Pizza Makers

The kids got to be pizza makers for a night!We decided, sort of last-minute, to head out to one of our favorite places last night (Leo’s Pizza) and take advantage of the kids eat free Tuesday special ( …we have a lot of kids!!) We also got to drop by and celebrate a birthday with some friends, so it was a fun night out!

But the bonus for the night was, just after we were served our food by the guy who runs the place. He has taken a liking to our family, especially our cute kids. As he served the pizza he said to the boys, “As soon as you’re done, I have a ‘special mission’ for you, so let me know when you’re done.” We didn’t have any idea what he meant, but couldn’t wait to find out!

Once they were ready, the boys—and Kirsten—went over to “report for duty” … and that’s when the fun began!

They were outfitted with aprons (Kirsten’s needed a bit of help as she’s still a bit short…) 🙂 and then they proceeded back to the kitchen. He showed them around a bit and then got out a ball of dough for Ian to pound, Alex added the sauce, Kirstie added the cheese, and they all chose and added their own toppings! They threw the pizza in the oven and got to take home their first made-by-themselves pizza! 🙂 It was really cute, and so fun!

Click the picture of our little pizza chefs above to see the larger version (though, it’s a bit fuzzy since it was just from a cell phone). We already liked Leo’s Pizza, but I think we might like it even a bit more, now!

Related Posts Plug-In

You may have noticed the new look around here. is now a WordPress blog, and is sporting a new customized template, and a couple neat, new plug-ins.

Jen and I spent probably most of an hour tonight making use of the related posts plug-in. It was so fun! We were looking up an old story about Alex (titled, “Our Son, Jake”) and then at the bottom of that post, we decided to click on one of the related posts titles.

Well, about 20 related posts later we decided it was probably time to stop. (But we already plan to do that again!!) 🙂

There are some pretty fun stories from our kiddos through the years. You can also try just browsing the Family category.

Also, another fun part of the new design is the new featured product that loads each time you load a page. Four of our CDs and all three of my books can be purchased from this website now, thanks to another plug-in.

So have some fun poking through the past six years of posts, and some of the new features of the 2010 version of And, lemme know what you think (and any suggestions you may have for more cool plug-ins!)

Light. Eat!

Emma CarolineEmma, our 21-month-old daughter, woke up yesterday with an upset tummy. It wasn’t awful, but she did a “dry heave” and definitely was not herself. I felt so bad for her, but also just could not figure out where she had gotten any sort of a stomach bug from?? We hadn’t been around anyone who is sick for, well, as long as I could remember. (And, as far as I could remember, you don’t get stomach bugs without some sort of contact with it.)

Emma was OK for the rest of the day. A little extra sleepy at nap time, but OK. And I kept trying to think of maybe what she ate that made her not feel well, or what could have caused this for her. Couldn’t land on anything, though.

Until Jen laid her down for her nap.

“Light. Eat!” said Emma to Mom.

“What?” said a confused Mom. When Emma repeated her story, Jen noticed that one (or two) of the Christmas lights strung around the window by Emma’s bed was clear white instead of blue.

Yes, that’s right. The source of the sickness was (apparently) a Christmas light that looked a little too much like candy.

(This from the child who also once put a dead bumble bee in her mouth.)

Emma woke up in the middle of the night last night, still not feeling very well, but appears to be feeling herself again this morning. Yuck. I think we feed her pretty well … well enough that she shouldn’t need to eat Christmas lights for a snack…

But, just in case. They have been moved.

Light… Don’t eat!

It Feels Like Motufrithursatnesday

For a long time now I have been working strange hours, strange days, long hours and long days. But also, thanks to the flexibility of owning my own businesses, there are also times when I will be able to attend a gathering, or assist in some capacity (moving someone, perhaps) on a day and time when I would normally be working.

To that end, I have been waking up nearly every day for the past month (or more?) with absolutely no idea what day of the week it is! None.

So I think I’m just going to call every day Motufrithursatnesday. That covers them all! (I’m pretty regular with Sunday being my down day, so that one I usually know…)

A couple more days of work, and then it’s the holiday week, and I will be on vacation … then I definitely won’t know what day it is!!

