
NFL FootballThis season I have been asked to join a panel of “experts” in predicting the outcome of each week’s NFL games. So far I am in second place, behind my Buffalo Bills Review partner, Dave Drake, and another guy who are tied for first.

This week, after hearing the boys subtly add their voice to the discussion of my picks each week, I decided to let them in on it! So I made up little sheets for them to each make their picks and we’ll see who ends up with the best record by the end of the season. 🙂 (Actually, you might be surprised… there’s a good chance they will!)

It’s fun to see how excited they are about it 🙂

Even funnier was seeing how Alex changed a couple of his picks after announcing the games he was not going to get right – only to find out he could still change his picks up to kickoff time. 🙂 He’s pretty cute. He now assures us that he will go 16-0 this week.

The big game of course is tonight, where our Bills face the New England Patriots. Ian and I have our Bills winning in the end (good boy, Ian!) and Alex changed that one… which will of course help him go 16-0.

We’ll see!

Go Bills!

My Music

More than a dozen years ago now I started writing songs. Sorta out of the blue. (Yes, Mom, I do remember the songs I was writing when I was eight years old, but really… the first real songs I started writing were a bit later in life, and seemed to be “out of the blue”.)

At first these “OOTB” songs were a neat time for me to reflect on God and for me to express my heart to him. But slowly I began to share them with other people. A song here and there “at church”, and then for my college floor-mates (I still remember Brian loving the song What You Say, and predicting it would be “a hit”.) 🙂

Eventually, we formed a band and made a cd. And for a time, that was that.

We went separate ways after college, and I continued to write songs, but used them in public a bit less. Even less when Jen & I were married as she had a strong aversion to them. No worries, it was fun while it lasted…. let’s move on.

But God wanted something different. I could not put them down. I was compelled to use them. For other people. And use them we did. Listening to God in that moment (and watching him lead Jen toward the same thing) led to some six or seven years of full-time music traveling across the entire United States, and recording some five, six or seven albums.

Then in 2005, again at God’s leading, it just stopped. Check out the “past events” at the calendar page on our website. Incredibly sparse over the last two years! (Compare it to 2002-2004!) So it would seem that at least for the time being, God does not have a use for my music.

Or does he?

Two nights ago, as I was saying good night to the girls, I just sat down next to Kirstie’s bed and stayed there. She asked me what I was doing and I said, “I just wanted to stay here a while. I don’t have anywhere to go right now, so I wanted to stay with you.” She smiled a big “I love you” smile, and after a little pause she asked, “Dad, can you sing us a song on your guitar?”

“Not tonight, Kirstie. I don’t have a song tonight.”

“Can you sing the ‘Lay your head on your pillow’ song?” she asked, again with a big “I love you” smile. Now, it took me a second to remember what she was talking about, but it really was a song. A song I had sung once for the girls… about TWO MONTHS AGO. 🙂 I just brought my guitar in the room and made up a song, as I am wont to do for the girls, and the boys.

And she remembered.

At that moment I realized that God is still using my music. But instead of audiences across the country, and indeed the world, the audience is my four beautiful kids.

My little girl is listening, and loves her Daddy’s songs.

Could it be any better?

They Earned It

Yesterday the boys were just a bit rambunctious to start the day. They were not being bad necessarily… just sort of annoying, and out of control. I happened to be on the phone with my parents at the time (which was part of the reason they were annoying) and was relaying the story to them. Jen said we should send them out to stack firewood. But, since we don’t have any firewood… my Dad said, send ’em out to rake the yard!

“Great idea,” I said.

So, we bundled them up for the chilly morning, set down the ground rules and, truthfully, I expected to be refereeing, and end up doing the work myself.

However, much to my surprise… they did an amazing job. They both worked together. They worked hard. They even had fun, I think. They took an HOUR to do our front yard (Ian said, “How long has it been, cause the bell tower has rung twice since we’ve been out here…”) and they never complained, even though their hands were getting tired.

Near the end of their assigned task I asked them, “Do you guys want to ask our neighbors if they would like you to do their yard? You could ask them to give you $5/each for doing it?” (I just picked a random number out of the air… wasn’t sure what the neighbors would be willing to pay…) At first, they were too tired, but for some reason, Ian was able to convince Alex to try it, and they went and asked.

I checked on them and saw them raking the yard, and learned that they would be paid two dollars each for raking the front yard. They were pretty excited, and diligent in their work. I smiled and left them to it.

