The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver At the strong recommendation of several close friends, I finally got a chance to read the book, The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. Just completed it this morning (here on VACATION!!!!! Which, by the way, will explain my prolonged absence from blogging… have tried to actually limit computer time and spend as […]

The Important

I have definitely been struggling of late with the institution of the church. My part in the institute is on stage, so really I mostly struggle with every aspect of The Show. That is a subject for an entirely different blog page. Perhaps I will start that one day. But for today… that is a […]

Purity of Life

I feel like I have been playing lots of games lately. Games with our finances, making all of the right moves to extend our money and purchasing power as far as it will go. Scheduling life so that money at least will potentially continue to flow in. (That’s pretty much up to God for us, […]

More Effective?

We came out of the coffee house last night refreshed and encouraged and pumped full of wonderful confections. 🙂 Life was good, the people were friendly, we had just shared some really great stuff about the Kingdom and our God that hopefully encouraged everyone to enjoy life with Him even more. I was loading our […]

Voluntary Communism

You know… really… one of the cool things about Star Trek (that as most things on that show, would probably not work in reality…) is the way they do commerce. There is no money, they all just “share” the resources they need. That’s not always explained… but I think the general idea is, you work […]

Doing Life Together

A couple years ago we were introduced to the idea of the “simple church”. Sometimes called house churches, sometimes even just small groups, or home groups… but essentially it is an intentional community of believers. I love that. I want that. Sometimes we try to force that. But it can’t be forced. It is the […]