[From The Archive] Relating

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!Our recent visit to Ohio for some big family events has given us the opportunity for some great visiting time with relatives and friends we haven’t seen for a long while—some a very long while! Those visits often include shared meals, certainly include sharing stories, and have also included some great conversations about the things God is doing in and around us.

One thing that seems to keep coming up is the way that we people (maybe especially Christians) related to each other; how we “do life” together.

That led me to this re-post today.

It’s a post from January of 2012. And it’s interesting that at the end I say I will continue thinking about this, and looking for what Jesus wants to show me regarding how we relate to each other, and I must admit, I don’t know that I know any more now than I did then! 🙂

Good questions, good thoughts on how our culture (and perhaps others) are often too busy to relate, too busy to enjoy visiting and really doing life together. Not just events and weekly scheduled things, but really sharing your life with others, and theirs with you.

Please enjoy, ponder, and discuss with me:



Question: The reason I post these “From The Archive” posts is that I think the post from years past is worth reading (or even re-reading) and/or currently relevant. But you have to click through and read it. 🙂 Would it be better if I posted the whole of the article/post again, rather than linking to it? In this case, there are already some comments to add to what I had written, which I’d love to just build on. If you have thoughts on how to re-post articles, please comment on that here below. Thanks!

[FromTheArchive] I’ll Never Make a Million

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!Recently, money has been a big issue again here in the Campbell household. I wonder if it just is for every household. I know it’s not for some. But I think it might be for many, if not most.

And it is here.

Sadly it seems there are times where the topic of money (money in, and money out) begins to just take over. Every decision is greatly affected by how it will affect money flow. How we spend our time, how we spend our money… that’s when it really frustrates me: when it “takes over”.

Somehow I was reminded of a post I wrote a long while back where I mused about the reason that we often find ourselves here. It’s me. It’s definitely me. I not only don’t love money, I think I don’t like money. I don’t want money. I’m grateful that God gives me many chances to get money. He gives us what we need to live, to be sure. (And there’s so much more that he does there, that I can’t elaborate here, now.)

But I still don’t like money.

Jen read a book recently called, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. She’d like me to read it, and so I will. But I just feel like I won’t connect with it because of my disdain for money. We’ll see. Maybe it will change my attitude towards currency and the pursuit of same.

Maybe that would be a good thing?

For now, I only feel like it takes over. When you have too little, it causes you to seemingly alter your priorities so that you can have more. When you have too much then you have other problems (taxes, where to best invest, etc). Most people laugh at the notion of “too much money”, but I think the biggest problem we Americans face is our affluence. We have too much stuff, and it chokes the life out of us.

So, lemme know what you think … perhaps you’ll help me have a better view towards money? (Or perhaps you’ll join me in the non-pursuit of money?) Either way, please add your voice below, or on the linked article page.

Article: I’ll Never Make a Million

[From The Archive] Distorted View of God?

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!I re-discovered this post recently via a few related links from something else I had been writing. I really can’t recall how I got there, but as it might have done for you, the title grabbed my attention. I wondered, Now what was I thinking here…

Turns out it was one of my more favorite “recent” discoveries of a grander truth in Scripture than I had previously seen.

It’s easy to have a distorted view of God. It can come from listening to the perceptions others have of God, and incorporating them into our view of who he is. (Even if your source is the most learned and revered theologian or scholar.) It can come from our own guilt or shame, pushing us further from the God who loves us. It can come from simply not knowing him well enough, from a lack of knowledge, understanding.

Whatever way it comes, it hinders our relationship with our Father, and our living life to its full, which Jesus said is his desire for us.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this one. Respond however you’d like (Facebook Page, comment below, or comment on the original article) but please do let me know what you think—agree, or disagree.

Original Article: Distorted View of God

[From The Archive] Super Sucker Fish

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!It’s time for another trip to the Archive! This time, it’s the quite recent past—June of 2010.

One very hot night during that summer, after returning to our home after a few very hot days away visiting friends, we discovered a sight—and smell—that will stick with us for quite some time!

Super Sucker Fish! is the chronicle of the events of that fateful day (or two), and though in some ways it’s quite sad, it’s also full of some moments that will make you laugh, and, quite honestly, might astonish you! (They did me!)

Of course, if you own “sucker fish”, then you might already know their incredible powers of survival? After what we saw (retold in this story), they will definitely outlast all other life on this planet!

