Book Update

I forget if I have mentioned this here, but, remember the new book I have been working on? It’s now two. I decided (based on advice from a few folks) that two would be better than one. One was going to be about 350 pages! So, we made it two. The first one is on […]


I think I may have written this before, but it bears saying again after yesterday’s blog about Agendas. I sure don’t like games. People who try to manipulate others by their words or actions…. that really bothers me. I just want straight up, honest relating to each other. We play games at work. With our […]


The other day I was reading something about caroling in the newspaper. It was a little article in the local paper about being ready for carolers, and how to best welcome them, should they visit your home. But, then there was another little piece on how to organize a caroling party. And I thought, “That […]

This Seems Related…

I noticed this article posted to The God Journey as I was publishing mine tonight (just below). Seemed related. Check it out. (PS… I have not gotten to mention yet. The God Journey is a weekly podcast where two guys who are outside of the traditiona church structure discuss issues relating to that, or really […]

Jesus & Susan

A little while back, we met a lady named Susan. She boldly approached us – who at the time were strangers to her – on our city sidewalk and asked if we could help her and her husband purchase $10 in groceries for that day. She had received no help from the local churches (which […]