A friend passed this along recently, and I just watched it again. Wanted to share with you. It’s old I think, so you may have seen it. He’s quite good at all the impressions he does here, but I really love his Bill Clinton! What he says, and his facial expressions! Hilarious! Thanks Chris π
Tag / Politics
RE: Blogging
What I have noticed over my five years of blogging is that blogging is very much about the moment. If I try to get to something later, maybe even get a few paragraphs into a draft version here, it never happens. Or, if it could, it doesn’t seem relevant anymore. (To either reader or writer.)
That’s one reason why this blog has been so silent lately. It’s not that there are not things to comment on, or discuss… it’s just that there is never enough time to sit down and post something “in the moment”. I really thought there would be more here as I am taking several days off in a row, but there has not been. My days used to freer somehow, and I was already sitting at my computer… so posting to the blog in a sort of “stream of consciousness” way was very natural. Not so any more!
I have thoughts on the whole political race. Actually, much of what I think of senator Obama remains true. Read here and here if you are interested. (Posts from March and April of this year.) I have been working on our Buffalo Bills Show. Super fun stuff going on there! And I would love to share more stories from our family… always learn a lot from interaction with my kids!
I could also tell you about the crazy environmental “humans are bad” speech we got at the aquarium yesterday during the sea lion show…
But… at least… not right now.
So, from experience… never. You’ll have to hear that one from me in person. π
The blog will roll on. Life will shift again, and there will be moments to jump into the e-stream of consciousness. There are still plenty of thoughts from Greg’s Head… but the “moments” to share them have been fewer and much farther between!
Stay tuned…
Polygamists and Government
I wanted to comment on the incident that took place recently in Texas, where authorities stormed a private ranch and took everyone by force, separating kids from their families, and all sorts of very not-American things. It just made me sick when I heard about it.
I am not a polygamist. But I am a “libertarian”. Not by political affiliation, by principle. We here in America (according to the Declaration of Independence) feel that all are created equal and should inherently be free. Especially freedom of religion. Now, that can make you do some kooky things. And you should have the freedom to do kooky things. You can’t force other people to, and there are weird lines there when religion is involved, but in general, I’m against the government deciding what’s too kooky.
For the second time this week I am linking to a column by Bob Lonsberry, local radio talk show personality. He’s abrasive and a bit crazy sometimes, but sometimes can be poignant and present very valid points. He wrote what I wanted to (with much more information that I had) regarding the state seizing not only the ranch and the people, but their children and “relieving” the parents of their parental rights. All of them. As a group. Before proving any sort of guilt.
We’re pretty kooky in our own right. We Campbells. We don’t do things like most people. In most ways, I think that makes us stand out in a good way. But what if the government were to catch wind of our crazy thinkings? You mean, they don’t really do school (like we do) with their kids… they just learn from every day as it unfolds?? or… Well, this won’t happen yet, but, You mean they are Christians, but they don’t attend any church services of any kind??? There are many more ways we’re “different”… and we are raising a family of people to be “different”. Where is it OK for the government (local, state, federal) to decide that our “different” has crossed some line and now our children are unsafe?
I might be drawing conclusions that are too extreme, but really… it’s scary. What happened in Texas should not have happened in America, and I think we will continue toward this style of governing until all of our liberties are taken away. That’s quite pessimistic, coming from my mouth… but unfortunately it’s not just our politicians, it seems decades of cultural thought has already moved us far down that path of trusting “experts” and “institutions” more than individuals.
Quite sad.
So, for now, we Campbells will keep being kooky, and loving everyone God places in our path. (Including each other!) π
related links
ABC News
Thoughts on Barack Obama
I don’t tend to wax political here… mostly because, while fascinated, I think it just gets pretty silly pretty quickly. It’s been an interesting presidential race, though, with two democratic candidates firing shots at each other, and the republican candidate not seeming to have much (real) support from his party. Don’t forget the perpetual third-party candidate, Ralph Nader. He’s in the mix, too. Sorta.
Well, while Hillary is making up stories about dodging bullets, Barack Obama is both drawing praise and criticism for his views on race in America.
I said before what I think about “race”. It should be a non-issue. We are all one race, we just have a few different features, and many different cultures. But we’re all human. End of story. But with various comments from Obama about his “typical white person” grandma, and recently about how “bitter” people cling to religion and guns, as well as the racial comments by the preacher from his church… race is clearly an issue with senator Obama.
I read an opinion piece recently from a local radio talkshow guy because the title caught my attention. “Barack Is Not A Unifier“. I read it, and I don’t think the writer is a supporter of Obama, but the article didn’t come across as a slam, more just a “wake up and smell the coffee” about this guy. It is strange how he is seen as a unifier when he has been quite extreme in his voting record, and the stuff I hear from him only unifies the people who think the same as he does.
I’m not supporting any particular presidential candidate here, nor trying to tear down any in particular. But I do think the national media (or maybe just his own campaign folk) have done a good job of painting Barack Obama in a very rosy light. I definitely shy away from labels, but if you had to pigeonhole me, you’d probably call me a Libertarian. I think that might be 180 degrees opposite of what Obama thinks regarding goverment and it’s role in society.
Will be an interesting year. If the rockstar wins the election, Obama will be our next president. (And I will be very thankful for checks and balances at that point.) I still think Hillary cheated somehow when she won the elections up here in NY. I have never met one Hillary supporter up here in our area. (Though I have seen a few bumper stickers…) π So… don’t count her out. And McCain… has been strangely silent. He’ll win if the other two divide the voters enough, or even just make them mad enough to “vote for the other guy”.
So, that’s all the politicalness from GregsHead for now. Maybe more in November…
The Issue Of Race
Wow, that title is way to broad – and official – for this particular blog post. It’s accurate, but there’s obviously too much that can be and has been said on that topic.