Enjoy, Super Sucker Fish!

[From The Archive] Feeling Loved, And Lovable

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!This week’s trip into the Archive will be much shorter than last week’s (sorry about the link overload with that one!) Maybe because there’s been so much to read here lately that I want to give you a break…

But probably more because the content of this previously-posted article is beautiful in its simplicity.

I’m not talking about my words, or any idea I’ve had. It’s the core of the message Jesus spoke. We are loved.

Better yet, we are love-able. Worth loving.

And he does. With great pleasure.

Enjoy your visit to the Archive. May it encourage you again. And again.

You are worth it.

Feeling Loved, And Lovable

[From The Archive] Peace

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!This week’s From The Archive was chosen from one of several posts I found that had elements of this theme of “the illusion of control” that has been swimming around my thoughts for some time now. Each of the articles previously published had at least some small perspective on the idea that we are not in control (or that life is better when we realize and live that).

Is peace something that I can achieve? Or is it a natural by-product of trust? Perhaps once my focus is off of my needs and my life and my problems, then I can know the peace. Peace might be at the end of my resigning control to the One who is actually able to control life. And who loves me more than I probably love myself. He loves me, and he loves my family, and he knows what we need, and for all the years I have known him, he has never—not once—left us in need. Never.

I chose one titled Peace, though, that seemed to encapsulate most of the recent threads of thought weaving through Greg’s Head.

The above quote stood out to me from that post. Again this idea that the less we are focused on ourselves and our needs and wants, the more possible it is for us to be free. But the best (the only?) way to rid ourselves of this self-focus, self-centered view of our world is to allow our trust in Father to grow. (And that only comes from knowing him better, and more… which comes from living life with him.)

I wonder what level of this I understand right now. It seems to make a ton of sense to me in concept, and even at times in practice. However, as I’ve said before, when God seemingly keeps a certain thought or theme in front of me for long periods of time or repeatedly over time, my natural conclusion is that I haven’t yet understood, at least in practice (if not also in theory).

I hope that you have the peace that I write about here. That your heart trusts him so that you are able to let go of your need to be master of your own dominion, your own life… and let him lead you in the full life he wants for you; for us all.

Peace to you today, reader. Enjoy this piece From The Archive: Peace.

Since I referenced a whole slew of articles on this theme, why not link to them here? If you have the time—and/or desire?—click below!

[From The Archive] I Want To Be God

Highlighting Articles from the GregsHead.net Archives!Posting an often lengthy entry per day here at GregsHead.net has been an enjoyable task, but also in ways a daunting one. I really have enjoyed it and the exercise has been good for my mental as well as emotional/spiritual health. I have enjoyed reconnecting with you, the reader. (But I’m sure my extra twenty-five thousand words per month are a good chunk for you to add to your reading list, too.)

As I’ve been tidying up my blog—adding features, rearranging things—I have also come across some things written a year or two—or seven—ago that have been a joy to rediscover. Whether inspired afresh by a poignant thought, or had a heart made light by a big laugh, reliving the memories and emotions that were present at the time I wrote those words down has been very enjoyable.

I’ve mentioned a time or two that a nifty tool for drilling down through previously published content on this website is the Related Posts section right at the end of every post. What is extra useful about this tool is that the content is similar to what you’ve just finished reading.

And, I’ve also mentioned that one of my intentions for the Facebook page for this blog (facebook.com/gregsheaddotnet) is to publish links to things previously published here: a journey through the archives. I will most likely continue to do that.

But a thought occurred to me today. What if I would have at least one “break” day per week where I post a link to a previously written article or entry that I think might still have some relevance, some value? Might that be a good way for me to have one day of rest from writing, but still have a “fresh” post here to read, not to mention that it’s a great way to dig through things already said that might be worth hearing again?

I think it just might be!

And thus is born a new series. Your first “From The Archive” post comes from August 25th, 2005. The title is I Want To Be God. By far the best part is, I really did find this quite “randomly” (just a few clicks, when I wasn’t even looking for a piece to repost) but it’s something I’ve been thinking about again, from several different angles.

Maybe God is trying to gently remind me of something? Probably. He’s so good at gentle. And reminding.

Maybe thinking to do this (reposting from the archives) is just the right gentle reminder he has in mind for you, too.

Enjoy. And relax.

You’re not God, either.       <-------click the link there to read the article From The Archive!