Our Mission

Do you know that Christians actually get tired of being Christians? I don’t mean the simplicity of being a child of God, I mean all of the stuff we do that makes us feel like Christians. We get up early to have “quiet times”, faithfully reading the same Bible passages we have read many times […]


I really do enjoy what I do. I love to put together sets of music that will lead people’s hearts and minds to the love of their Father. I love to create things with words, with graphics, and then to translate to a page on the internet viewable by you. I love all of that. […]


All of life is interpreted through lenses… and we are not all wearing the same ones. You may have noticed that in the recent presidential election campaigns? ๐Ÿ™‚ FALLUJAH, IRAQ – Three soldiers were killed today in Fallujah when their vehicle was attacked by Iraqi insurgents. That marks the 10th death this week, and overall […]

Fun Story

Last night we arrived a little later than scheduled at the San Dimas Wesleyan church in San Dimas, CA. We had dinner with our hosts and then went across the parking lot to unload and set up at the church. The family we are staying with has two little boys who go to sleep about […]

The Freedom Of Uniqueness

When religion is characterized by sameness, when faith is franchised, when the genuineness of our experience with God is characterized by its sameness to others’ faith, then the uniqueness of God’s people is dead, and the church is lost.” I have just begun reading another book at the suggestion of a friend who now resides […]

"Hey Cuz!"

I was just feeling grateful last night for a great family. You probably already know that I love my immediate family… Jen is by far my best friend and our kids (3 so far, working on 4) are a huge blessing from God. I can’t believe I get to be “Dad” to them!!! And you […]

The Week That Was

Well, a week has gone by, and we have not really much to detail except a BUNCH of traveling! ๐Ÿ™‚ Monday was our anniversary (#7) so my cousin kept our kids in the morning so we could go out for breakfast (don’t worry… we didn’t LEAVE the house till 10:30 or so…) ๐Ÿ™‚ That was […]


I don’t usually talk about politics here, because, you know, I don’t really care. ๐Ÿ™‚ Mostly it’s just a bunch of crazy people who like to be in the spotlight and have a sense of power… lots of lies, or at least twisting and spinning the truth and deception to get there, and even to […]