Thoughts on Barack Obama

I don’t tend to wax political here… mostly because, while fascinated, I think it just gets pretty silly pretty quickly. It’s been an interesting presidential race, though, with two democratic candidates firing shots at each other, and the republican candidate not seeming to have much (real) support from his party. Don’t forget the perpetual third-party […]

Apple’s Market Share

It’s been quiet here at GregsHead because it’s NOT been quiet in Greg’s office or Greg’s home! I even tried to post something like Steve did yesterday, but didn’t have time to finish it! Ha! 🙂 But wanted to post a link to this article about the Apple market share myth(s). Pretty interesting stuff. Was […]


There are a few things that I am currently pondering regarding life with God and his church. I thought I’d just jot them down here, in a sort of short hand way. Perhaps you are pondering them as well and might add to my ponderings, but really I am putting them down here to look […]


A couple times this weekend, the concept of freedom came up in conversation. It was in relation to the church, and life together as followers of Jesus. And really, it starts with life as an individual follower of Jesus. When speaking with some friends who are equally saddened by the focus of the American church […]


Our closest friends are moving away. There. I said it. Sometimes I try not to. Other times I say it more than I probably need to. Both are ways to deal with an unexpected (and truthfully, unwanted) change in my life. Our family’s life. We have known for a while, but I think it’s safe […]

Programmed Community

I came across a blog post that addressed some issues that have recently been in the forefront again for me. One paragraph that stood out to me said: In the mega-church mindset, programs give opportunity for relationship to happen, but don’t assure that it can be found there. The relationships lives inside of programs. Once […]

My Music

More than a dozen years ago now I started writing songs. Sorta out of the blue. (Yes, Mom, I do remember the songs I was writing when I was eight years old, but really… the first real songs I started writing were a bit later in life, and seemed to be “out of the blue”.) […]

Willow Creek Repents?

I saw a quick post by a friend today linking to an article about Willow Creek perhaps “repenting” of it’s church/business model? I don’t think it’s that groundbreaking, as it seems WCCC is just going in a different “business” direction, but it’s still pretty interesting to see them find that the super elaborate programs aren’t […]