Oh well…


Sleep Police

It’s been a long stretch of early wakings and late beddings in the Campbell home recently. For some reason bedtimes have been consistently pushed back and for other reasons the kiddos have been rising earlier than normal. This makes for grumpy kids, many bad interactions throughout the day, tired Mom, and not as fun days as they could be.

So last night I decided to institute a new office in the Campbell home. I created the Sleep Police Department, to which I assigned myself the role of Sheriff.

In the mornings, I would sit on the landing of our second floor with my laptop (usually I would be in my office when the kids start emerging from their rooms) and I would direct the morning traffic. If someone was awake before the designated hour, they would be allowed passage to the bathroom, but sent directly (and promptly) back to their bed where they would close their eyes for at least a little more body rest time. Then at the appropriate waking time, all would be allowed (and/or required) to start the day! (Our 10 year old is always still sleeping at the “appropriate” waking time.) 🙂

It pretty much worked! (On Day 1.)

The older baby woke first (per usual) and I got her warmed milk and she drank it in her bed for another ten to fifteen minutes of quiet. Then an older sister emerged sleepily from her room about half an hour before wake time. She knew the plan, so with a gentle reminder from the Sheriff, she did her business in the bathroom and headed quickly back to bed.

When wake time came, a couple of the earlier risers emerged from the closed doors with big smiles and the Sheriff then made the rounds to ensure that all were now awake and ready to start the day!

Fun! We’ll see if it actually helps improve sleep—and so, attitudes—throughout today and the rest of this new week.

The Sheriff will be back at his post again early tomorrow morning!

Julia’s Opinion of Money

This afternoon, following a nice lunch together as a family, the kids discovered that Julia had left a fifty cent piece in her food. (Yes, in her food.)

Incredulous, big brother Alex asked, “Julia!!! Why did you do that?? Don’t you know that’s fifty cents!!?? It’s real money!”

Without missing a beat, Julia held up her hands and said matter-of-factly, “I don’t know what to do with it… I put it in there because I’m only three and I don’t know what to do with money!”

Ha! Classic straight up honesty from Joodles. She’s awesome. 🙂

The "Try Not To Scream" Game

Being my new regular day off, I got up with the kids this morning (Monday), got everyone dressed and fed, and was cleaning up from breakfast when I heard a yell of great frustration from the other room. It was our 15 month old daughter, whom I had left in her high chair while I was cleaning up the dishes from the meal. I craned my neck around while still washing the dish in my hand and saw her three year old sister standing next to her, looking quite guilty of something.

“Julia, what happened in there?” I hoped to get a reasonably honest answer.

But wasn’t quite prepared for this (after only maybe one second of hesitation):

“We’re playing the ‘try not to scream’ game.”

I guess Emma lost that round… 🙂

Target Practice

Kirstie - the live targetToday just after lunch, Ian and Alex were testing out a new Nerf dart gun set. It apparently includes a vest with little targets on it that presumably one or both combatants would don as they battle it out.

In today’s test however, Kirstie was wearing the vest. (And the cool, protective googles.) And she was stationary.

(That was the best part!)

So, big brother Ian was taking shot after shot at his 5 year old sister, while she just stood there and took it, giggling each time a dart would hit the target. (Other big brother Alex was collecting darts and reloading his older brother.)

One of many funny moments in the Campbell household. It’s certainly never dull around here. 🙂

Glenn Beck is a Lying Sack of Dog Mess

I saw this video online yesterday (it’s actually kind of long) and just thought it was… weird. The events that precipitated this investigative report were quite weird as well. Talk show guy Glenn Beck was accused of being a “lying sack of dog mess” by Whoopi Goldberg on her TV show, The View. And, the crazy part, it’s all about a meaningless event.

And yet, still quite fascinating. Enjoy.

This May Be Telling…

One of the projects for today was to burn a couple boxes full of old receipts and other financial documents. Jen started it with the kids, but then Dad was called in to help get the fire going more. (And, once Dad was pulled in, well, he had to make sure the project was completed!)

After a good long while of burning stuff, I decided to sit down for a second in the chair that Jen had previously occupied.

When Jen came back outside, she had a funny smile on her face as she looked at me on her way to the swing set with Julia.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I queried. (Which means, asked…) 🙂

“I just never see you sit.” She said with a smile.

True enough.

And, within 10 seconds, I was back on my feet, tending to our little fire.