Related Posts Plug-In

You may have noticed the new look around here. is now a WordPress blog, and is sporting a new customized template, and a couple neat, new plug-ins.

Jen and I spent probably most of an hour tonight making use of the related posts plug-in. It was so fun! We were looking up an old story about Alex (titled, “Our Son, Jake”) and then at the bottom of that post, we decided to click on one of the related posts titles.

Well, about 20 related posts later we decided it was probably time to stop. (But we already plan to do that again!!) 🙂

There are some pretty fun stories from our kiddos through the years. You can also try just browsing the Family category.

Also, another fun part of the new design is the new featured product that loads each time you load a page. Four of our CDs and all three of my books can be purchased from this website now, thanks to another plug-in.

So have some fun poking through the past six years of posts, and some of the new features of the 2010 version of And, lemme know what you think (and any suggestions you may have for more cool plug-ins!)

Stealth Mode

I am attempting to get back to my normal routine today, following about two weeks of semi-vaction. I’ve never done such a thing before (that I can recall) so I am still trying to figure out if it was good or bad. 🙂

It was good in that for two weeks I got to be with my family a lot more than I usually do. We played lots of games, read books, watched movies (especially the movie Up, which we bought from iTunes for a family Christmas present!) and just enjoyed each other’s company.

It was not as good in that I don’t quite feel like I had a vacation.

There were only a few days where I worked blocks of hours. Mostly I would just fit in answering emails or phone calls, and perhaps work a few hours after all were in bed. And, there were also a couple days completely free of any work (like Christmas and New Year’s Day … it’s a fun time of year!)

So instead of vacation, I dubbed the past two weeks “stealth mode.” Was I on vacation, or wasn’t I? Was I available to my clients, or wasn’t I?

Overall, it worked. I do feel more ready for to tackle the large workload ahead. Of course, that will also be much easier once I have all my files back on a working computer.

Ahhh, the joys of life with computers. 🙂

On a totally unrelated note, I wrote this post using a fun application called OMMWriter (Mac only). It’s pretty neat. Creates a full-screen writing environment, completel with ambient sounds (of your choosing) and tools that only appear when needed. Pretty neat.

Alright. Time to decloak. No more stealth mode. Game on.

Recommendation: Up by Pixar

A week or two ago we all watched the Pixar movie, “Up” together as a family. It was fun to see how it kept nearly everyone’s attention throughout, with lots of fun moments sprinkled through an emotionally touching story.

I don’t use those words lightly!

When it was over, Kirstie (our 5 year old) and Julia (our 3 year old) were both crying! A lot! (Note: the funny thing was, there were some sad story lines throughout the movie, but it does end up on a relatively happy note…) Now, it could be that they were tired, too, but they were definitely affected by this story!

Pixar continues to amaze me. In an era when we really don’t want our kids to watch any movies or TV shows because of the messages they convey—directly or indirectly—Pixar makes movies that are not only “OK” to watch, they are actually helpful!

I don’t want to give away the story line, so I’ll just say that “Up” is another endearing story with many teachable moments, and just plain FUN! Many hilarious, laugh-out-loud moments. (I mean that literally, not the “texting” version of that phrase…) I don’t think I could recommend a movie more.

AND, for those of you who still have room to buy stuff for Christmas (or still need to buy stuff for Christmas…) you can click on the DVD cover in this post and click over to the digital version from Amazon and get it delivered in time for Christmas. (I don’t know if they can still get the DVD there on time…) Or, there’s always iTunes


(PS… for the adults… we also highly recommend Star Trek! Another fine movie from 2009!)

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Snow!We have been getting snow the last few days here, and last night it finally turned into “real” snow! (The kind that comes down in big, fluffy flakes and starts piling up on everything quickly!) And it looks like there’s more where that came from!

I love snow! It just makes me smile, and even fairly giddy! 🙂 Not sure how it does that for me, since most folks my age seem to have lost the excitement and joy that slow-falling snow can bring. But somehow, it does! And it’s so fun to see the kids bubbly with excitement, too, as they stand at the door taking in the wonder of the new-fallen snow. So fun!

Not sure if we’ll have a “white Christmas”, but the current weather certainly helps it feel more like Christmas time! Time to play some Christmas music… 🙂

Suggested Reading: Between Two Kingdoms

Joe Boyd is a friend of ours from college, and today he announced that his book, Between Two Kingdoms is available for pre-order, and I thought I might spread the word for him here at as well. Joe is currently employed as a teaching pastor at the Vineyard church in Cincinnati. But he also produces movies, and is an actor, and now a published author. (Also, he was the one who inspired this website! I thought I had that written somewhere, but all I found was this.) 🙂

Joe is, under all of that, a great lover and teller of stories. So I’m sure his written story will be more of the same! Click the book to the right to pre-order a copy of his book at, and while you’re at it, click his name at the top of this post to visit his blog and subscribe to his RSS feed, too. 🙂

[NOTE: If you’re reading this on Facebook, rather than on, click here to get his book at]

Beauty Will Rise – Steven Curtis Chapman

As with pretty much every release of his, we purchased Steven Curtis Chapman‘s latest album, Beauty Will Rise, the day that it was first available to do so. We love his music, so there was no question we would purchase it at some point, but this project was different.

On May 21st, 2008, the Chapmans lost their then 5-year-old daughter, Maria in an accident on their own property. Horribly sad event, compounded by the fact that her brother was driving the car that took her life. (I wrote about it here the day after it happened.) An unthinkable series of events that obviously changed their lives forever.