I continued to check on them pretty frequently. (The front yard is right near a very busy road, and well, I love my boys, so I wanted to make sure they were still there!!!) They were doing great! And they took almost another hour to do that yard!! They never stopped, just kept at it till it was done. I have to say, I have never “felt” more proud of them. It was a fun parental moment.

When the task was complete, I saw them go to our neighbor’s front door and receive the payment. Alex got his first and ran away from the house cheering and saying, “Dad!!! Look what I got!!!!!!” while waving his two dollar bills firmly gripped in his right mitten. Ian was pretty excited too, but Alex couldn’t stop talking about his TWO DOLLARS!!! 🙂 I told him, “That’s great, Alex! And you earned it! You did a lot of hard work to earn that.” Next thing I knew he was headed to the basement to find mom, saying, “Mom!! Look what I earned!!!!” 🙂

Too cute. 🙂

So last night, after telling them how proud I was of them for working together, and doing what we had asked, and then for doing twice what we asked, we went to Wal-Mart and they each got to pick out a treat that they earned with their hard work. Alex paid for his and the cashier gave him his receipt. He couldn’t have been happier. He said, “I got a receipt!! This is my receipt!”

Pretty sure he’s keeping that one for a while.

10th Anniversary Vacation Photos

Greg & Jen celebrating 10 years of marriage!
Yes folks, we had a blast. And now we are back home taking care of our four kids, and last weekend, we kept our friends’ three girls for three days to boot! So, I haven’t gotten to sit down and share some of the highlights of our trip with you. We haven’t even gotten to post the photos we wish we could just yet. So, for now, here are the links to the albums I have posted on Facebook. So far.

Sunset on the Coast
Marine Wildlife
Apple-Related Photos

More to come! 🙂

What Color Am I?

Personality Test
I don’t know why these quick little quizzes are so fascinating to me, but they are… My pick was interestingly accurate. It said to choose the “most appealing” one… that could mean a lot of things, so I chose the one I noticed first. Here’s what it said about me.

You love a free and spontaneous life. And you strive to enjoy every moment, in accordance with the motto: “You only live once.”

You are very curious and open about everything new. You thrive on change. Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down.

You experience your environment as being versatile and always good for a surprise.

So, click the image above and take their one-click test. See if it accurately describes you. 🙂

Mac-Related News

I’m sure you’ll remember that we stood in line on the night that Apple released their new operating system—Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard—and got ourselves some snazzy t-shirts… well, we finally got the OS, too! I have installed it on my laptop, and it’s pretty neat. There are still many questions I have about it (Safari—the browser—crashes a lot, and the networking seems… fishy, among other things) but overall I do like a lot of the new features. Will be better when I can install it on my main machine here. (Too busy to risk doing that right now!!)

Besides Leopard there are a couple other items of interest I saw come across the RSS feed today…

Macs indeed cheaper than PCs
Multiplying Mac Trojan not epidemic yet

Yes folks, there are rumors of another Mac virus, and though I’ll admit to not investigating thoroughly, it’s still not the same as a self-propagating virus as you see infecting the Windows world. Not making excuses here, just trying to quell the shouts of, “Macs get viruses too!!!” Apparently there is a LOT of user input necessary for this virus to do anything. (Downloading, clicking, installing, etc.) And again, it’s not self-propagating.

So, interesting stuff if you’re a Mac fan.

And really… who isn’t? 🙂

The Busyness Continues

Here I am at the Apple store, waiting to meet with a Genius for our Mac Mini. (Was trying to install the newest OS, Leopard, on it last night and that didn’t work.) 🙂 This is the first chance I have had since getting back from vacation to post anything to GregsHead.net! (I used to do this more often…..) 🙂

I still do want to tell more of the stories that I did write down from our trip, but again… it’s finding/making the time to get them up here. I will be posting a “highlights” version soon, though. It was SUCH a great trip!!

I’m #3 on the list here, so I am keeping one eye on the Genius Bar… but trying to remember what I was going to say here… 🙂

A couple things of interest… first, the busyness does continue. Going on vacation was a nice escape from reality, but did make the work pile up a bit more. And, when I finally get to the projects I need to be working on, then I get a call or email from someone needing tech support on their sites. You never can quite predict how a day will go, eh?

