
I recently heard of two different friends with whom we have lost touch who have since gotten divorced. Friends whom we met as a couple, inseparable, forever. But through whatever circumstances (we have not gotten to talk with them yet) they chose to leave the union that they and God had created. Now, we all […]


I was listening to an audio recording the other day called “Introduction to Relational Christianity”. The title seemed cool as God has been moving both Jen and me to a deeper understanding of his church as a family, made up of organic relationships, not a place or time or meeting or any sort of infrastructure. […]


We were having a conversation with my sister and her husband yesterday during our kids’ nap times (there were 6 children 6 years old and under in our house that day… so nap time was a VERY welcome part of the day!) about some things Jen & I are processing at the moment. I said, […]


I was talking with a guy here in Virginia last night about his family. He was mentioning how his two year old loves to have Daddy put him to bed – won’t have it any other way! And I asked if he had other children. That led into a conversation about his 12-yr-old step son, […]

Oh, Virginia!

Here we are in Virginia. We arrived last night at about 5:00pm, just in time to rehearse, unpack our stuff and get ready to lead a bunch of teenagers in some musical worship. Nice. Did I mention the 5:00am wake up time? Or, the 10 hour drive with a baby who wouldn’t sleep? Or the […]

Their Own Journey

Perhaps the thing God is teaching me the most at the moment is to respect the choices and decisions and lifestyles of other people. To really allow them to choose what they think is best for their lives. Whether it is meaningless like the insane compulsion to use inferior computers when Apple computers are far […]


The marquee in front of a local church reads: CH??CH WHAT’S MISSING? U R! JOIN US FOR WORSHIP It at least gets a chuckle from me every time we pass. 🙂 You gotta love those clever little sayings on church marquees across the nation… But yesterday, it made sense to me. It wasn’t just a […]