The Water Horse

I was scrolling through the new movie trailers in Front Row tonight and found a movie called “The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep” at the bottom of the list. It was rated PG, so I decided to check it out. Wondered what it might be about.

It had some impressive credits (but, don’t they all?) and cool graphics/effects. And I liked the story. Looks like I may have found a movie we can take the kids to see in the dollar theater! πŸ™‚

Click the play arrow above to view the trailer. Movie will be in theaters on September 28th. Dollar theaters probably around Christmas time. πŸ˜‰


Monk Season Four DVDAnyone out there watch the show Monk? We stumbled upon it (as I do with most TV) as a free video from iTunes maybe even a couple years ago. It’s been around for a while, but on USA, so perhaps you’ve not heard of it.

The premise is that Adrian Monk (Tony Shalhoub) is a genius detective whose attention to detail solves many crimes, but went way off the deep end when his wife died. He has an assistant who tends to his many needs from his many phobias, and a pretty funny cast for the police dept he works with. Tony Shalhoub is a pretty funny actor, and plays the part of Monk perfectly.

We just borrowed Season Four from the library, and watched it over a couple weeks. Great stuff. The show is not rough, overly violent, sexual, or just bad in general. The language is occasionally rougher than your TV from the 80s (what we usually watch) but it’s infrequently so, and overall very clever writing.. just a fun show.

The best part is, I have noticed probably another reason I like the show. Maybe Jen, too. I am a bit like Monk! πŸ™‚ The character is exaggerated, but I really do need things to be in their place before I can relax. Monk will enter a room and can’t do anything else until he straightens things on desks, window blinds, etc. Before we sit down to watch the show, I must put everything back in its place in the room. πŸ™‚

Pretty funny.

I don’t think I’m neurotic, but I definitely do have those tendencies. Just, in small doses.

So, if you’ve never checked it out, put it in your Netflix queue, or check your local library. Good stuff.

Iwo Jima

Flags of our FathersOver the past couple weeks I have watched two WWII movies at the recommendation of a friend (or, kind of two… Amy wrote about it on her blog loooong ago, but Marie is the friend I was referring to…). She asked if we had seen Letters from Iwo Jima, to which I replied, “No, what’s it about?” She explained that it was sort of a companion to Flags of Our Fathers (which reminded me of Amy’s post, about her friends being in the movie…) and from Marie’s description, it sounded like they were both worth the watch.

I started with Flags since it was the first one made. It was a good movie. Interesting story angle. The focus was on a field medic (not sure that’s really his title… he’s the guy who goes out in the middle of a battle to treat/rescue fallen soldiers) who finds himself shipped across the country along with two other “heroes” from Iwo Jima just because he was named as one of the (now famous) flag raisers. (You know that famous statue/photo with those Marines hoisting the American flag together? Yeah, that one.)

It was interesting to think of how desperately America needed heroes. The story goes that the guys the US gov’t paraded around did not feel like heroes, or want to be heroes. But in the end, I think they were presented as that, and most people would still consider them that.

As for the story of the battle at Iwo Jima. Just nuts! Intense, insane fighting on a tiny little island off the southern coast of Japan. It was crucial to the war, and it’s capture likely helped the US finish the war not much later.

As all war movies, it was just a completely unfathomable environment. The most memorable scene was where the aforementioned medic is in the middle of the battlefield, attempting to treat an American soldier, when out of nowhere comes a Japanese soldier. He lunges at the medic with a knife, but the medic avoids him, and instead is able to use his own knife to stab the Japanese soldier. For a poignant moment, the medic looks the Japanese solider in the eye, the camera has panned out to show the wounded American soldier right next to the now dying Japanese solider. Similar wounds, but the medic is (understandably) trying to kill one, and save the other. It was a very “human” moment in the chaos.

Letters from Iwo JimaNow the interesting part of the double feature was that the second movie was about the same battle, but from the opposite perspective. Letters is the story as the Japanese saw it. It was filmed almost entirely in Japanese. I thought it was such an interesting idea (the story of an American battle told from the “enemy’s” point of view) that I was very much looking forward to watching the second part, maybe more than the first.

