An article came out this past weekend regarding Google’s potential bid for the soon-to-be-free radio wave frequencies. If you didn’t know, by 2009, there will be no more analog TV signals… everything will be digital. This is to free up the frequencies around the 700Mhz range. One of the benefits of this range of frequencies is its ability to penetrate walls.
Google has said some interesting things about keeping the market competitive by keeping it open. Speculation ranges from Google getting into the cell phone business to ubiquitous WiFi. (The latter is something I heard about quite a while ago, but this latest news from Google seems to make it more of a real possibility than just wishful thinking.)
Just imagine… anywhere you can get a TV signal now, you will have full access to broadband internet, as well as the ability to make VOIP calls, or cell phone calls… FOR FREE! Wow. That would be impressive. I hope they can pull it off!
Read that linked article for more, or just check out the latest news from Google.