Which God Did This?

I am working on a website for a video that some friends of mine had a big part in making. The video is being produced by a former member of the Mormon church who has since discovered evidence upon evidence that what the Mormons teach just does not hold up. The video is very thorough, and very condemning. I live in the town where Mormonism began, and I didn’t know a lot of the stuff presented there.

The purpose of the video is to give current members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS, Mormons) the chance to review all of the available information, and, to hopefully get away from a false religion. There is a plea at the end of the video to the leaders of the Mormon church to lead their followers into truth. As I said, it’s all very convincing.

Part of me just cringes when we try to make someone else think like we do. The other part completely agrees with what was said in the video, and I do wonder how anyone could “be a Mormon” after thinking through the info presented there.

Then, today, I came across a video on YouTube of an interview with radio personality, Glenn Beck. I was aware that Glenn was a Mormon, and never really thought too much about it. His show is certainly entertaining, and I enjoy listening to it when I can. I also knew he had at some point made big changes in his personal life. I was not aware they were so connected to his conversion to Mormonism, however.

So, there’s a part of the video where he describes how the Mormon church had changed his life, and almost immediately following his baptism, things began to miraculously fall into place for him. He attributes it to God’s hand in his life. Funny… when that happens to me… so do I! But wait… if Mormonism is false, inaccurate, and begun by a shady character named Joseph Smith … Glenn & I can’t be doing life with the same God, can we? The things that he thinks God is arranging for him… has to just be demonic, right???

I think I may have thought that a few years ago. I don’t now. I continue to learn that God loves everyone. Everyone. God arranges for good things to happen, life-changing things to happen, for Christians, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Buddhists, and even Democrats. (That was for you, Mom) ๐Ÿ˜‰ It IS the same God… He is THE ONLY ONE.

So, while Glenn may be confused (as I believe he is) on the historical side of things, and on who God is and how he operates, I believe that it was God – the same one I know – who arranged events in his life to get him to where he is now. Yes, even “though” he is a Mormon.

I don’t think God waits for us to “get things right” before he leads, guides, blesses, and just actively loves us. He just does. God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it. That’s how much he loves everyone… no matter what we are trapped in.

When I look at it, I’m not sure we have that right. We are better at loving either after a change has been made, or, in order to make a change.

So, anyway… that’s my thoughts for the day. Enjoy the video. Do post your thoughts if you are so inclined.