Speaking of madness…
Perhaps my life at the moment could be described as madness. Although, I must admit, just the fact that I am sitting here blogging is a good sign that there has been a slight reprieve in the constant happenings.
It all started … well, it all started quite some time ago, but for my purposes right now… it all started last Saturday morning at 5:35am. You most likely read how I awoke very early that Saturday morning to a spouse-less bed, and shortly thereafter, a rest-less spouse. She was ready to go, and so my adventure began.
Jen had packed well for the trip to the hospital, so it only took me ten minutes or so to wake myself up, and get the things we needed. I called our neighbor, and he came to stay with our kids while we hit the road. All of that went very well – way better than other times. It felt like one thing led to another led to another led to a baby. In the past, there have been times of waiting, or even “down times”. Not this time! It’s all a blur from the time I woke up s to the time the baby was born and beyond.
Another interesting thing we noticed later was the visitors. This was our first morning baby. All the others were born at least in the evening, if not the night time. So, after they were born, Jen was allowed to rest, and then we received visitors. But this time, because she was born at 8:23am on a Saturday, we had plenty of visitors, only hours after she was born! π Now don’t get me wrong, we loved it. In every way. But at the end of that day, we looked back on everything, and it was easy to see why we were more tired than usual.
Well, so far that hasn’t really stopped. π
Just like each time we have a baby, I plan for months in advance to take some time off to take over the household responsiblities while Jen recovers. With Alex, I took a week off. With Kirstie, and now Julia, I have taken two weeks. I won’t be back in my office until Monday, March 27th. I am loving it so far, but I really understand very well now why Jen has a hard time getting ANYTHING else done during the day!!!! Three kids can be very demanding of your time. π
I’ve been cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, doing dishes, changing diapers, changing bed sheets, reading, playing, running errands, driving to piano lessons, hosting friends and family, and all sorts of great things over the past 3 days so far. It really has been wonderful. But it’s not stop. From 9:30am (when the kids get up) till about 10:30pm… there is constant activity. Today, I had to put a stop to that for 45 min, so I had the boys lay down on their beds. There was a bit more craziness than usual, so I thought the break to be necessary. It was. Alex slept for a long nap, and Ian I think got some rest that helped him. And, I got a break. Long enough to take a shower and get a few other things done.
So, from about 9-9:30am, and 10:30 or 11:00pm till ???, I get things done that I need to do with no kids to direct. Last night I paid the bills, and other things financial. I usually finish cleaning the kitchen, fold laundry, and other various things. I also check emails at this point, and answer them if able. Then, since it’s late enough by then for a midnight snack, I usually grab something while I watch a video from iTunes or DVD or something.
My days are long. But, you’ve heard this already.
I just wanted to officially commend Mom’s again. Mom’s rock. Especially moms who can take care of, and direct activities for 3 small children ALL DAY LONG and STILL get other stuff done somehow – all while feeling well rested.
Those moms rock.
And in honor of moms everywhere… I leave you with a special gift from a fellow Mr. Mom. A music video… starring another Mr….
Mr. T.