Deposit @ Home: Electronic banking the way it should be?

While listening to an episode of MacBreak Weekly, one of their frequent tangents took them to a service offered by a bank that I hadn’t ever heard of: deposit from home.

As a self-employed web design guy, I often get payments in the form of checks. The craziest thing in the world to me is that in this electronic age, I have to wait up to four or five days after I deposit those checks to received the funds for them. Really? That’s the best you can do?

Clients also pay me via PayPal, which is cool because the funds are instantly available via PayPal’s debit card option. I appreciate that, but there are limitations and fees that make some instant access to my money, well, bothersome. Why can’t I just have my money?

Well this bank, USAA, offers a service called Deposit@Home that allows you to scan checks, submit them with your deposit via the website, and… here’s the kicker… the funds are available to you instantly! Really! Isn’t that how it should be?

Needless to say, I am intrigued. I will be looking into this bank’s services for that feature alone. Fantastic.

The Church Is The Fruit, Not The Cause

I’m catching up on listening to some old podcasts while I work today, and just thought I’d take note of (and share here) something that was “just” said on The God Journey podcast.

“You get the idea that this didn’t begin with management. It began with life. And that life expanded among a group of people. And that’s how I see it now. I think what the church is is the fruit of something, not the cause of something.”

That was from the show titled, “The Wonder of Real Community” posted on Aug 7th. The discussion centers around life together as the church and how many things can get in the way of open, honest relationships with other people living life with Jesus. Good stuff as always.

I think the part that stood out to me was how quickly we took something that came out of real relationship with the real God (in Jesus) and have attempted to build it, manage it, control it, reproduce it, etc. The problem lies not only in the verbs previously used, but in the word “it”. I’ve said before, as soon as whatever we are part of becomes an “it” then “it” starts to become the focus rather than the life that is found in Jesus, and shared with his church.

I’ve been encouraged by reading through the stuff I wrote a few years ago now in my There’s The Steeple… Here’s The Church book, and the guys who do The God Journey podcast have also been an encouragement along the way. Check out either of those links, I think you’ll enjoy them.

Calling All Product Marketers and Salespeoples

After re-reading another composition (titled, “Substitutes“) that was compiled into the book There’s The Steeple… Here’s The Church that I published in 2006, I am again pondering the ways in which we can get the various products sitting in our storage areas into the hands of people who would be inspired by, be made to think by and just enjoy them.

The main way people “discovered” our creative works before was when we were touring the country and performing our music (and even speaking on occasion) at various events. This was certainly the best way. But with the addition of a child or two (or six) we have taken a major break from that and such venues are no longer an option.

We have websites. (Here and here, primarily.) We have sold our music via iTunes. That’s cool. But sitting here in my attic office are boxes and boxes of CDs, tapes (yep! we have tapes!!) and books.

So how do we get those out of storage and into grateful hands, hearts, and minds? Any ideas?

I’d be willing to listen to any ideas as I really do think people will still enjoy any and all of our products. We have 5 different albums of our original music (well, one is a Christmas CD with mostly original arrangements of familiar songs) and I have three books of collections of writings that are mostly short anecdotal writings on various life topics that will make you smile, and often make you think.

If you are a marketing or sales wizard, please drop me a line and let me know what you think might work. You can leave a comment here at this post, too. Any and all ideas are welcome πŸ™‚

If you’re interested in getting your own copy, click the links above, or you can search for our stuff at as well… usually better to just buy from us at or, for just the books, here at

Thanks in advance for your help!

Tivo for your Radio: radioSHARK by Griffin

Today I wanted to bring you another product recommendation. I don’t do that very often, so hopefully that gives a little more weight to my recommendations.

For a few years we have enjoyed the benefits of a Tivo DVR for recording, pausing, rewinding and really all of our television consumption. It’s fantastic. Really. Can’t recommend it enough. (They could use a few tweaks to their software, but … overall, fantastic.) For a few more years than that, we’ve been enjoying the same service (but, for free!) with our radio consumption.

We saw the radioSHARK from Griffin Technologies at an Apple store many years ago (I’m pretty sure that’s where we discovered it) and we were intrigued because we like to listen to local radio shows (especially during football season!) but were never near a radio (or able to listen) when the shows were on. radioSHARK lets you schedule recordings, pause live radio, rewind/fast-forward recorded content… it’s fantastic. Works really well. There are tons of features. Have a look at the page at the Griffin Technologies website.