It did not disappoint. I thought using the letters from Japanese soliders was a great way to show the humanity of the “enemy” soldiers. I’m sure the easier thing to do in war is to demonize the enemy… and that is what both sides did. There was a cool moment in the movie where a commander of one Japanese unit decides to save and treat a wounded American soldier. His men want to “finish” the Marine, but this commander – who spent some time in America – wanted to “do what is right”. He talks to the young Marine, gets to know a little about him. Not much later, the Marine dies of his wounds. The commander found a letter on him from his mother. He reads it aloud (in Japanese… pretty good translating…) πŸ™‚ to his soldiers. The end of the letter says, “Remember to do what is right. Just because it’s right.” Another very “human” moment.

Overall I thought both movies did a good job of revealing that we are pretty much the same. Yes as different cultures we do have different priorities and slight differences, but really… we all bleed. We all die. We all fear. We all love. It was an insanely sad event in the history of our planet, but it seems like overall good came from it. Still, watching both movies, you just want to say, “Work it out, boys!”

I will never understand war. I don’t suppose any of us will. War movies and books are just fascinating to me for that reason. It’s beyond my comprehension how we can so lower the humanity of another person that we are able to kill so many. I know you probably just “do what you have to do”, but still… how crazy.

Flags and Letters were both excellent re-tellings of the events at Iwo Jima in WWII, and I do recommend you watch them. Obviously, they are graphic. So, be warned. But the storie are well told, and compelling. And especially Letters is such a fascinating experience… watching the story from the other side. Good stuff.

LifeStories: A Great Family Game

Life Stories GameWhen my parents visited this weekend, we had a little time on Saturday afternoon where we could play a board game. Projects were done, girls were napping, kitchen was cleaned up. I happened to remember the game LifeStories. The point of the game is not competition but chances for all to share stories of meaningful memories in their lives. On each turn you get a card from a certain pile that leads you to tell a specific story from your past.

I asked if we could play, and no one objected… so we did. It was great! The boys (and later Kirstie) got to hear stories from Grammy & Grandpa’s past… and Dad’s… and later Mom’s… and we even got to hear some of the stories that they have found significant in their lives so far. Pretty cool.

We broke it out awhile ago (pretty sure I posted something to the blog here about it?) for just our family to tell stories. That was definitely a fun night, so on a visit from Jen’s parents not long after that I broke out the cards from the game and we asked some questions of Grandma & Grandpa… it’s just a great way to start the telling of stories.

And really, what better way to spend time with family? πŸ™‚

We highly recommend…

Home Defense

Home DefenseOn a recent visit to our town (OK, not that recent…) my Dad recommended the product to the right for our serious ant problem. Ever since we moved to Palmyra, we’ve had a serious ant problem. Every year, without fail. When it warms up, we are inundated with ants. Big, black, nasty ants.

So my Dad says, “Try ‘Home Defense’. It works great.” I thought, “Yeah, right…” We’d tried several remedies already, but he seemed convinced – so much so, that he bought the stuff for us – and we proceeded to apply the appropriate amount to the outside of our house.

Just tonight, as I was noticing how much food we leave out sometimes, and some of it – like the pot I made sweet tea in tonight – lined with sweet stickiness, I realized that we have had almost NO ants since applying Home Defense. (I have to say “almost” because I am honest to a fault. I’d say we have seen maybe 6 total ants since applying this, and before we did, we would have seen 6 ants per three square inches per hour!!!)

So, if you have ants… I can’t recommend this product enough! And, as with the DVD I mentioned below, if you click on the image above (or the text link) and purchase it from Amazon, they will give us a commission for that sale! Stop the ants, and feed Greg’s kids. What could be better? πŸ™‚

(By the way, as always, whenever you click my amazon links, it takes you to that item’s Amazon page, but if you purchase anything on that visit to Amazon – even if I did not link you to it – Amazon will still pay me a small commission for any items you purchase! Sweet deal! There’s a link at the top of every page that takes you to a little Amazon search page where you can begin your Amazon shopping, and they’ll give us a percentage of your total. So, if you would like to help feed our kids…….) πŸ™‚ hehe.

