ΒΏUnos Mates?

Our friend, Laura, (who is from Argentina) sent me a link this morning to a series of videos from NBC’s TODAY show that were done from Buenos Aires. There were a lot of videos there, but the link/video I noticed was the one above about the most common Argentine beverage, yerba mate.

Laura has gotten me hooked on this, and I drink it most days. (It can be sweetened a bit more than apparently it was in the video…) πŸ™‚ Ian kind of likes it, and perhaps another kid or two will… but Jen is definitely not a fan. πŸ™‚

Anyway, just thought I would share this video here…

While I am tomando unos mates. πŸ™‚

[RELATED LINK: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/24315283/]

Springtime in Palmyra

Spring In Palmyra
I took some more photos earlier this week of the “greening” of our town. Actually, as you can see above… they were more of the redding, pinking, yellowing, and whiting variety. Maybe even some purpling. πŸ™‚ Tons of flowering and budding going on around here, and I captured some of it on a walk with two of the kiddos.

(Click the photo above to see the photo album at Facebook) πŸ™‚


It’s been really warm here the past week or so. Today promises to be a bit nicer (at least, by my standards) with a high around 62ΒΊF. Mostly I don’t like spring – probably least of all four seasons – because it means the hot weather is coming, and usually with melting snow and even more rain, it’s just a muddy mess.

But today, as I was out for a quick morning walk, I was looking around at all the new growth – the “greening” of our town again – and I just thought it was cool. The new life is a very cool thing about spring.

See? You can find a “silver lining” just about anywhere… πŸ˜‰

5 Things I Hate

  1. When my kids are trying to tell me a fun story from their day, and it’s just the wrong time and I hurriedly dismiss them in order to accomplish the task of the moment.
  2. Anytime I am mean to my wife (words, actions… however) whether real or perceived.
  3. Deadlines/promises/goals not met or kept.
  4. Seeing my kids hurt.
  5. Staying up later than I wanted to. πŸ™‚

Good night! πŸ™‚


That word – “expectations” – certainly has some baggage, doesn’t it? I mean, even as I typed it for the title of this post, I thought, “That’s not exactly what I’m trying to say…” But I think it is. I do believe there can be good expectations. (And I fully acknowledge that, relationally speaking, there are the bad sort of “expectations”.)

But I was reminded again last night that sometimes it’s good to “expect” more.

The four oldest kids joined me at a birthday party where we were to have dinner. I’ll admit, it was a bit of a challenge to keep everyone in the same place when we first got there, amongst the many other strangers (we only knew the hosts, and had briefly met one or two others). But, the kids were great, and we eventually got some food and found a table to sit down and eat.

I got everyone set up eating their food, then went to go get drinks. They stayed there – they did awesome! – and just enjoyed their food, and I think Ian was chatting with the other people at the table.

After we had been eating for a while, the mom who was at the table said to our kids, “Why are you guys so good???” and then without pausing, said to me, “How do you get the baby to stay there???” Actually, when she said baby, I thought of Emma… but she wasn’t there, so that confused me. Then I realized she meant Julia, our two year old. We’ve actually been working on moving past a few “baby” things with Julia (mostly of her own desire) so I responded (with Julia) saying, “Julia, are you a baby? Or a big girl?” She cheerfully replied, “Big girl!”

What the mom was noticing was that our four kids (with only one parent at that moment) were sitting, happily eating and chatting, while her husband was chasing their two year old boy all over the place. A little more conversation with this mother revealed exactly why there was such a difference between our kids.

She didn’t expect anything from them.

Just to clarify, I completely understand that expectations can be laden with guilt and obligation and other unhealthy relational things. But also, I think a lot of parents are frustrated because their expectations of what their kids are capable of are far too low.

Kids are actually quite smart. πŸ™‚

Many people comment to me on the way that I speak to children. To ours, and to others. Apparently, I speak to them “like adults”. I’m not exactly sure what they mean, but Jen has echoed those same sentiments (when spoken by others). Basically, I think most people talk “down” to kids. But I do not. I can see that they understand a lot more that we give them credit for, and I know they are quite able to choose (many things, at least) and so I give them the opportunity to choose “the right thing” and/or to exhibit some self control.

From that mindset, and with greater “expectations” from the start… our kids are (from my observation, and that of many others) a bit more “well behaved”. Not all the time, certainly. They are still just kids, and though they are capable of self-control… do not have life experience enough to be great at exercising it. πŸ˜‰

That just comes with practice.

And, expectations of greatness accompanied by encouragement toward those higher expectations.

Failure will happen, and certainly “unmet expectations”. But with encouragement along the way, and not only believing in the “best” from our kids, but helping them believe it as well, I think our kids will go far, with confidence gained by encouraging, supportive parents who root on their kids to the greatness they are capable of!

