Two Observations

On this, the eve of my 29th birthday… I have a couple observations from the recent past: (1) Empty Greatness We were driving from southern West Virginia to Buffalo, NY area on Thanksgiving Day, and as you might imagine, not much of anything was open… everyone was at a home eating turkey! Well, we came […]

Catching Up

Well I told you we would get you some stories that have not made it to the BLOG from this trip… and I am sitting here watching the Bills lose to Dallas, so I thought… what better time than that?? 🙂 Let’s see… where to begin…. Stories From Clearwater… We told you the amazing story […]

Disney World

Sometimes… if you trust Him… when you follow Him… you will find a surprise along the way. 🙂 Jen was asking God to hook us up with Disney while we were down here… knowing full well that there was no way we could afford to even get in the parking lot. But, she asked anyway. […]


Well, we made it… and you may be able to tell that it has been a bit crazy since we arrived here in Clearwater… I have not been able to put anything up here in a few days. I really wanted to spell out all of the craziness of last Saturday night – the night […]


SO… here’s our crazy story. Last night, on our way to get some dinner (we were walking from our hotel to a restaurant around the corner) there was a man named George who was carrying a gas can, who approached us asking for some money to get gas. We listened and offered to help… and […]


Some of you think that we are crazy. That we are away from home entirely too much. "How do you do it?" is one question we are asked a lot. Well… sometimes it does get wearisome but… most times it’s OK. We don’t mind it, cause we know we are coming home, and there is […]


I just realized that I have not done a very good job here of reviewing the days that have been… that has been one of the main functions of our journal page in the past. When we travel on extended tours, we would keep a record of the various things that happened each day. Well, […]