Carpet From God, TV and Other Web Fun

Well, most of the clean up is done, and a neat-o story from today is…

I called a carpet-laying friend of ours today during a break from cleaning up and asked if he possibly had any scraps of carpet he’d be OK to part with. I told him the situation, and that we had lost all but really one of the scraps of carpet we had formerly been using. He sort of chuckled when he said, “[My partner] just called 10 minutes ago, from a job he’s doing, and asked if I knew of anyone who could use the carpet he just ripped up.” Awesome. That was a fun piece of good news.

I like good news.

Speaking of news… while I was away from my computer…

A (cool) Morphable Model of 3D Faces
AppleTV is Now Shipping
Apple Sent Out a Special Invitation

TV and The iPhone Becomes Reality!

I would love to go on and on about the amazingly cool products apple just released yesterday, but all I have time for right now are links and this photo. 🙂

iPhone (Please don’t think this is just a phone…)
Watch the whole Keynote speech (A well-spent 2 hours!)

Enjoy! I’m sure I’ll write more later!

(And… if you’d like to get any of this great new stuff… click here then click here) 🙂


Lovin’ On Apple

Apple Computer, Inc.I gotta love on Apple a bit. First of all, I got my $29 iPod shuffle today! It was my birthday present to myself, and a Christmas gift to Ian. 🙂 I told him I’d share it with him. It’s awesome. 🙂

Second… here’s the quick version of the story:

Yesterday, my laptop power supply charger cord shorts out… sparks, smoke, almost flames… melting plastic. Bad. So I am sad I have to buy a replacement part. THEN, I am not sad when I remember I have AppleCare, which replaces things for FREE. Very nice. We like free.

I called Apple, they said, “Yep. You’re covered. We’ll have the part to you by the end of the week.” Awesome! So, I then remember my laptop needs a bit of maintenance.. but I could never figure out when to part with it for a week or so… until now! I called back and arranged for them to get my laptop. Very good.

A box for my laptop arrived Tuesday morning. Along with a box holding the new power supply!! WOW! That was quicker than “the end of the week”!!! So I packaged up my laptop and the old burned up power supply and called DHL to schedule a pick up. They didn’t come till much later that day, but it was alright. I figured I’d hear from Apple not too long after it arrived.

At 12:25pm today (Wednesday) I received an email from Apple saying that my PowerBook had arrived and was now scheduled to be repaired!!!! WHAT!???!! NY to CA in like 12 hours??! Wow!!!! That is just amazing.

It gets better.

The email included a link to check the status online. So, at 3:30pm or so (EST) I decided to check. THREE HOURS LATER the status was COMPLETE, shipping Nov 29. !!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD? How can Apple be this good???

So, I expect that I will receive my laptop back on my doorstep tomorrow morning. A full three days from when I called Apple. I think the only reason it took three days was that Apple doesn’t have their own shipping service!!!

Folks, if you don’t already own a Mac… what are you waiting for?

Apple News

I have been doing so much with the Bills show, and my web business and many other things that I have not taken much time to update my Apple website lately. Today I posted a couple things to the blog on that site re: the latest Get A Mac ads (with those two guys who say, “Hello, I’m a Mac” and “Hello, I’m a PC”. Hilarious!) and also some great deals on the latest iMacs (like $1699 for the new 24″ model!!)

Actually, another reason I haven’t posted new stuff there… I’ve been out helping people set up their new Apple computers! Lots of people taking the plunge! It’s not a flawless transition process, but so far no one has ever wanted to go back!

If you’re interested, stop by the ol’ Apple website and check it out.

(I’d love to chat with you about switching to Mac, or getting a new iPod… I really do enjoy hooking people up with all the great stuff Apple offers!)

(PS… Heent… no need to comment on this post…) 😉