When It Rains…

This morning started off with a bang. Well, more of a dull ache that slowly grew to a not-so-dull ache. I tried flossing my teeth as that sometimes helps. I have a tooth that has caused problems for years. Didn’t help.

Finally, I couldn’t really do anything. My body was only allowing me to focus on the increasing pain in my head. So, 8:00am this morning I called the dentist. As I have mentioned before, I am not a fan of people sticking large needles and drills into my mouth, but at this point that was a far more acceptable option.

Friday is my dentist’s day off, but thankfully I was given an 11:15am appointment with his partner, and made it there right on time. After a targeted x-ray using something that doesn’t actually fit in a human mouth, they put me in the chair and told me I have an abscessed tooth. Translation: It’s dead. The same tooth that has been causing me problems, had a major cavity and then filling… is now infected inside and quite dead.

He gave me two options. Pull the sucker, or root canal. I was hoping for a third, but never got that. He explained that the root canal basically saves the tooth, but costs a pretty penny. (His words were “a couple thousand dollars”… ouch!) But I am leaning toward the toothless option as 1) sounds easier and 2) we ain’t got “a couple thousand dollars”.

Today’s fix was to drill a hole in my tooth to let the pressure out from the infection. Seems to have worked. But also cost me a decent chunk of change (they don’t bill me as my regular dentist does, they needed the money hoy dia.) Add this to our van having issues resulting in a bill in the multiple hundreds (thanks to warranty, it’s not in the multiple thousands as it could be!)

When it rains, it pours.

So, we anxiously await God’s provision and/or direction as the bills continue to mount for these unexpected expenses. As we have seen so many times before, when the unexpected expenses mount, usually the surprise supplies do as well.

I Won!

Click Here to Visit Edys.com!I was the 14th caller to AM 1420 this afternoon, and I won some Edy’s Ice Cream certificates! I had just gotten in the car, and they said be the 14th or 20th caller and you’ll win some ice cream. Never being one to turn down Ice Cream… I did it. Three times I tried and it was busy, but the 4th time it rang, and the guy on the other end said, “You’re 14! You won!”

Ha! I can’t believe I won!

I do like ice cream….


Strong Young Lions

“Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry,
but those who trust in the LORD will never lack any good thing.”

I am a strong young lion. Well, I used to be. πŸ™‚ And I continue to act like I am. Working hard to provide for myself and my family. Striving to ensure that there is enough, relying on my strength and stamina to get me through.

And then last night I read that verse. It was from my “verse of the day” Widget (a cool feature of the new OS X Tiger!). Ps. 34:10. It was short and pithy, but made sense to me. As hard as I might try, I still can’t do it on my own. In my own strength, I will fail. Whether it’s providing for my stomach, or my soul. But as I relinquish control and trust in the provision of my Father – for my stomach, and my soul – then I will find what I am looking for. I will never lack any good thing.

I don’t believe the writer is promising abundance if I just “get it right” and do some good trusting. I think that’s still relying on my own ability. I think as I learn to rely on God, it may still appear as though I am lacking (I was just talking with him about that this morning…) but the deeper reality in my life will be the confidence that I lack no good thing. Sure of what I hope for and certain of what I do not see. Truth that goes beyond the empirical to a fuller, more foundational reality.

In all my strength, I will still go hungry. I will still come up short. But his strength – and his love – never fail.


I am not certain if he still is, but at one point my father-in-law was on a diet. His cholesterol was higher than his doctor wanted and so he was directed to make changes to his diet. I remember lots of funny stories of the stuff he was eating then instead of what he used to enjoy, but the one thing I remember most was that the new items did not measure up. There was the light mayo, not even a close facsimile according to his frequent comments on what it reminded him of. And the reports of what the light salad dressing felt like in his mouth were not exactly ringing endorsements. There was not much about the substitutes that my father-in-law could recommend.

Substitutes are just that. They are a second-rate, fill-in, use-’em-if-ya-hafta replacements for the real deal. They do not measure up, though they may purport to do so. They are only a copy of the genuine artifact.

Yet so often, we are captivated by them.

Generally, we can steer clear of the diet colas, and the sugar-free ice cream, and the generic brands of everything under the sun that offer us the slogan, “Compares to…” but often does not come through on its claim. But there are many other substitutes that would have our attention diverted from the real thing.

Sin, in its simplest form perhaps, is a substitute. We can see that. Lust, adultery, pornography, and other sexual deviancy are a substitute for the intimacy God intended between a husband and a wife. It is even symbolic of our intimate relationship with him. We are the bride, he the groom. So any substitute for that diminishes the reality of his closeness and relationship with us. Stealing is a substitute for trusting God’s provision. You can sure load up on the good stuff just by taking what you want – especially since God won’t give it to you.

On down the line we see many others. Lying is a substitute for truthfulness, damaging the openness and trust in relationships. Slander is a substitute for perhaps even feelings of inadequacy in our own life, our own worth. Slander tears down others to where we feel we are. If you look at any “obvious” sin, we can see that it is a substitute for something far greater that God intended for us.