Now a year and a half later, the title song of this collection says it all: Beauty will rise. (From Isaiah 61:3.)

From his blog, and his Facebook fan page, Steven has been sharing a lot of the backstory of the songs and the album. The songs (as always) do a good job of telling the story themselves.

Even if you have never experienced a similar tragedy, I am almost certain that everyone has wondered “where were you God?” on an occasion or two… or more. These songs are real, “raw” (is what Steven called them), honest … and incredibly hopeful. I think every comment or review I’ve seen has mentioned tears flowing when listening to the songs for the first time. It’s hard not to, yet somehow, they are hopeful tears.

I think that is what God does best. He is with us through the hardest stuff. And somehow brings greatness—beauty—from the ruin—the ashes.

He knows the way to wherever you are,
He knows the way to the depths of your heart.
He knows the way ’cause he’s already been where you’re going.
Jesus will meet you there.

I really like the third line of that chorus (from the song Jesus Will Meet You There) because it reminds me of the bigger picture perspective. No matter what happens, we will continue to move forward, and Jesus knows where we’re going. And he’ll bring and meet us there.

Nothing will bring back their daughter, but they have the hope that one day they will see her again. (Another great song from the album, “See”.) Meanwhile, they know Jesus is going with them through the loss—which Steven likened to an amputation, and coping with that, adjusting to that as being how they are “healing”.

If you have $10 or so… my opinion is, it couldn’t be more well spent.

Vote For Alex!

Family Fantasy SportsI received an email today, addressed to our son Alex, from the owner of the fantasy football site that is hosting our family league this season. Apparently, he has been chosen as one of 20 finalists for “Best Team Name”! How fun!

His team is The Determinators. If you go to this link, you can select his team name from the list and click submit. Right now he’s in second place (it’s early, but apparently other people besides his family are voting for him) 😉

The top five vote-getters will receive an NFL mini-helmet of their choice. (He’d love that!) And, it’s just fun.

Oh, I neglected to mention… not only does he apparently have the coolest team name in our league of eight teams… he’s also leading it, and currently undefeated!!!. (But, he’s playing my team this week, so… better watch out!) 🙂

So, if you have a moment, please click the link and vote for Alex. Thanks!

Bulletin: Nintendo Wii Now Sporting Lower Price

Wii now sporting lower priceI got a marketing email from today that I decided to pass along here on my blog. I have a long list of things in every area of life at the moment, which has prevented me from sharing thoughts and stories here that I really want to share, but this figures to be pretty short, so…

Apparently, the price of the Wii video game system has been lowered from $249 to $199. That’s neat. Our boys are saving up their paper route money to buy a Wii … they will be very glad to hear this news! 🙂 I clicked the link in the email to see the price for myself, and it’s true… and the cool part about Amazon is, you can get the same item from third-party sellers (new and used) usually for even less. I believe I saw a low price of $144.

So if you’ve always wanted a Wii but never got around to it… perhaps now is a good time? I guess they’re gearing up for the holiday season already!

If you want to check it out, just click this page at

(AND… full disclosure… because I am an Amazon affiliate… a small commission will be credited to with your purchase! Win win. Love those.) Sells Music

CD Baby StatsI know that might sound funny, if you know anything about“Of COURSE they sell music… that’s what they DO!!”

But, my point is: They really do.

I was on their site today checking up on our account with them and not only is their site just magnificent in its usability (and now it’s design, too!) I was also able to see very easily what we have sold, what’s in stock, and THAT we have sold more music via CDBaby (and their digital distribution of our music) maybe even than through our own website!

Check out the stats in that graphic… $111 Million sent to artists (that wasn’t all to us…) 😉 That’s pretty cool. And their service is pretty top-notch still, considering the number of artists they are helping now. They really do good work.

So if you are an artist, definitely check them out. Very worth every penny you spend (and it’s really not many pennies!) If you just like music, check it out, too. Lots of great stuff on their site. We found a band we really like there, the Stewart-Mayfield Project. Tons and tons more.

You can also find our music there!

So give it a try. That’s your friendly recommendation for the week from GregsHead.


[Song For The Day] Come As You Are

Come As You Are
Come As You Are

Purchase @ iTunes
Song (at Amazon) | Album

Come As You Are
Today’s song – the final song in this 7-day celebration of the 7-year anniversary of the album – is the title track, Come As You Are. If you have been following along all week, you may see the reason we chose this song as the title song for the album. Most of the 13 tracks on it remind us of God’s unending grace and love for us. How he invites us to Come As (we) Are, not who we will be. It’s truly the “good news” that Jesus brought, and we still live in today.

I wrote the song for both piano and guitar, but perhaps mainly piano. The song is sung from the voice of God, until the middle section where we sing back to him “I am not worthy of the cross! I am not worthy of your love!” How can we, who are so often selfish and so often just messed up … how can we be the object of his affection? But, “as dearly loved children” … we are. And the middle section resolves back to our Father singing to us, “Come as you are, I want to be – so near to your heart just call on me. I will never desert you, in my arms I will shield you from all harm… come as you are.”

LISTEN HERE (for RSS feed only) | lyrics @

With this being the 7th anniversary week of the release of Come As You Are, I am highlighting some of the songs we liked best from the album. All week I’ll post a song (via the magic of that you can listen to, and a link to purchase the song or album from iTunes or us. You don’t have to buy it… since you can just listen to the whole thing right here at … but if you don’t have the album, we have a bunch of CDs sitting in boxes that would be better off sitting in your music player of choice. 🙂