Open Systems

I read a bunch more of The Starfish and the Spider on vacation, and it has so reinforced my love for open systems. The book details a bunch of successful up-start businesses and organizations that rely on a decentralized, “user-driven” organizational structure to function. And it’s just fantastic! I have mentioned before that I lean […]

The Mormons – PBS

Living in Palmyra perhaps makes things with the words Mormon, or Latter-Day Saints, or Joseph Smith stand out at a quick glance. I caught an article today on a recent PBS series (that I was unaware of) called The Mormons. I found out that they have posted the entire video online, so I watched bits […]


One more quick thought for the day… I love the idea of missions. There are so many people in the world (of course, including our own towns and our country) that do now know the reality of the Kingdom. They don’t know that God takes great pleasure in knowing us, and in restoring our relationship […]

I Guess I’m Emergent?

Not too sure about the results here, but saw this on Chris’ blog and thought I’d take a crack at it. Last time I was Seventh Day Adventist, which was awesome. 🙂 You scored as Emergent/Postmodern. You are Emergent/Postmodern in your theology. You feel alienated from older forms of church, you don’t think they connect […]

Anti-Mormon, or Pro-People?

There’s quite the firestorm happening out in the western portion of our country this week. Following the distribution of nearly 500,000 DVDs on Sunday by several hundred volunteers across the US, and abroad, the reaction has been swift and (at least to me) surprising. TV stations and newspapers across Utah and around Phoenix, AZ are […]

More Than Jesus

“If it’s about something less than him, we can fragment on anything.” Last night I was listening to a podcast we listen to regularly, and this week’s episode just resonated with me more than I can say. The show covers all sorts of things… it’s just a weekly conversation between two guys trying to live […]