Apple News

I have been doing so much with the Bills show, and my web business and many other things that I have not taken much time to update my Apple website lately. Today I posted a couple things to the blog on that site re: the latest Get A Mac ads (with those two guys who say, “Hello, I’m a Mac” and “Hello, I’m a PC”. Hilarious!) and also some great deals on the latest iMacs (like $1699 for the new 24″ model!!)

Actually, another reason I haven’t posted new stuff there… I’ve been out helping people set up their new Apple computers! Lots of people taking the plunge! It’s not a flawless transition process, but so far no one has ever wanted to go back!

If you’re interested, stop by the ol’ Apple website and check it out.

(I’d love to chat with you about switching to Mac, or getting a new iPod… I really do enjoy hooking people up with all the great stuff Apple offers!)

(PS… Heent… no need to comment on this post…) πŸ˜‰

Spam: The Best Time Waster

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating…


It has sucked the last hour or so of my life, trying to configure (to my liking) a new service I am trying called Spam Arrest. Check it out at my website… it’s definitely a fool-proof way to eliminate spam. Very easily configured. The part I am not liking is that it’s not easy to send email from the addresses I am protecting. I can, but it’s not easy.

The alternative is to endlessly hit the delete (or, usually in my case, the “Junk”) button. Junk, junk, junk, junk… a never-ending process to be sure.

Spam has necessitated spam filters. Spam filters get messages you don’t want to be filtered. More time wasted.

Spam has even caused me to write a blog post or two… again, spending more time. πŸ™‚

(Notice I didn’t say “wasted”. πŸ™‚ OH! For a funny Alex anecdote on “wasting time” stop by the page later today…)

Well, here’s hoping your day is not interrupted by spam, or spam remedies.

(Yeah, right!) πŸ™‚

Books & Blogs vs. Movies & TV

I haven’t ever landed on a firm position or any sort of “stance” on what I think of TV or movies or that sort of entertainment medium. I enjoy it. I don’t like current TV. Most any TV we watch is via Netflix DVDs of cool shows from the 80s and 90s. Lots of Star Trek for the wife and I. (That was awesome. Not sure I’ve ever used the phrase, but it just kind of flowed freely from my fingers there… “The wife and I”…) Movies? Jen could care less… I go in spurts, to be sure. We only see 1 or 2 in the theater per year.

Yes, he said year.

But for some reason, often times visual media (like TV and movies) and printed media (which is arguably still “visual”) are mutually exclusive for me. I’m either reading, and usually writing, or… I’m watching movies. Right now, it’s movies.

Last night I finished X-Men 2. At the recommendation of a friend who saw the third X-Men movie in the theater this year, I decided to watch the triology once the X3 movie was out on DVD. It is, so I got two from the library, and one from Netflix (the latest one) and watched the first on Monday night, the second last night, and will conclude the trilogy tonight. I like watching multi-part movies that way. I watched Lord of The Rings that way, and the Matrix. There’s definitely more apparent symmetry to the plot and everything if you watch it all at once. At least I think so…

Last week I watched Batman Begins. Saw it on the DVD shelf at the library and figured I’d give it a try. It was good. Liked seeing the “behind the scenes” look at Batman. πŸ™‚

So.. I know it’s just a matter of a limited amount of time to do stuff, but I just find it odd that I’m either all TV related media and no books/print or… vice versa. I imagine it won’t be long before I’m back to books. Problem is, I’m really quite busy juggling a BUNCH of different little things at the moment… it’s hard to really give time to anything extra like that.

Recently though, there have been a few nice books I’ve been picking up. I have been reading a book about the Spanish-American War (late 19th century) called “Turning Point For America”. Fascinating. I think history is even more fascinating as an adult because I have seen history unfold (our “current events”) and so I can relate more to the stories of what happened in the past. It really is not all that different from what is going on today, with our current “war on terror”.

In addition to that book, I have enjoyed a series with my boys called “Stories to Solve”. They’re little two or three page stories involving clever riddles or tricksters, and the writer poses the question to the reader at the end of each one… “So how did [insert amazing outcome here] happen???” The boys love it, and I love reading with them. πŸ™‚

So, the media consumption continues. As time allows I might post more thoughts one the specific shows/books as time goes on. Stay tuned for more… I’ve only just begun today….