[Note: I had a discussion re: parenting ideas with a friend recently, and there was some misunderstanding as to the intention of the thoughts I shared. Parenting is near and dear to our hearts, and so, uninvited “advice” can come across as condescending. Such is never my intention, nor is it the intention of this post. Just sharing some observations. If you find them helpful, please incorporate them into your parenting philosophy. If not, please happily ignore.] πŸ™‚

Polygamists and Government

I wanted to comment on the incident that took place recently in Texas, where authorities stormed a private ranch and took everyone by force, separating kids from their families, and all sorts of very not-American things. It just made me sick when I heard about it.

I am not a polygamist. But I am a “libertarian”. Not by political affiliation, by principle. We here in America (according to the Declaration of Independence) feel that all are created equal and should inherently be free. Especially freedom of religion. Now, that can make you do some kooky things. And you should have the freedom to do kooky things. You can’t force other people to, and there are weird lines there when religion is involved, but in general, I’m against the government deciding what’s too kooky.

For the second time this week I am linking to a column by Bob Lonsberry, local radio talk show personality. He’s abrasive and a bit crazy sometimes, but sometimes can be poignant and present very valid points. He wrote what I wanted to (with much more information that I had) regarding the state seizing not only the ranch and the people, but their children and “relieving” the parents of their parental rights. All of them. As a group. Before proving any sort of guilt.


We’re pretty kooky in our own right. We Campbells. We don’t do things like most people. In most ways, I think that makes us stand out in a good way. But what if the government were to catch wind of our crazy thinkings? You mean, they don’t really do school (like we do) with their kids… they just learn from every day as it unfolds?? or… Well, this won’t happen yet, but, You mean they are Christians, but they don’t attend any church services of any kind??? There are many more ways we’re “different”… and we are raising a family of people to be “different”. Where is it OK for the government (local, state, federal) to decide that our “different” has crossed some line and now our children are unsafe?

I might be drawing conclusions that are too extreme, but really… it’s scary. What happened in Texas should not have happened in America, and I think we will continue toward this style of governing until all of our liberties are taken away. That’s quite pessimistic, coming from my mouth… but unfortunately it’s not just our politicians, it seems decades of cultural thought has already moved us far down that path of trusting “experts” and “institutions” more than individuals.

Quite sad.

So, for now, we Campbells will keep being kooky, and loving everyone God places in our path. (Including each other!) πŸ™‚

related links
ABC News

[Things That Are Weird] Phone Walkers

I tend to walk around and do stuff while I’m on the phone. Sometimes it’s even just aimless walking, but usually I am just multi-tasking. Do you? I was meeting with a new client yesterday, and he did the same thing. He just took off and started pacing his house as soon as he answered the phone. He was a pretty good phone walker!

The cutest though is Kirsten and Julia. Whenever they chat with their grandparents, they are usually hold the phone to their ear and walking around our entire first floor. Julia usually just starts walking in a very tight little circle! So cute!!

But… since this is a Things That Are Weird…

Why DO we feel the need to start walkin’ when we’re chattin’ on the phone?

I’m A People Person

There’s no denying it now. I am officially and completely a people person.

This past weekend we kept our friends’ three girls while they made a super-packed-full trip to their new home in the Washington, DC area. They dropped them off Thursday morning, and we had them until Sunday night. At first glance that seemed like a pretty long time, but I knew it would go really fast. And it did.

The best part was not the four days of two adults and eight kids though. The best part came on Sunday afternoon.

My sister and her husband and their four kids were on their way to their new home in the Buffalo, NY area, and were planning to stop by and visit. So, now we had twelve kids (ages 9 down to 1 month) and only four adults. But we didn’t stop there! Later in the afternoon, our friend Laura and her son came to visit bringing the total up to 5 adults and 13 kids! All in our little yellow house!!!

And I could not have been happier. πŸ™‚

I looked around at one point at the four families represented in my living room and just smiled. I couldn’t help it. That is what I want my house to be. The place where people hang out. Come, visit, hang, for no reason … just to be together. It was wunderbar.

Later that night, our friends came back to retrieve their kids and ended up sticking around to sample the good food from the day (cinnamon rolls and chicken wings and skyline chili, etc) and taking in an episode of the Knight Rider. It was a great ending to a fun day and a great weekend.

But then…

On Monday, Jen’s parents came over with our nephew to spend a couple fun days with our kids and Jen (while I was here working). They were gone most of yesterday, and are gone again today now doing some fun things around our area. I’m glad for the kids. They are having a blast. But it’s really quiet here.

I have officially discovered that I am a “people person”. Fellow people people seem to need “down times”, but I can’t get enough. I miss those little girls we had here for the long weekend. A lot. I certainly miss my family right now. And last night, the two boys spent the night with Grandma, Grandpa & their cousin… and it just wasn’t right. The house felt empty, though we still had the three girls here with us.

I am definitely a people person.