Some friends of mine have been having a (mostly) civil discussion over Barak Obama’s recent speech on the issues of race in America. (Note: Please forgive any ignorance re: the content of that speech. It’s been a busy time around here! Haven’t gotten to hear/read the actual speech, just read/heard/seen snippets of reaction to it.) I did not really weigh in on the email discussion because of that, but after watching Meet The Press tonight, I do have some thoughts on the more general subject.
I am a white male. That fact (way beyond my control) might negate anything I say regarding “race issues” in the minds of some people. That’s too bad. I think that proves that those people are missing the point (though, I certainly understand how I could be as well).
There are no races. There. I said it. There is one race: the Human Race. Right? Are we all really different enough to say that we are actually different races? Really? ‘No’ is the correct answer. I will not go into (nor do I have enough understanding of) all the genetics and scientific rationale behind that statement, but I can pretty safely say, there are no races… just one.
So why do we perpetuate the race “card”? Why do any of us? None of the real people I do life with do. None. Not one. It never comes up. (Ha. Except maybe my brother-in-law… but he’s a different sorta fellow…) π It’s completely irrelevant. Actually, so is gender. People are people. At least, that’s how it is to me, and it’s my perception of how it is to my friends.
But that’s not what the media would have us believe. That’s not what many would have us believe. We watch a NASA podcast that almost every episode declares some amazing fact about how that very week the first “asian-american woman from kansas” did something in space, or the first “black man from russia over the age of 50” did something else. Just silly people. WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Our skin may look different, but why do we perpetuate the differences? They are subtle at best. Culture, tradition, and racism perpetuate this insane notion of “races”.
There are no races. Only one. We’re all one “race”.
So, I’ve heard he gave a great speech. I will at least read the transcript. But I wish Mr. Obama (whom I guess is “multi-racial”… isn’t that evidence that we are just one “race”?) would just ignore the race issue and talk about things that are more important to our country. I admit some naivety on this. I am not currently a “minority” group… but I hear that I soon will be. What then? Will “white” people be “featured” or “spotlighted” for their accomplishments simply because of their lack of pigmentation?
Seriously. I just don’t understand.
So, my thoughts tonight… admittedly random and probably not focused due to my brain, heart, and body being all about my ever-growing household this past week or so… but I think I have said here before that if we could ever stop labeling people, grouping people, seeing “races”… we’d be so much better off.
The craziest part is that we do it as an effort to help diminish racism, or to combat it… but it only fuels it. More segregation – even with the best of intentions – only perpetuates the thing we are trying to end. Until we can see that we are indeed one race, there will always be “racism”.
That’s how I see it, anyway.
Third Party Candidates
No, I am not a Ralph Nader supporter. I would not vote for him as his view of government seems to be quite different from mine. (He wants universal healthcare, less military spending, etc… which I don’t believe I am for.) But on one level, I wish I could.
We saw Nader announce his candidacy (I think?) on Meet The Press this past Sunday. Tim Russert did his best to dissuade him, saying he would just ruin the chances of the Democratic candidate by stealing votes from that party. Nader said basically, “What kind of system is that??” I agree with him entirely. I don’t like the two parties. I think anyone and everyone should be allowed to run for president, especially if they can get some support. I would most definitely vote for a third-party candidate that I agreed with on major issues.
Why are we so locked into the current system in this country? What would it take to break out of it? Nader is just ignoring the system and doing what he wants. I do applaud him for that, though again… I am also thankful he most likely won’t win. π
Power to the people. Or… something like that. π
Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday has come and gone, and I still think there is no clear front runner from either party. I have no idea whom I will vote for in this year’s presidential election. Pretty sure I thought that in 2000 as well. Perhaps we’ll learn more over the next several months? Or… perhaps not. Maybe there just is no real good candidate?
Here’s a pretty thorough review of all the results from Super Tuesday, if you’re interested.
One more for tonight. Saw this video recently, and thought it was pretty humorous, in a political kind of way. Well done, too. π
Presidential Campaign Speech
I was listening to Glenn Beck’s radio show yesterday (for some reason, his show is more interesting/entertaining when there is a presidential election coming up… we listened every day almost last election cycle, and then… hardly at all after that…) and he was talking about the New Hampshire primaries. He was fed up with how every candidate says the same thing in their public speeches, and mostly says nothing! So he said, “If that’s all it takes… I think I could run for president!
Click the play button here below to listen to just that clip. Of course, you can get the full shows at his website, www.glennbeck.com. (That just seems like the right thing to do, since I’m posting his audio to my blog…) π
Enjoy! I think it’s hilarious π
(The best part is “little Sally Muckenfuch”!) π
Seat Belts
I know this is silly, and probably has already been discussed too much, but the reason for this page was to share (and document?) my random and wandering thoughts. So…
This weekend I was returning from a visit to the grocery store that is less than a mile from our house. I was in a hurry (had to get something for the dinner I was trying to be making at that very moment) so I hadn’t fastened my seatbelt, and really wasn’t going to. It’s such a short trip it kind of feels like just driving in my own driveway!
As I wrestled (very briefly) with whether or not to tether… I realized how insane it is that my state (yea, even my country) tell me that I have to wear it. Really? Should the government be regulating stuff that affects just a person’s own life? Does not wearing a seatbelt affect anyone but the wearer? (Or, non-wearer, I suppose…) π
If pressed, I do say that I am libertarian (meaning, I don’t think the gov’t should be telling me what to do with my life) and in this I definitely am. Run campaigns, annoy people to no end, but do not make a LAW that makes them live up to a level of safety that some “larger group” thinks is “necessary” or should be “required”. That kind of thinking is truly anti-American – anti-liberty.
OK. Down from the soap box. For now.