Ubiquitous WiFi

An article came out this past weekend regarding Google’s potential bid for the soon-to-be-free radio wave frequencies. If you didn’t know, by 2009, there will be no more analog TV signals… everything will be digital. This is to free up the frequencies around the 700Mhz range. One of the benefits of this range of frequencies is its ability to penetrate walls.

Google has said some interesting things about keeping the market competitive by keeping it open. Speculation ranges from Google getting into the cell phone business to ubiquitous WiFi. (The latter is something I heard about quite a while ago, but this latest news from Google seems to make it more of a real possibility than just wishful thinking.)

Just imagine… anywhere you can get a TV signal now, you will have full access to broadband internet, as well as the ability to make VOIP calls, or cell phone calls… FOR FREE! Wow. That would be impressive. I hope they can pull it off!

Read that linked article for more, or just check out the latest news from Google.

Virtual Reality… Reality?

Wii Fit
A friend sent me this link the other day… it’s to a new/different version of Nintendo’s Wii. Check out the demo video on that page. Incredible. Virtual reality may not be a (perfect) reality, but it’s getting close. There is technology coming (or maybe already in use) that will allow a screen to also be a camera. (Like Star Trek!) where one pixel is a screen pixel and one is a camera! Side by side! I can see how that will allow virtual reality to be much more real. Interacting with a virtual world with no extra devices. It’s certainly coming…

Check out the video.

iPhone Review

I found this review on the AppleInsider.com website today. Quite thorough and really explains all the greatness of the iPhone (as best as you can with words… you really have to actually hold it and use it to understand how amazing it is.)

He covers all the features (and missing features) in a very in-depth article. If you’re interested in the iPhone, I’d say it’s worth the read. Don’t forget to check out all the great videos Apple has posted as well. Links at my Apple site (visit the Blog section…)


In case you haven’t heard… Apple will be releasing what they think is the next “iPod”. (That’s not what they’re saying… they are just super excited about this device.) It’s a phone, but way more than that. If you haven’t seen the commercials, or read or heard much about it, you can visit Apple’s website for a great collection of information, photos, videos, tutorials, etc. They have upgraded it this week in anticipation of the Friday release of the new device.

We will not be getting one because 1) we don’t have five or six hundred dollars to spare, and 2) we don’t use cell phones πŸ™‚ But MAN do they look amazing. Really, check out the site if you have not visited it yet.

I sent out a newsletter to my Apple mailing list today (you can sign up for that here), and put up a couple updates on my blog (that’s here). But most of them link back to that iPhone site. So, stop by and pay them a visit why don’t ya.

And, if you want one… you know where to find me. I’ll be happy to help.

Shopping List

We are really not spending any extra money at the moment. We are paying bills, buying food and other necessities, investing in our house a bit, and then just GAS to visit family and such. But no extra “toys” at the moment. It’s kinda hard… but, OK. We’re dealing with it… πŸ™‚

IF I WERE to make a little list of what we’d buy (had we the cash…) it might look something like this…

  • AppleTV (refurbished) – $249 [reg: $299]
  • Airport Base Station (802.11n!) (refurbished) – $159 [reg: $179]
  • 20″ Cinema Display (refurbished) – $499 [reg: $1299]
  • Quicktime Pro (software) – $29.95

Refurb is the way to go, since it comes with the same warranty from Apple, for less!

If anyone is interested in getting me a Father’s Day present….. now you know what to get!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

AND, if you want any Apple stuff yourself, don’t forget to ALWAYS SHOP HERE. Thanks. πŸ™‚

(Stop by my Apple site for more info, or to contact me about getting Apple stuff…)

Steve Jobs Keynote… Coming Up!

Steve Jobs at an Apple Keynote SpeechJust to remind…

This Monday, out in San Francisco, CA, Steve Jobs will be taking the stage once again to reveal all the fun new Apple products. It’s so funny. People pay THOUSANDS of dollars (well, I think a ticket to this event is $1595) to go see this hour or hour and a half speech, and everyone else sits at one or two websites that refresh every 60 seconds, following along as bloggers post text comments about what Jobs is saying. Hilarious.

But, that’s where I’ll be Monday at 1pm EDT! πŸ™‚

Just wanted to let you know.

If you want a ticket, go here. If not, check out this site for live updates as the event is happening…

I predict we’ll see new displays (agreeing with a friend‘s prediction), and an update to iLife and probably iWork ’06. Not sure what computer might be updated as they just refreshed the Mac Pro, MacBook and MacBook Pro lines. We’ll see.

Even with my full weekend, I’m sure I’ll find time to be at least a little excited/curious about what we’ll see on Monday. πŸ™‚