I’ve just really enjoyed how easy it is to use (it even automatically exports the recordings to a playlist in my iTunes library!) and thought perhaps some of you might enjoy it as well. It’s available through Amazon (see widget to the right), or directly from Griffin … or probably lots of other places.

If you like radio … I’m guessing you, like me, will really like the radioSHARK. Check it out.

Advertisement: Amazon Gift Cards

If you are new to the scene, you may not have seen/heard/noticed that if you are a regular shopper, with a simple click of any Amazon link here, you can get what you are looking for, AND help to support the free-to-you service of this weblog. It’s a fantastic “win-win”! πŸ™‚

I received an email from Amazon today reminding me that they have gift cards, and I thought I’d pass that reminder along to you. Amazon literally has everything under the sun. I’m pretty sure that’s not an exaggeration. And they often have the best prices. So a gift card lets your beloved recipient get 1) whatever they want and 2) more of it … in whatever amount you’d like to give them. You can choose to send an email code (redeemable immediately, or delivered on a specific day and time) or print out a certificate and mail it or deliver it to them in person. Very cool.

So, if you’re looking for a gift to give someone… Amazon Gift Cards are a pretty cool option! (And we thank you for you clicks!)

(NOTE: you can always click through the banners at the top of the page, or the search box at the top of the right sidebar column. Every bit is appreciated!)

God’s Provision: Perfect.

I’ve mentioned here many times how God has arranged things for us to be able to pay our bills, feed our kids, and keep our house. It’s really astounding at times. I’m pretty sure that “on paper” … it just shouldn’t work. But it does. It always does.

I forgot to, or didn’t get to, or perhaps just chose not to … however it happened, I did not communicate last month that we had reached a milestone of sorts. On July 4th, 2009, we celebrated our independence.

No, I’m not talking about our country’s independence on Independence Day. And really, in a way, it would be more appropriately labeled Dependence Day.

Let me explain.

For many years we have lived a life of trusting God. Our “career” paths have always been determined by where we felt God was leading, not by any predetermined path or plan. Often that meant less money, or seemingly no money… but we knew that God was our Provider, and trusted him to do so.


Last year, we were really having trouble keeping up with the increasing cost of life, our regular bills, and probably especially our mounting debt. It was really crazy. We finally reached a point where we really, really needed to do something or we’d start losing the stuff that we had – which seemed bad, but, honestly, if that was where we went, we were OK with that too.

We spoke with a friend who is a financial advisor. We spoke with our family and close friends. We asked God what he wanted us to do about this debt that he seemed to never help us pay off with some giant windfall of cash. The answers we got were basically: you need more income, and…

“You need to trust me.” (That was God…)

So, if you know me (us) … well, you know that sounded a little funny. “TRUST YOU?? Um… what do you think we’ve been doing??!?!?!” πŸ™‚ BUT, you see, we discovered (by God’s gentle revealing voice) that we were indeed not trusting him. At least, not like we really could be.

See, in the past (over the past several/many years) when we felt like God was giving us something to do (a CD, a tour, or whatever project it may have been) we would pursue it with gusto, and “know” that he would provide. That’s all well and good – he owns the cattle on a thousand hills, etc – but… the problem was, whenever stuff got tight … we’d really turn to our credit limits. (Which were gargantuan.)

Over time, when we would fund one project here, another there, this trip here, that trip there… even paying bills and buying groceries with “money” that we were confident “God would provide” (really, we were) well, the debt added up. And up. We kept paying for (taking?) things that God had not yet given us. (Even if he had “given” us the leading to do it, which I still believe he did.) If you have every toyed with credit card debt you know that “living beyond your means” for more than 5 years (let’s say closer to ten?) … well, that’s really icky.

So last year God helped us see, helped us realize that while we were completely trusting him by following his lead… we were NOT trusting him by waiting for him to provide. And is has stung us. Badly.

When he helped us see that we decided that the best (the only?) course of action we could take was to completely cease all additions to the pile of debt before us. We would lose our stuff before we would pay anything with “credit” again. (At least, until God clearly leads us otherwise.) We decided we would only spend what we had. If that meant missing a bill payment by a couple days, that’s what we’d have to do. If it meant not getting food or gas or something else we might have previously “financed” with credit… so be it.

