Quick Links

Hey folks… more to come, even today I hope. But have a couple quick things for you today: Five Free Songs!If you’re on Facebook, I heard through a podcast today that you can get 5 free songs from iTunes just by joining the Ticketmaster Live group. And, it’s true. I have 5 song credits on […]


Last night we recorded our Buffalo Bills show after a few technical difficulties to start. First, when we initially connected, there was a very bad echo on my Dave’s side, but not on mine. He reconnected, then I did, then we started a whole new call… no luck. Was not going to work. I had […]

So Far

I forget if I have posted the plans for this extended holiday weekend here or not (yes, it’s Columbus Day on Monday… technically a holiday weekend…) so in case I haven’t I will post retroactively: Thursday: My sister and family come to town late at night, we hung out in the kitchen enjoying some homemade […]


The past week saw a bit of relief for us on the income freeze. I think I have mentioned here that the summer was quite a financial drought. Not many (maybe there weren’t any?) of my current clients needed any substantial work done on their existing sites, and not much new business came in. We […]


Steve posted a link to this on his blog this week… and I checked it out… and laughed. And a few times have visited the site again… it’s hilarious! Very, VERY strange. But, you have to laugh after a while… 🙂 badgerbadgerbadger.com (or, click the photo to view just the flash movie, resizeable to fit […]

Have a Listen

I believe I have mentioned this here before, but with today’s (latest) chapter/episode, I felt it was worth repeating. I am working on creating an audio version of my book, “There’s The Steeple… Here’s The Church“, and have been publishing a chapter at a time via a podcast available at gregshead.net/church as well as iTunes. […]