Apple notified me via e-mail over the weekend that the podcast of There’s The Steeple… Here’s The Church is now available via the iTunes store! I checked it out and all seems to be working great. You can click on the link in the right side bar to sign up with one click, and receive any future postings in your iTunes library automatically when you are connected to the internet. It’s like magic! 🙂
I do have a request as well. If you are familiar with the book already, or even if you just like the Introduction so far… please leave a comment or a rating at iTunes. I think this will help folks find the book, which is the reason I am putting it out there on iTunes for free. So if you don’t mind, click on the Review or Comment link or whatever it is on my iTunes page. (Direct link to the page is immediately below…)
Thanks for your help, and enjoy the book!
Hi Greg,
I really enjoyed the first installment of your book via iTunes. Looking forward to the journey ahead.
Thanks Ian (great name, by the way… our oldest son’s name!)
I’m going to try to post these on Fridays… the time will vary, but usually Friday mornings (EDT, GMT -0500)
Thanks for listening. Enjoy!