Electrical Problems

You may have heard that the Buffalo Bills game last Sunday was blacked out a few times thanks to some balloons getting caught in the electrical wires outside the stadium. The entire stadium lost power half an hour before the game, and then once more in the second quarter of the game. Everything was shut down. No one was allowed into the stadium (because they couldn’t electronically scan tickets at the gates) and there were no clocks, referee announcements, score boards, advertisements… there wasn’t even a TV broadcast!!!

Yes, folks, the NFL was brought to its knees by a rubbery, plasticky, child’s toy.

It was quite entertaining. πŸ™‚

But prior to that more well-known electrical issue… there was one right here in the Campbell home.

Just before our friends were leaving for most of a week for a mini-vacation in Mexico, and leaving their two-year-old son (for the first time ever, no less) with us for that time, the electrical wiring in my attic office went haywire. There was no puff of smoke, no sizzling, no bad smells, no strange sounds. The lights just… went off.

I checked breakers, I looked in outlets, I looked in switches… all to no avail. The power would not come back on. Even had my much more savvy neighbor come take a look and what we found confused us even more! There was clearly an issue that required some more knowledgeable electrician help.

Thankfully, despite the fact that I didn’t even have time to call an electrician to come look at it… our house (with the extra two-year-old friend in it, whose parents were probably at least a little concerned with the electrical predicament we were in) did NOT burn down to the ground. That was cool.

When my neighbor came over, we took apart everything in the office. Light covers and light bulbs, light switches, moved furniture, and removed outlet covers. Since I was going to have someone come look at it, we left it that way. Well… after several days of operating in the (mostly) dark, I got fed up with the office being a shambles, so I started putting everything back together. I figured, once we get someone to come look at it… we’ll just take it apart again.

As I was replacing part of the light fixture… the lights came on. πŸ™‚ I tested it a couple times and realized that I had discovered the source of the problem!! I got some tools from my neighbor and indeed, the loose wire had been found!!! Yippee!!!

Jen (I found out later) had asked God that day to help us find a solution to that problem that didn’t cost us any money, and hopefully, before our house burned down. He did! πŸ™‚

So, for a fleeting moment, I felt quite accomplished in the field of electrical wiring. I actually found and fixed an electrical problem… all on my own! That is a rare moment indeed!

Not sure what’s with all the electrical difficulties, but they did make for two pretty interesting days/stories…

Hope the power is on where you are. (Of course, it would need to be if you’re reading this… so I guess it is!) πŸ™‚

The Sabres are Double Awesome

I just posted a more detailed article on our Buffalo Bills site, but thought I’d share the condensed version here for those who might not care about the game’s details…

Last night the Sabres played a pretty tough team on the road. Minnesota was 4-0-0, and they are a great defensive team. Buffalo is good at scoring, but it was going to be difficult to win no matter how well they played, so I said to the rest of the family before the game started, “If we win tonight, we are awesome!”

Well, it started well. We got the first goal, and finished the first period up 1-0! I was getting excited! Maybe we were awesome! BUT… it went downhill in the second period. (For you non-hockey folk… there are three 20-minute periods in a hockey game.) The Sabres were down 2-1 after the second, and after our goalie basically put the puck in OUR net in the third period, we were trailing 3-1 to a team who doesn’t lose when they are ahead in the final period.

So, I changed my declaration. I said, “If we win now, we are DOUBLE awesome!” I really didn’t think they’d win… I just hoped we’d at least get one more goal to make it respectable.

Well… we did. And we got another. And in overtime… we WON!

And so…

The Sabres…

ARE DOUBLE AWESOME!!!! Whoohoo!! πŸ™‚

Smart Voter

I was curious who else was on the NY State ballot for the impending election, and stumbled upon this site with a list of each candidate as well as some cursory information and links to more. Thought that was pretty cool. They call the site “Smart Voter”, and boy would that be nice. It is not my impression that most people are “smart” voters. I would not consider getting information on who you might vote for from any of the media a “smart” source to draw upon. (Note: I’m not certain this is either, but at least you can do some of your own research.)

