Carpet From God, ο£ΏTV and Other Web Fun

Well, most of the clean up is done, and a neat-o story from today is…

I called a carpet-laying friend of ours today during a break from cleaning up and asked if he possibly had any scraps of carpet he’d be OK to part with. I told him the situation, and that we had lost all but really one of the scraps of carpet we had formerly been using. He sort of chuckled when he said, “[My partner] just called 10 minutes ago, from a job he’s doing, and asked if I knew of anyone who could use the carpet he just ripped up.” Awesome. That was a fun piece of good news.

I like good news.

Speaking of news… while I was away from my computer…

A (cool) Morphable Model of 3D Faces
AppleTV is Now Shipping
Apple Sent Out a Special Invitation

We’ve Been TP-ed

toilet paperThe clean up continues, and I must say the worst part (besides the obvious offensive smell) has been finding TOILET PAPER all over everything. πŸ™ (Well, just the floor, and the toilet bowl.) You know… I don’t really enjoy cleaning up my own kids’ poo… I’m not so much enjoying cleaning up poo from my whole TOWN.

Thankfully, there have been no actual poo sightings. πŸ™‚

I’m making progress… hope to be done by this afternoon.

This has been another home-owner’s adventure, to be sure.

"Proof" That Jesus Never Rose From The Dead

James Cameron has Proof That Jesus Never Rose From the Dead
I came upon this article today in my RSS news feeds… and I just thought it was fascinating how hard people try to bring down Jesus. Those on “the right” will say it’s because they don’t want to submit to the authority of God and Scripture, but it just seems like it must be more than that? I mean… this is fascinating and all, but, what can we learn from archaeology 2000 years later that would disprove historical accounts? It can certainly confuse (though I don’t think this particular “finding” seems that legitimate) but… how can it “disprove”?

Well, it’s an interesting story nonetheless. πŸ™‚ You can read the article here.

Free Stuff at iTunes?

iTunesYou may not be aware of this, but iTunes has been offering songs and videos for free for… well, perhaps since the iTunes Music Store made its first appearance! Well, not long ago I discovered a page that has all of the (updated weekly, or more) content at the iTunes store! Just thought I’d share here. It’s usually updated on Tuesdays.

This week, I grabbed the song Lonely By Your Side (haven’t listened yet, it’s just the free single of the week) and the president’s State of the Union address. There are more songs and shows and stuff up there. Not a great selection this week, but defintely a link to hold onto.

So, without further ado…

Here’s the link!

ο£ΏTV and The iPhone Becomes Reality!

I would love to go on and on about the amazingly cool products apple just released yesterday, but all I have time for right now are links and this photo. πŸ™‚

iPhone (Please don’t think this is just a phone…)
Watch the whole Keynote speech (A well-spent 2 hours!)

Enjoy! I’m sure I’ll write more later!

(And… if you’d like to get any of this great new stuff… click here then click here) πŸ™‚


Cyborgs, and the World Wide Mind

PBS is offering a series of shows on iTunes as a free download, and then asking viewers to vote for the best show, which will then become a regular series on the network. I downloaded the shows yesterday and decided to watch the one called 22nd Century first. I like futuristic stuff, science fiction and whatnot… so, I thought I’d check it out.

The show was about cyborg technology. Tiny computers that enhance people’s organic functions. There was a story about a man who completely lost his hearing, but with a small computer connected to his brain that could interpret the signals still coming to his ears, he learned to hear again! And then another story of people who are “locked in” and can not communicate with the outside world (though they are full cognisant of it), but with the help of tiny computers connected to their brain, they were able to just think a word or letter, and get a computer screen to show what they were thinking. The machine learns (and is programmed) to react to the different signals the brain sends out when the person was “thinking” of that specific word, letter, object… whatever. That one took some more training time, but was pretty amazing.

All of that was well and good, even the guy who wore glasses that had computers in them (and I think they were attached to his brain).. neat stuff. The totally insane part was some of the other folks who were suggesting that since we can tap into our brains like this, the 22nd century will be replete with Cyborgs – people and machines working symbiotically.

Is this a good thing? On an individual basis, why not? Obviously if it was required by others (like a government policy or something) that would be a very, very bad thing. But if you just wanted to enhance your body (though the validity of that statement could certainly be challenged) then go right ahead. However, this technology allows for individual “cyborgs” to be connected to other machines (like a computer network). Again, that’s not that bad… the main question there is who is in control? Is the person and their brain in control, or, does the machine have the capability of taking over? It sounds like sci-fi, but is it possible?

Certainly the possibility of a machine by malfunction, or even worse, by way of programming taking over the mind of a human being is not a desirable outcome of this technology. It’s rather a scary thought. But that was not the worst idea put forth by this 60 minute show.

The WWM (pronounced, “whim”), or, the World Wide Mind. The idea here is that as we have the internet now, which requires that we interface via keyboards and screens and such… we could have instant connection by having a sort of computer network in our brains. We would be “always on” the world wide web… in our mind. We would be able to hear, read, see, even feel what other people are thinking. IT’S THE BORG! πŸ™‚

While there may be a fascinating side to all this, and apparently many feel it is entirely plausible… the down side is just disastrous. It would be so easy to control another person who is “wired” this way. It would be way too easy to invade another person’s “self”. It’s just scary.

The world-wide-mind thing is a mystery to me as well. Why would we WANT to be connected to people in this way? I know we are relational, but why aren’t the built-in ways to relate good enough? πŸ™‚ It seems that any benefit you get from linking to another person this way is FAR outweighed by the negative possibilites that come from such a link. There is no privacy, no … self! Anyone can “access” you any time they want.

Well, I finished the show just hoping this was some wacko’s idea of what the future could be. I’m all for integrating technology. But, we must be very, very careful. Technology is much easier to hack than the great “firewalls” God built into us. Yes, there are problems with those, too. (How could there be any deceit if we all knew what each other was thinking?) But I’ll take the original, thank you very much!

And, I’ll have fun using all of the great stuff we’re going to see in about 5 minutes from the Macworld conference in San Fransisco… πŸ™‚

Amazing Story from NYC

I turned the radio on this morning, coming back from playing basketball with some friends, and Glenn Beck was telling the story of this guy who saved another man who had fallen onto the subway tracks by jumping on TOP of him and ducking underneath the oncoming train!!! I looked it up, and it’s for real! Crazy!

Here’s a link to one story I found:
Superman of City’s Subways