Spirit-led Praying

I have trouble with prayer a lot of times. Especially when I call it prayer. I very much enjoy a steady dialogue with God throughout my day, but when it comes to “praying for someone” or even just asking for myself… I’m still not certain how best to do that. See, it seems to me […]

Various Endeavors

There’s been a bunch of randomness this week. Things are in a “down time”, or a “lull” in the web design world, so I have been taking advantage of that by working on some other projects that I ordinarily would not be able to give time to. Some of those include: Trailer RefurbishmentWe decided to […]

GregsHead.net Updates

If you haven’t noticed, I have made a few more slight modifications to the blog lately. After adding the main category tabs at the top of the page, which allow for neat sorting by theme, I have also been cleaning up the sidebar. I added links to all of my various websites (appropriately titled, “Greg’s […]

Center Stage

Today as I was running an errand or two around our small town, I noticed that some people probably see our home a bit differently than we do. First you have the tour guides, some of whom may even live near here year-round, who guide the happy tourists who come from all over. And, obviously, […]

They’re Baaaack

When I went out for a “quick” visit to the post office today, I was reminded suddenly of just what is going on this weekend. See, in the middle of July, our town hosts the largest outdoor pageant in the world. Yes, folks… I said THE WORLD. Our town boasts a population of just about […]

Audiobook Update

Installment #2 was just posted over at the There’s The Steeple… Here’s The Church podcast. It is available through iTunes, so that might be the best way to follow along if you’d like. There’s a link to subscribe under “feeds” in the right-hand column on that site. This week’s chapter (chapter one) is called, “Redefining […]