But how about the good stuff? Can the good things God has given us be a substitute for the better? How about the good things we do for him? I once heard a phrase that was reminding the listener to not settle for “good”, when there’s “better”. But we do.

We love the blessings he has given. We love the house, the toys, the money, the friends, the family, the job, the skills. We love all of those things, and each of them or even all of them together can end up stealing the “better” from us.

Love of our stuff can get us so focused on its ability to please and protect and provide for us that we miss the reality of God’s care and provision for us. Jesus said don’t store up treasure where it rots, but store it up in the eternal things. Things that can’t be taken away. Things that matter. Things that are “better”.

I love food! I love to make it, I love to eat it, I love to share it. If I had endless resources, I believe food would become a substitute for at least my relationship with people and even with God… but maybe even a substitute for life?! I do like food….

Sometimes you can get so wrapped up in your job that you have no time for family, or for God. Sometimes you can swing the other way and pour yourself into your family, only to find that they will fail you. In some way, they will fail you.

I love my wife. She is the person I adore the most. We have been friends for more than half of my life now. I have always respected her and loved to hear what she has to say. I am not always good at living that out… or showing that to her…. πŸ™‚ But, I do. I have seen in her that she feels the same way about me. I know she loves me, and has shown me over the years that this is true. But sometimes there are rocky moments in our relationship. At times I find myself craving her love and approval even more than I do from my Father. I work hard to restore our relationship, perhaps partly motivated by a desire to have a substitute in place of the real thing. My true value is not in what another Creation thinks of me, but what my Creator has already proven he thinks of me. Sometimes even my relationship with my wife can be a substitute for a deep relationship with the One who formed me.

You see, even the greatest of gifts from our Father – the ones that we should cherish and enjoy – can become substitutes for what he truly created us to be. Everything was made through him and by him and for him (Colossians 1:16). That includes me. I was made for him. Scripture also says that I am not my own, that I was bought at a price. That does not imply slavery, as some think. God also assures us that we are no longer servants, but friends. (John 15:15, Rom 5:1-10). But it does imply that I have a purpose. God made me for a reason. And I should accept no substitutes.

Sometimes our substitutes can even take the form of a “relationship” with Him. Such a nebulous, indefinable thing… a relationship with an invisible God. How do you live that out except to begin a pattern of things that act as a “substitute” for a relationship… in a good way? Doesn’t prayer and quiet time foster a relationship with Father? Doesn’t serving him in my church, and spending time with other believers – serving him by serving them – doesn’t that strengthen my relationship with Him? Yes! Of course it does! He wants us to spend time with him, and to know him, and to serve him by serving others. Those things can of course take on a variety of forms, but all are very good things that draw us closer to him.

For a while. And then, the things that drew us close, begin to draw us apart. Not noticeably, or intentionally. Not at all. But ever so slowly, the form which led to the end of a relationship with our Father begins to become the end in itself. It changes from being a means to the end, to being the end. The routine sets in, and we end up serving, and reading, and praying and even sitting quietly “with him” just to do all of those things instead of in order to be with him. Unknowingly a slight adjustment happens and the form becomes a substitute for the real thing.

Sometimes it seems to me that we have made what we call church to be that. We have worship times and service projects and this group and that group and retreats and weekend events and social gatherings and classes and series of lessons and training seminars and this ministry and that. We have programs and plans and goals and visions and all kinds of things that cleverly and skillfully draw us closer to the heart of God. We hire the best people. We build large buildings that are perfectly tailored to usher people straight to the Throne of God. We seek his blessing on our endeavors and put him at the focus of all we do.

And, I truly believe that is our motivation. We love him! We so want to give back to him and to share him with everyone we possibly can! But what I have seen happen too often is that we are not bringing people to a full and open one-to-one relationship with their loving Father. Rather, we are bringing them to a structure whereby they may know more about that relationship, and tell others as well. Perhaps, by all of our great effort to know Him and to help others to do the same… we have created the ultimate substitute?

A substitute is no more than that. It is an inferior replacement for the intended reality. I have metal in my mouth where teeth were supposed to be. My wife wears glasses to correct for what her eyes are supposed to do. Sometimes I even watch Arena Football, when I was clearly meant to watch only the REAL stuff… πŸ™‚

It’s easy when it’s diet cola, or light mayo. We know those aren’t real, and they aren’t the “better”. My father-in-law will certainly attest to that! Sometimes we do begrudgingly have to accept those. But it’s much harder when we lapse unknowingly into a substitute that by all appearances seems like the real thing. But, over time has become a substitute for the true fullness of life as the one whom God has chosen to direct all of his love toward. The one whom he has invited to walk alongside for eternity. The one for whom he laid down his life.

There is definitely no substitute for reality.


All I can say is wow. I just read two stories today on a news website that just horrified me. Not a “how could someone be so evil, cause I’m not” sort of horrified…. just horrified.