[Tangent… Last night when we just had the three girls, I thought to myself, “This seems way too easy!” I felt like it was “parenting-lite”. I guess the hardest part of parenting these days is not the feeding and cleaning that we mostly do for the three girls (ages four and down) but the relational and life-training that we are doing with the boys (and probably Kirstie, too). So without that “challenge”… I felt like we had the night off! πŸ™‚ Tangent over…]

So, I am incredibly grateful to God for the big family he has placed me in, and look forward to it growing if that’s what He’s got in mind. I’m super blessed to be part of a great extended family, too (my mom & dad, sister & fam, my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even all my in-laws).

Guess that’s probably why I’m a people person. πŸ™‚

What Ever Happened To Steve?

SteveWe have kids. Lots of ’em. And they all like Blue’s Clues. As do we. We even don’t mind Joe, who replaced the un-replaceable Steve a couple years back now. Steve is definitely the best.

Well, not really sure why, but this morning I decided to Google “what happened to blues clues steve”. Turned out to be quite a funny/interesting webventure.

Turns out that Steve just decided after episode 100 of Blue’s Clues, that it just wasn’t what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He’s a musician at heart, apparently, and decided to pursue that. He released an indie record in 2002 I think? And is currently working on a new one (though the dates on his website seem to be pretty old… so not sure about that.)

I just found it fascinating to see “Steve” rockin’ out in a music video (his own song) on a Steve Burns fan site.


Life moves on I guess. Good for Steve. Funny story from his “Press” page on his website:

One Spring afternoon in 1999, Steve Burns was on his way to a date. He was driving through New Jersey, fighting jitters, primping in the rearview, when something on the side of the road caught his eye; a mailbox with blue cartoon paw prints on it and a message that read YOU JUST FIGURED OUT JONATHAN’S BIRTHDAY! While most rock singers would have shrugged off such fleeting details, Burns recognized them as symbols revered by millions of Americans – Americans under four feet tall and on a first name basis with Steve Burns.

“It was obviously a Blue’s Clues party,” says Burns, who was, in fact, the host of Blue’s Clues, one of the most popular children’s programs in television history. He glanced at the toys and props left in his car after a recent charity performance. The khaki pants. The iconic green-and-olive striped rugby shirt.

“I gotta do it,” he said.

He met his date, changed clothes, and drove back to the party. “We just showed up with the toys and knocked on the door,” says Burns, a slight 30-year-old sipping a latte in and airy Brooklyn cafe. “I was like ‘Hey!’ ” His narrow face and big, dark eyes bloom into the fully dilated character beloved worldwide. ” ‘Who’s Jonathan?’ The kids were, like, ‘Cool! Steve’s here!’ ” So Burns loped around, clowned with the youngsters, dispensed toys, and refused cash from the bewildered dad. It was a magic little moment – a kindhearted breach in the space-time continuum – and we sit silent for a second, contemplating it.

It would be strange being a rockstar to 3-year-olds everywhere… πŸ™‚

For you Steve fans out there… here are some pertinent links I stumbled across today:
Steve Burns – Wikipedia
Steve Burns (Band) MySpace Page

NHL "Parity"

Minnesota Wild - NHL Playoffs
Every sport tries to say they have it. Parity is the word that means you have achieved ultimate sporting success. There is true competition amongst the teams in your league. But really… so far as I can tell… only the NHL has achieved such a thing.

Proof is in the series between the Minnesota Wild and the Colorado Avalanche. First, they are the 4 and 5 seeds in the Western conference. That means they were the closest to each other in points. They are a great matchup on paper. But then, you have the actual games. Each of the three games so far has ended 3-2… in overtime. Including last night’s game. Minnesota has a 2-1 series edge, but I fully expect a 3-2 OT win for Colorado the next time they play. This series is great!

So far there is only one series that is a potential sweep. (Well, two, but only one that might actually end up a sweep.) The Pittsburgh Penguins seem to have Ottawa’s number. This is interesting in that Ottawa ousted the Penguins last year fairly easily (4 or 5 games) and this year were tearing up the Eastern Conference for quite some time. They have faltered at the end here, but still have some fantastic players who can score anytime they want to. (As evidenced by a late season 6-3 win over the Sabres – a game in which the Sabres held a 3-2 late third period lead!!)

Some other great first round matchups include the Caps and Flyers, Flames and Sharks, Rangers and Devils, Bruins and Canadiens… well, really.. ALL of them! The defending champs (Anaheim Mighty Ducks) are down 2-0 in their series, but I wouldn’t expect that to continue… that should end up a great series as well.

So if you have Versus (a cable TV network) they are showing two games every night, and they have some great coverage between periods and after the games. NBC is carrying games on weekends. I think.

And, if you live in Canada… you’re set. πŸ™‚

NHL Playoffs are here, and it is the #1 sports spectacle in all of pro sports! Enjoy it while it lasts!