
Did you know I am an ordained pastor? Well, I believe I would officially be called a minister by the group of churches who ordained me. It’s true! One of my aunts even calls me Rev. Campbell. (In written correspondence.) If I was to take a pastorate somewhere, you might see on the sign out […]

Mardi Gras

Did you know that today is Fat Tuesday? I always thought that was a rather amusing name for a holiday… 🙂 Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, or where I used to live they call it Carnival… whatever you call it, it is the one day of decadence before you fast for Lent. During Lent, you give […]


Wow! What a couple of days it has been! We have gotten between 18 and 24 inches of snow (by my unofficial count) and it’s still blowing around out there! (The snow has stopped, but it keeps shifting places!) We were scheduled to sing at Crosswinds this weekend, but got the call around 2:30 or […]

God Came

You have seen the title before. It is the title of our latest CD. Our Christmas CD. So, it has been marketed, e-mailed and e-mailed, posted on webpages, plastered on posters, and made its presence known in various retail locations across upstate NY and various other locales in the good ol’ US of A. But […]


Wow. You know, I have often mentioned here on this blog how busy we are. We just really, really are. That is about to change. We are restructuring some things in life. Learning from past choices (not bad choices necessarily, just choices…) and deciding to do things a bit differently. On Tuesday morning, we were […]

The Others

Part of our business is paying attention to, and then doing what other people want. We are in marketing and sales. We have a product that we need people to want enough to plop down some of their hard-earned money in exchange for said product. So we definitely need to be concerned with what others […]