Also, last night I watched Spider-Man 3 while re-installing the system software on my broken Mac Mini. 🙂 Actually really liked it. The violence is weirdly over the top, but “cartoony” enough to not be that bad. Aside from that, the story lines were very good. There were three different story lines of characters being consumed by revenge, and eventually overcoming it through forgiveness. Not as cheesy as that sounded. 🙂 Also just cool examples of the power of loving someone, even enough to die for them. (Don’t want to give away the ending…) 😉

So, I recommend it.

OK… it’s gotta be my turn soon!!!

I am here by myself also. We had dinner with some friends, and we were late 🙂 Just got to finish my waffle and head out for this appointment. Hope to get to hang out a bit once we finish this.

I hope we start it… 🙂

All Things Together

I’m writing this from 30,000 feet. We have a perfectly clear, sunny day for our return flight home. The view is majestic. It never ends. I never get tired of it. In fact, in between these sentences, I keep glancing over to make sure I don’t miss anything.

So far we have crossed three states, and the Rocky Mountains are well within view. The features below that would be so impressive when viewed from the ground are reduced to small bumps and lines.

Still pretty impressive.

The theme of the week for me seems to have been how everything works together. All that God has made is impressive enough on its own merit, but then when you consider how it all works together, all the more astounding.

I am seeing some of that from this 6-mile-high vantage point. The mountains very noticeably channel water from their tops to the surrounding area at the bottom. You can see “veins” where the water travels. On the more desert regions, the “arms” of the tributaries spread far out into the flat areas below the mountains. I can’t fully put it into words, but from up here, I can just see more clearly how everything works together.

This week as we paid several visits to the Pacific coast, we just kept marveling at the waves. They just never stopped. They were beautiful, and powerful all by themselves. But to see how they were bringing in the kelp for the birds and insects to eat, as well as cleaning out other things, like old shells. And it never stops. Wave after wave after wave. Constantly renewing itself.

The birds and otters were fun to watch too. They enjoyed the surf as much as we do. They would face into a wave, then duck down under it and come up on the other side. (Presumably to get some food, as well as to avoid a serious thrashing if they stayed above the water!)

We also found out this week that Pacific Grove is called Butterfly Village, USA. (Or something like that…) Monarch butterflies winter there. The big cool orange ones. They fly down from Canada each year and spend the winter in Pacific Grove’s warmer climate. Now, the problem is, those particular butterflies can’t have any idea how to get there. They are the fourth generation of butterflies that left Pacific Grove the previous summer. The generation that travels to Pacific Grove lives 8 months, so they can make the long journey, and survive the winter. The others only live for 6 weeks. So there are 3 generations born up north that live 6 weeks, and the fourth then travels back to Pacific Grove. But how do they know where to go? The question was posed on an information board in the Monarch Habitat and simply answered, “We don’t know.” We have ideas, but we really don’t know.

Everything just seems to work together.

All week I kept thinking of the verse in Colossians that says that Jesus holds all things together. All of this makes a lot of sense when you just accept that verse at face value. An amazing Creator made all of this stuff to work together, and he continues to make it work togehter. Incredible.

We had such a great time seeing it happen right before our eyes this week. God is so amazing, and his creation is just one small testament to that.

Fisherman’s Wharf – Monterey Style

Tonight we decided to go for a walk down Fisherman’s Wharf in downtown Monterey. It’s only about a 10 minute drive from our place. Lots of little shops, and lots of FOOD (which we needed NONE of!) and, lots of SEALS.

Seriously. Lots of seals. Making lots of noise. There were also otters, sea gulls, pelicans, and a few other random animals. I guess they like it there. 🙂 We just stayed and watched them for a while… I couldn’t believe how much noise they were making!!

We strolled the wharf for a while after watching the live National Geographic episode. There were lots of little souvenir shops, so we went through their aisles, finding all sorts of treasures our kids would like. We picked up a few, but decided to be a bit more selective. We’ll probably come back for a few more, but we’ll shop around a bit first.

There were also free samples from several of the little restaurants. That was interesting. We tried a nice little clam chowder one, and then we got a dessert sample from a little candy shop. Pretty neat place. 🙂

It really was a nice birthday for Jen. I’m glad I got so spend all of it with her.

We came back home around 8pm or so and caught the end of the World Series. Jen fell asleep though, not too long after we started watching, and missed the last few innings. 🙂 She woke up for the bottom of the ninth.

Can’t believe we still have most of a week left! More fun to come tomorrow!