
You ever just wake up and think… whoa… how am I going to do this day? I just did. The sheer amount of what I need to do TODAY seems quite insurmountable… but I am about to begin an attempt to do so. Perhaps you are wiser than I and do not schedule several large […]

What World Are You In?

So, I mentioned before that we were watching the Democratic National Convention last week, and that my parents are Super Republicans… those things are both true. And in general, I’d say the majority of the folks we hang out with would tend toward the GOP as the GOP is the more conservative of the parties… […]


So, the other day – in between being mad – I had to laugh at myself. 🙂 You may have read here through the past several months, how God has already taken me to a place that is crazier than most people I know would like to be. That every week, every day, we are […]

Just Not Right…

I just finished watching a movie. I don’t even know what it was called. But there was such an interesting part at the end… I had to blog about it. The movie was about a series of brutal, horrible serial killings of young women. They did a good job of setting up like 4 different […]

Legislating Morality

I just wanted to add a bit to one of the paragraphs below. I think Christians make a couple mistakes. (Well, we make LOTS of mistakes, but re: this issue… a couple.) 🙂 (1) believing that we are still living in a Christian country. (2) That legislation (laws) will actually bring about a change of […]


Hey… don’t know what happened… I just don’t have as much to say recently… or perhaps don’t take the time to say it? Well, wanted to correct that a bit tonight. We got to present our collection of God’s truth on the foundational relationship He gave us. We call it One Man, One Woman (OMOW). […]