(What if our government would come to this realization???)

And folks, for 13 months now… it has totally and completely worked!!! And it has been simply astonishing to watch God provide.

He has provided jobs. I got to work the ideal job for me at the Apple store for a time. When that time ended, I was able to work another ideal job leading music for a local church. All along he continues to bring in a steady stream of web business. (All without any advertising or looking for clients of any sort. Crazy.)

He has even met deadlines. Time and time again when we wait for him – even when it is really hard, and even seems foolish – he provides right on time with the exact amount that we need. (Now, so far it hasn’t been exact like, to the cent. I have heard stories like that, but that’s not what we’ve seen. But it usually is to the dollar. Perhaps he knows that I like stuff a bit more loose and general?) πŸ˜‰

I can’t say enough how simply incredible, astounding, amazing, mind-blowing it has been. And I think the best part is, it has been life-altering. Whether it happened that day in early July of 2008 or was more of a process… we just think differently. We don’t even consider using credit now* … we’re actually happy to wait for God to provide, no matter how big or small the want or need. (Even as I type this, it’s still surprising!)

The most recent example of this has been how God arranged everything for me to take a break to take care of the kids while Jen recovers from the birth of Cameron last week. My want is to completely shut down my business(es) for a week, or hopefully two, so that I can manage the house while Jen recuperates following delivery. In our precarious financial state I wasn’t sure how that would work. I know a lot of people live “paycheck to paycheck” and well, we’re one of them. We really do. So, when I don’t work, I don’t get paid. Was curious to see how God would work that out.

He has! Even so much that I can see how he has, so that I can have peace about taking this two weeks off. First the commitment to leading music came to an end on July 26th (the Sunday before our son was born!). Second, there were a few bigger jobs that I did leading up to Cameron’s birth that were recently paid (and will be paid) this week, creating a slight surplus of funds for paying bills and feeding mouths. Third, God has brought in 4-6 new jobs that are all ready to go, but can all also wait till mid-August when I plan to return!

I shouldn’t say I can’t believe it, because certainly I can. But in a way… I still can’t! Somehow the way he takes care of us still surprises me. If the circumstances worked out differently… if somehow we didn’t pay our bills, or were lacking some other thing… he’d still be a great Provider, and I’m certain we’d see that. We’d see his provision even if it was different than we thought it would be. But at the moment, it’s been very clear and easy to see how God is arranging stuff to provide for our family and we’re loving living a life of truly trusting him by being completely content with what he has given us. (Not what he will give, but what he actually has given.)

I’m sure there are many ways to live that out, but I can’t recommend enough learning to listen for, wait for, and follow our Father. It’s exciting, scary, yet peaceful and perfect. Fantastic.

I just needed to say all of that … kind of for my remembering down the road… and hopefully to encourage you along the way too. Hope you’re enjoying your journey, too!

* I don’t believe that credit or credit cards are “bad” … but for us they would currently be trusting ourselves more than trusting (or being content in) God’s provision. They can certainly be used “wisely” but more often than not, they become a trap. Still, I am in no way condemning the idea of credit.

** We watched a couple documentaries via Netflix re: credit card craziness. If such things interest you, perhaps you’d like to watch them too? They were Maxed Out, and In Debt We Trust.

Reposting: "Evangelists"

I’m not usually one to recycle here, but I’ve been reading a good deal more than writing these days, and one of the books I happen to be re-reading is the one I compiled a few years ago, There’s The Steeple, Here’s The Church. I had a chance over the past several months to revisit all my thoughts on the current way we Christians relate to God and his church, and so it’s been neat to re-read some of these chapters and think through the stuff God had me chewing on not that long ago.

The latest chapter I re-read was called Evangelists, originally taken from this post, and then a follow-up post. There was a pretty cool quote midway through the original article:

Life with Jesus is just that. Life. You can’t package it up. You can’t layout the perfect plan to follow so that you can have it. You can’t sell it, promote it, market it, label it, franchise it, brand it, advertise or really even pass it along. Just like I can’t pass along the relationship I have with Jen to anyone else, I can’t do that with Jesus. He and I have a unique relationship that you can’t have with him. Sorry… but it’s true. πŸ™‚ He wants a better one than that with you. If you try to do life with him the way I do, it probably won’t work. It might for a while… but you’re just living a copy. He knows every intimate detail about you, and wants to relate to you personally and intimately. Sharing every bit of life with you, not just a few moments here and there, and a special dress-up occasion on weekends.

