
The boys and I are reading through Luke (I believe I have already said that…) and today Jesus was addressing another crowd (SIDENOTE: I posted an entry here before about how it seemed that Jesus was not usually speaking to crowds but more to small groups and even individuals. It seems however that in Luke, almost everytime something comes out of Jesus’ mouth it’s to a CROWD, so… I stand corrected. πŸ™‚ End sidenote…) We read a story, and some more teaching from Jesus.

The story was about a rich man who had an abundant crop. He decided he would store it all up in bigger barns, so he’d be set for the future. God said, “You dummy… you’re going to die tonight… what good does all your stuff do you now?” Then Jesus reminded us that birds don’t have to worry about what they will eat, and flowers look great, even though they’re here today, burned tomorrow. We’re more important to God than both of those, so… don’t worry.

And we finished today with Jesus saying don’t treasure things that can be taken, or eaten. (Moths destroy…) Make your treasure eternal stuff… sorta, intangible stuff. Things that can’t be taken. Because, where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is.

(Somewhere else it says that your heart is the “wellspring of life”… I think that means it’s important…)

So I asked the boys what this meant. First they shook their heads in bewilderment. But with some more directed questions, we figured out that Jesus was trying to tell us not to worry about stuff. Don’t “treasure” stuff that will break, could be taken, or will just eventually be gone.

Alex didn’t like that so much.

I said, “What if our house burned down? To the ground. Everything was gone. Then what would happen? Would that be bad?”

Ian quickly said no, but Alex had a very concerned look on his face. Finally he said, “That would be bad!”

I said, “Why would that be bad?”

“Well, it would burn down, but we’d have Sega, Nintendo, and Backyard Football?” (He really, really likes video games…)

“No, they’d all be gone. But we’re all fine. Would we be OK?” I asked.

He thought for a moment and stuck to his guns, “No…” his eyes were filled with near horror, “That would be bad!”

You gotta love Alex’s honesty. He really means it. To him, that would mean the end of his world. For whatever reason, Ian has learned the lesson that stuff does not matter. It’s fun. He can enjoy it just as much as Alex, but Alex has wrapped his heart up in stuff. He can not imagine a world without his stuff.

I told him that this was a great example of what Jesus was talking about. Stuff doesn’t matter, and Jesus knew that. It’s fun, but it doesn’t matter. If we “treasure” stuff that will eventually break, be taken, or just die… then our hearts will be crushed with our treasure. Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.

And later this morning I got to thinking. I know I would be OK if all my stuff was gone. I would be a bit panicked about all my clients’ files and such. Hard to recover all that stuff. I would be bummed to lose the stuff of nostalgic and emotional value. But in the end I’d be OK.

That said, I sure do have a lot to distract me from important stuff! I love video games too. That takes a good amount of my time if I let it. I sure do love my computers, and the internet. That takes time too. I love to watch Star Treks. I love watching Hockey, and Football. I enjoy a good movie now and again. I even enjoy sitting down with a nice book and a cup o’ something.

There sure is a lot to “treasure”, eh?

So, I think at some point in the not-too-distant future… I may take a serious break from all my stuff. I want to cut away the distractions and spend some good time with Jesus. Every once in a while I long for that (I guess, when I haven’t had it in a while?) and now is one of those times. I think he was reminding me of that again today.

Some stuff in life is expendable. Well, OK… probably most stuff. Some stuff is not. Time with my Father who loves me is fantastic. I mean just hanging out time. We’re always together. He’s with me in everything I do. But sometimes it’s good to just be together, not really doing anything else, eh? I think I’m wanting some of that today.

So, I hope your treasures are in the right place today. I don’t mean black/white, right/wrong. I just mean, in a place where your heart won’t be crushed if your treasure is. We’re going to coax Alex toward that better place. Hope he follows.

God Can Throw You Into Hill

Following our morning Bible reading time the other day, Jen was eating breakfast with the kids – may have been also reading a book to them – when Alex interrupts to inform her that, “God can throw people into Hill.” She was probably a bit curious as to where that originated… πŸ™‚ Earlier that morning, the little story we read had Jesus reminding us that we don’t need to fear anybody because “once they kill you, they can’t do anything else to you.” (That was a loose quote…) “But,” he continues, “God is the one you should fear. Not only can he kill you, he can throw you into hell.”

As I finished saying that, both the boys looked at me wondering, and finally said outloud, “What’s ‘hell’, Dad?” Let me tell you… that’s not an easy thing to explain to an 8 year old and a 5 year old. πŸ™‚ So, I think I kinda did… and they went on their way. But apparently, that little statement from Jesus made an impact on little Alex… who now knows that God can throw people into “Hill”.

There is never a shortage of entertaining moments around here… πŸ™‚

Baseball Means Summer

BaseballI was looking out my window this morning, and the grass looked a little greener. I don’t mean figuratively. I mean, literally… it looked greener. The shadows were a bit different. The sun is moving into it’s summer position. The world outside just seemed a bit more “summery”.

But the one indicator that summer is approaching… BASEBALL. The boys start baseball tonight. They’ll play every Friday night for about 2 months. Alex gets to play his first year of tee ball this year, and Ian will be moving up to “coach pitch” ball. I think that means the coach pitches to the players. I think. πŸ™‚

It will all be great, except that the boys will be on very different fields… AT THE SAME TIME πŸ™ I’m really disappointed about that. But we’ll work something out. Or, I’ll just be mad for the next 8 Fridays. πŸ™

We’re excited that baseball is here! I’m not looking forward to the hot summer temps, but I am looking forward to watching my boys play baseball again, and practicing with them the rest of the week. πŸ™‚

Come on out and root ’em on!

