
Last week I was chatting with a friend online who was writing up a report for some sort of governing board for their church. She has been challenged by the way we “do church” these days in ways similar to us. She is still however, the pastor of a church, so there are obviously more […]

¿Saber, Ó Conocer?

A few months back, I wrote about our culture’s fixation with knowledge. I called it Information Exchange. Well, I have revisited those ideas again recently. It seems everywhere I look, the more noble goal, the thing to most strive for in life is knowledge. We paint scientists and teachers and other fact-based professions as the […]


I am still smiling from all that transpired tonight. We did a concert at Chill and Grill tonight – a local eatery with the best ice cream deal in town. The slogan is, “That’s a SMALL?” 🙂 It’s a great place, owned by a great guy, and we were happy to be playing there tonight. […]


If I really take the time today, I could write a lot of stuff. I have not taken time this week at all to post thoughts or happenings to this fun e-version of my head. I might just take the morning to do that. 🙂 It’s a beautiful day here! No humidity, no heat, just […]


In case you are not aware, we reside in the town from whence came the entire Mormon religion. Back in the 1800s, a man named Joseph Smith lived here, and had a little vision which led him to some gold tablets which when translated revealed the true Christianity which men had twisted and distorted, so […]