There’s more in the original article, but it was a cool reminder that our connection is not to a tradition or an organization or even to a pastor or teacher. We have a direct connection to the Vine. Each one of us. And it’s an everyday reality, not just our “spiritual life”. Jesus knows me, and I know him.

“And this is eternal life: That you know the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom he sent.” – John 17:3

If you don’t have a copy of my book, visit my online bookstore and either purchase or download a copy today. You can get a copy through if you’d prefer, but it’s cheaper through (Including a free PDF download if you’re strapped for cash) πŸ˜‰

There are some good, easy to digest, but make-you-think short writings to read in that book, and I’d love for you to do so. (And I’d love to have a chat with you over anything that intrigues you as well.) So, have a look (go ahead and click right now!) and may you know him more every day.

Buffalo Bills Football is Almost Here!!

Serious, folks. It’s almost here. This Saturday, the Bills will begin their training camp practices, and two weeks from Sunday they will play their first pre-season game!! (We’re excited!)

They made the surprising move of retaining the popular-with-the-players, but mildly unsuccessful head coach Dick Jauron, but then followed that up with some very intriguing moves (and, I’d say popular with the fans) including dumping somewhat subversive LT Jason Peters (dude was trouble… even admitted to taking plays off because he wanted more money.) and two more offensive lineman that were underachieving. Then they brought in Terrell Owens, who, love him or hate him, he has certainly boosted local and national interest in our team. Plus, another pretty good group of rookies, a few key free agents…

On paper it looks like it will be a fun year. But, talk to me again in November πŸ™‚

For now, I leave you with a series of articles leading up to the opening of training camp. The lead journalist, Chris Brown, has been posting the top 25 questions going into 2009. (And a couple other contributers.) All good stuff, will help get you ready for BILLS FOOTBALL!!!

Go Bills!

(They have been releasing these in reverse numerical order, but I decided to switch them around. Will add links to the last three as they are posted.)

Top 25 Questions for Bills 2009 Season

1: Will O-line have enough time to jell?
2: Can Edwards handle added responsibility?
3: Do Bills have intimidation factor?
4: Will the Bills make the playoffs?
5: Who are the training camp sleepers?
6: Who will become a playmaker on special teams?
7: Can the Bills topple the Patriots?
8: Can Bills pass rush be reliable?
9: Will Lynch be fresher down the stretch?
10: Can Walker hold down LT?
11: Will Owens post double digit TDs?
12: Who will become a playmaker on offense?
13: Can Butler re-master right tackle?
14: How much will Sanders help the D-line?
15: Who will be the nickel CB?
16: Will Jackson see more touches?
17: How much will Owens help Evans?
18: Will Schobel return to form?
19: Who will be the strong side LB?
20: Can special teams still dominate?
21: Which rookies will start?
22: How often will no huddle be used?
23: Who becomes a playmaker on defense?
24: What will be the offensive pecking order?
25: Who will be the starting TE?

[See all news articles] Readers Are Smart!

I was working with Google Analytics today for a couple of my web clients and I remembered that I had my own account with Google, so I logged in to check that out. (It’s been a good long while!)

Now, I think traffic overall is down to since I don’t post nearly as much content here as I used to. But even if it’s less traffic, I’d have to say it’s smarter traffic!

Check out this report of the browsers used to access the site this month:
Browser Used to view

Yes, folks… (you who frequent this website) Firefox has the slight edge over Internet Explorer! And look at Safari’s admirable contribution. Combined, those two browsers are over 56% of the total! IE is at a mere 33%! Nice!!

I love you guys. πŸ™‚

Keep it up! Spread the word! There are much better browsers out there!


If you are one of those 33% and just don’t know there are other options… there are! Most of these are available for Windows and Mac OS. (Chrome is … coming soon? Hopefully?) Click a link and improve your web experience today! Follow the trend setters at! πŸ™‚

Safari (Mac/Windows)
Firefox (Mac/Windows)
Google Chrome (Windows)