One More Alex Story

Alex reminded me before lunch today that I am the “Kingdom of the family. Because you’re the tallest.” He’s pretty sure I’m in charge. I told him that I am not… Jesus is the King of our family, and we listen to him. Then he told me, “Well, you’re the king of us, the kids.” And I said, “For a little while. I get to try and show you the best way to live, as best I know how.”

Then I continued, “But, later on, when you’re old like me, then you get to make your own decisions…”

“Yeah! I can do anything I want!” he interrupted.

“Yes, based on hopefully the good foundation that I have given you, so you can make wise choices.” I continued, “Then when you’re old, I won’t be your “king” anymore. But hopefully, you can be my friend.”

That made him smile. A few moments later he started dreaming about this adult relationship with Dad. He said, “Maybe I’ll get married… and we’ll live in the house next to the Toneses (our next door neighbors). And of course you’ll be my friend… cause I used to be your son!!!

At that point, I assured him that he’ll still be my son, I just won’t be his “king”. πŸ™‚

Then he concluded with, “And I’ll come visit you every day!”

Alex is too cute. πŸ™‚

Chips & Salsa

Chips & SalsaYesterday I strolled through the living room and saw the boys eating chips and salsa again, which has become one of their favorite snacks. That’s cool, and all, except, it’s one of mine also! So I said to the boys, “No more chips and salsa for the boys… FOREVER!!!” πŸ™‚ (I used my teasing voice, I think, so… I thought nothing of it.)

Today, Alex asks Mom, “Can I have some pretzels, Mom?” And Jen tells me that he asks for pretzels now, because I told them to not eat chips and salsa anymore!!!!

Well, I felt pretty bad (but chuckled at the same time…) πŸ™‚ So, I called out to Alex, “Alex… you can have chips and salsa…”

At which point Alex closes the door to my office, but I can hear him run to tell Ian, “Ian! Ian!!! We can have CHIPS & SALSA!!!!!

Pretty cute. πŸ™‚

… and Alex

I told the story a day or two ago about Alex saying that Ian was not his brother anymore, so I would like to balance it with this little anecdote…

Ian was practicing his piano after lunch as I headed back up to the office. I stopped at the top of the stairs to leave a little note for Ian on his computer. I opened up a new page and in big font typed:

Hey Ian!
You’re a
great piano player!
And I love you! πŸ™‚
Love, Dad

I haven’t heard yet if Ian has seen that, but when I went down for a little bathroom break just now, I noticed that the text had been slightly altered. It now reads:

Hey Ian!
You’re a
great piano player!
And I love you! πŸ™‚
Love, Dadand alex

It’s subtle, so check again if you didn’t catch it the first time…

Alex apparently saw and read my note to Ian, and wanted to chime in that he agrees! πŸ™‚ How awesome is that. First that Alex is such a good reader, but more importantly, that he loves Ian enough to add his name to a verbal pat on the back.

I love our kids! They are awesome. πŸ™‚

Spam: The Best Time Waster

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating…


It has sucked the last hour or so of my life, trying to configure (to my liking) a new service I am trying called Spam Arrest. Check it out at my website… it’s definitely a fool-proof way to eliminate spam. Very easily configured. The part I am not liking is that it’s not easy to send email from the addresses I am protecting. I can, but it’s not easy.

The alternative is to endlessly hit the delete (or, usually in my case, the “Junk”) button. Junk, junk, junk, junk… a never-ending process to be sure.

Spam has necessitated spam filters. Spam filters get messages you don’t want to be filtered. More time wasted.

Spam has even caused me to write a blog post or two… again, spending more time. πŸ™‚

(Notice I didn’t say “wasted”. πŸ™‚ OH! For a funny Alex anecdote on “wasting time” stop by the WeTheCampbells.net page later today…)

Well, here’s hoping your day is not interrupted by spam, or spam remedies.

(Yeah, right!) πŸ™‚

Our Son, Jake

We are really enjoying this break from the hectic life of organized Christianity these days. We don’t have all the meetings or rehearsals for the stage production, and we don’t have to all go our separate ways for hours each Sunday morning or the occasional Saturday night. It’s been nice… just a way that we really want to be together as a family. Even if we visit a Sunday morning gathering, we usually just go to the same place, not disperse as was our pattern previously.

This past Sunday, we did a similar thing. We sang one song for the first service, so Grandpa watched the kids in the lobby as we did, and the rest of the time we all hung out together in the lobby. But for the Sunday school time in between the two services, we decided to take the boys to their classes. After talking with many people, we were a bit late for the start of their classes, so it was a bit of an adventure getting them there, but we got there.

We dropped Kirstie off in the nursery just before the second service (so that we could be with my parents) and the boys were moved by other people to the appropriate rooms. Well, after the service, I went to collect the kids. That’s when the fun began.

I got to Alex’s classroom, and there were two adults (a man and a woman) and three kids including Alex in there. When I opened the door, the woman said, “Oh, you must be here for Jake!”

They did not know who I was, or who my offspring would be, so I thought nothing of it, and scanned the room for Alex as I said, “Nooo…” When I found him on the other side of the door I said, “Hi Alex!” To which the woman responded, “THAT’S your name!!!”

OK, now I was confused. πŸ™‚

So they told me that the whole time he had been telling them that his name was Jake. Jake Campbell. They were both cracking up about this little boy, whom they were “pretty sure was not ‘Jake'” not once slipping and saying his real name! They asked several times, and tried to trick him into saying it even… but no luck. Jake he was.

The man said, “One time he even said, ‘I’m just pretending to be Jake.’!” Alex is way too funny. πŸ™‚

So, all the stuff they did in the class has the name Jake on it. πŸ™‚ That is soo funny!!! A classic Alex story. I am sure there will be many more.

From our little Jake. πŸ™‚