Control vs. Responding

Not long ago I mentioned that something was stewing in Ye Old Greg’s Head… and indeed it has been. Head, heart, you name it. It seems that many places I turn these days the following thoughts pop in for a visit. Sometimes short, sometimes longer… but seeming to weave their way through a bunch of […]

Our Only Rule Book

Inspired by recent readings, hearings and various thinkings floating through GregsHead, I have thought again about our push for being right. For knowing the truth and letting others “have it”. I read a column this morning by a local radio talk show guy who was certainly convinced that he had the “right” answer for what […]


There’s some stuff stewing in Greg’s Head this week… perhaps a bit longer… about two different ways of approaching life. This common theme seems to be running through my head, a thread of thought that permeates many conversations, events, and other happenings. Basically it comes down to whether we attempt to control our surroundings (including […]

Errands of Grace?

This morning I had to head out for a few quick errands, which turned out to be at least three opportunities to connect with people I know around town. None are “good friends”, but I do have a connecting point with all of them. I was heading up to the post office to grab a […]

What A Day!

Today began rather early, for a Sunday. I woke up at about 8:30 or so… and everyone was sleeping, but I wanted to get up for two reasons. First, I needed to mow, and I knew it was going to be HOT… so the earlier the better! Second, our neighbors were shipping out at 9:30, […]


Last night as I cleaned up after a little family birthday party for my mother-in-law, I was listening to a podcast. The regular hosts were having a chat with a guy from Australia who has been through a few crazy cycles with the institution of the church. I believe once he was “let go” from […]