Some Good Reading?

Hey folks…There has not been much time for blogging of late, which is actually very good. Business is “booming”… I am getting lots of repeat business, and perhaps even cooler, referrals from current clients. That’s neat. I’m very glad God is providing for us through this. I do mostly enjoy what I do. There will […]


I must begin this look back at 2006 with a short commentary on what we just stayed up to witness as a family on our TV. The Ball Drop. Every year it’s the same thing… ridiculous people saying ridiculous things (for hours!) while surrounded by a million other ridiculously dressed people waiting for the clock […]


Last night we were up chatting with some good friends from college until 1:30 in the morning! That was so great! We shares story after story of what God was doing in each of our lives, and with our families as a whole. Fascinating examples of a loving Father leading each of us individually. It […]