Who knew there were so many people running for president? I thought it was only three. Thanks, media…

(I’m not too happy with most people involved in this whole election thing at the moment… can you tell?) πŸ™‚


We’re only a few weeks away from the election now. I wish I could say I am excited, but I am definitely not. I really don’t want to vote for either of these guys. In the end, I’ll probably end up choosing the lesser of two evils. That’s no fun. I must say, I still really don’t trust Obama. Partially due to the craziness of his followers.

Are you excited about the election? Or, are you like me, and just voting because it’s great that you do have a vote… but rather apathetic to (or disdained by) the candidates we get to choose from?

I’ll be flipping levers in a couple Tuesdays, and at least… it will be over. πŸ™‚


As you the readers of GregsHead may already know… I am busy. Busier, more stretched-thin, and just more tired than I can ever remember being. Maybe it’s just cause I’m getting old?

Maybe I’m still trying to do too much.

But last night, as I was reading the day’s emails, news, and various things around and about Facebook, I found myself being fed up. I felt fine overall, but I might describe the emotions I felt toward some emails, news headlines, Facebook status messages, and even just general life circumstances as “despair”. I was just tired of everything and wanted it all to go away and never come back. Inside I was shouting, “I just don’t want to deal with this anymore!!!!”

Then I had to chuckle. I thought it was pretty weird (and slightly humorous) how being tired can make you feel despondent like that. πŸ™‚ I realized cognitively that was the case, I was just extremely over-tired. And, I did feel better this morning. But, I’m starting to feel the drag again tonight.

Probably something needs to change. I still haven’t figured out what. But every day I am tired. Every night I am more tired. I miss having fun. With my family, with friends. I miss relaxing. And even weirder, I end every day feeling un-finished. There may have been many great things that day, but there always seem to be so many more left unfinished.

So… kind of a funny story, but really a greater, overshadowing reality.

I’m tired!

Donte Whitner - Buffalo BillsWe were joined on the Buffalo Bills Review tonight by Bills starting strong safety, Donte Whitner! Was a fun (pretty short) conversation where we covered stuff like his being the 8th pick in the draft (and how that was such a surprise at the time!) and about his big playoff guarantee. Plus, he has a foundation that helps inner city kids and kids from single-parent homes in various ways. Cool stuff.

So, if you are a football fan, and forgot that I have a Buffalo Bills show… click on over and check it out. James Hardy (Bills’ rookie WR) will be joining us later this week on the Bills bye week. Stay tuned…

Apple: Spotlight on Notebooks

Apple is holding another event tomorrow, simply billed as “Spotlight on Notebooks“. As I’ve said before, I’ll refrain from any speculative comments re: what we might see, since I am now employed by Apple. I’ll be working there tomorrow, so I’m sure we’ll all be following the announcements as they come (as much as we can). Should be interesting to see what is updated. There are many rumors out there… tomorrow at 1pm EST we find out which are accurate.

I love Apple events πŸ™‚ (But I always wish I could afford to buy more of the fun stuff that is announced!) πŸ™‚

Hockey Is Back!

With football season in full swing, and alllll the other stuff going on around here in Campbell-land, it’s pretty hard to fit anything else in, but we were offered the good six-month promo price on digital cable so we decided to do it for the bulk of the hockey season. So far we have been rewarded.

I followed the Sabres’ offseason moves and was optimistic that we’d see a return to something more like the President’s Trophy season of two years ago. If you can extrapolate anything from only two games… we just may be!

The Sabres have won their first two games, one against the Eastern Conference champs from last season (with some great saves by our supposedly superstar goalie, as well as TWO goals in the shoot out – both of which didn’t happen much last year!) and the other in a blowout on the road – 7-1 over the NY Islanders today. If Miller plays as well as he did in the first game (and as well as he did in the previous few years other than last season) then we certainly can score goals…

Could be a fun year!

Could we have two championship teams in Buffalo this year??! (How crazy would that be??!)

So, busy here, but having fun.
Go Buffalo!

Three Little Known Facts

I was thinking today… I bet that you – no matter how much you may read this blog – may not know the following three things about me…

  1. I am an ordained minister. (It’s true! No lie!)
  2. I have a friend who refuses to call me anything but Mitch (and various derivatives)
  3. Both of my grandpas, and three of my uncles (and one cousin!) are named “James” (and various derivatives) (AND, my father-in-law and one brother-in-law are both named “Jimmie”!! What in the world??!)

Betcha didn’t know.