing relationship with the ones he created. Jesus made that possible again. As a man, without people knowing (really knowing) who he was… he was able to have genunine relationship with everyone.

Have you noticed that since we have figured out that Jesus was God, we have re-deified him? We have created a religion to surround him and separate him from us? We paint halos on him. We have put him back in his “proper” place… as God.

Granted, Jesus is to be worshipped as God. He is God. But I think we see that he also wanted to eat and drink with friends at weddings. He also wanted to hang out with the low-lifes in society. He just wants relationship with us. When we didn’t know who he was, that was even more possible.

If we really knew who he was, it would be better still.

God is so much more accessible than we let ourselves believe. He is not put off by our sin. We are not untouchable. (Look at all the “untouchables” whom Jesus physically touched while he was here) We are the object of his affection, the reason he put on skin and died.

It’s time to remember, rather than subjects in his Kingdom, or slaves who call him Master… he calls us friends.