The Babel Syndrome

While discussing my recent post on Focus with my wife, we found ourselves discussing the importance of worship. Expressing your heart through music to God. (That is our most common understanding of “worship” these days, I’d say.) We mentioned how meaningful that has been for us at times, and just fun, too! God made music […]


I touched on the idea of a misplaced focus a couple of posts ago… I was then speaking of the emphasis we place on reaching the masses. The attempt to reach as many as possible as efficiently as possible, and thus the large group settings. Well, another side of the focus coin became apparent to […]

The Masses

Last night we were leading worship at a local church and had a great time! The band were all good friends, and good musicians. The songs were fun. The mood was pretty light. The room was full of people we love. It was great! After our song set, we went out around back to sneak […]

It’s Who We Are

We joined another group of Christians this morning for singing and learning together. The morning went pretty much as usual, but as we were plugging along, I noticed something again, nothing earth shattering, but I just wanted to write it down here. The sermon today dealt with our mission. The title was “Owning The Mission”. […]

Building The Kingdom

They couldn’t get it right when he was walking in sandals right next to them, and we still struggle today. I read a newsletter today that included the following sentence. “It’s amazing to see how the Lord is using [this college]’s alumni to build His kingdom.” Somehow that just opened my eyes to something I […]


I touched on this in my other post this morning, but after some of my reading last night, and then reading the blogs of a couple friends (Laura and Steph, and also Chris) I thought I would expand on what I was thinking there… God made us to relate. Relating is sharing life with other […]