I read a book recently that sought to reveal the hidden world of demons and spiritual battles. There were a couple instances in the work of fiction where a person was literally taken over, and did not even recall the ghastly deeds they had just perpetrated. To the outside observer, it looked like the young woman had killed her own baby. From her perspective, it was the demon. Not in a blame shifting sort of way… just in the reality the author was painting of behavior so foreign that it had to be induced by an insidious creature, bent on destruction.

That’s all I am hoping for tonight. I hope that it is the Enemy who wants only to steal and kill and destroy. How can a father punch and then stab his own 8-year-old daughter in the neck and eyes, and then her 9-year-old friend as well? Reportedly, in what started as an act of discipline? How can another father shoot his wife, his mother and all three of his kids in their sleep before killing himself, leaving only a note saying “see you in the next life”?

How incredibly, horribly sad. My stomach is twisted in knots even as I write this. Horrific. Awful.

Only to steal, and kill, and destroy.

It is so sad that we can actually stoop so far. That we would be able to kill our own children. Our own family. Our own spouse. To blow ourselves up, taking others with us for the “good of the cause”. To fly a plane full of people into a building full of people, and bring it crashing to the ground in flames.

My heart aches tonight at our depravity. I think we have assistance, but we are ultimately responsible. But tonight I am not concerned with the responsiblity, just appalled at the depth of evil that is even possible.

Cool Neighbors

One more quickie…

We live next to some great friends, and the coolest neighbors you could hope for. It’s not easy to live with other people, whether they are in the same house with you or on the property adjacent to yours, or part of your circle of influence – whether friends, family, co-workers, etc. We are all unique, and each have our own way of looking at and doing life. SO… trying to mesh those with anyone else’s unique take on life, well… can be interesting.

And while we are definitely each unique, somehow, we have a great relationship with our cool neighbors! Our interests are not always the same, our schedules are DEFINITELY not the same, but we do connect on many points, and beyond that, we just share life together. We share the ups and downs, the day to day, and even our food. πŸ™‚

So, yesterday, Amy IMs me and asks if I wanted a shrub. I said, “Who doesn’t?” and she informed me that she would be doing a little landscaping out front, just cause we’re such awesome neighbors. And she did! She put in shrubs, flowers, plants, all sorts of stuff I know nothing about.

Because we’re good neighbors? THEY seem to be farther up the cool scale to me… πŸ™‚ They snowblow the drive way in the winter. We borrow their mower to cut our grass in the summer. They take care of our house when we are gone. Often, they will help with our kids in some way. Matt has repaired or installed MANY things in our house, and if we ever need [Fill In The Blank]… he has one! Seems like a good deal for us…. πŸ™‚

So, just wanted to publicly state how cool our neighbors are. I think it’s so funny they say the same about us. πŸ™‚ Guess that’s how it should be.

Thanks, Neighbors! πŸ™‚

Did You Know…

  • I have an Apple Store?
    Well, not really, but sorta. See, I set up a website where you can browse most of the stuff Apple Computer has to offer, learning all about it, and you can purchase as well. But all of the order process is done through Amazon.com. They have an “associates” program where when you refer sales, they pay you a commission. Pretty cool. So, I figured this was a way to get my foot in the door into the world of Apple. It’s going fairly well so far. Do check it out at www.gregsapples.com
  • Oh, I also have a newsletter that is sent regularly called News From The Orchard… you can sign up for that here and view the first two editions here.
  • Favorite Food…
    One of our favorite restaurants is CiCi’s Pizza. Unfortunately there are none nearby! But, this past weekend, while visiting my family in Ohio, we ate there not once, but twice! Two nights in a row! Great stuff. Huge, great buffet – all you can eat – for $3.99 adults and $2.99 kids 4-10… 3 and under are free! We ate for under $12!!

    Oh… believe it or not, we did not have skyline even ONCE on this past weekend trip to Ohio! Crazy…

  • Not AGAIN!
    Our Proposed School Budget was mailed out yesterday. A proposed increase… AGAIN. Argh. Why must we continue to pay SO MUCH for something we don’t even think is good?
  • Conversion Services
    You probably know that I design websites. Perhaps you even know that I have done some print graphic work for folks as well. But did you know that I can convert analog audio to digital audio? (Like, turn your old tapes into CDs – or just MP3s if you prefer) I have been doing that a bunch recently for our own tapes, and have done a project or two for clients. I would love to get an old record player and be able to turn old records into CDs. I have ProTools for simple mastering and enhancing. Seems to work fairly well. AND… coming in the mail this week, a video input card for my computer! So now I can do audio and video!!! I will be converting several home videos for my parents from VHS to DVD. With my video editing software and cool DVD program, they should be pretty amazing! If you’re interested, my rates are posted on my bwd-graphics.com website.
  • Growing Kids God’s Way
    We are starting up another 18-week parenting group with three other couples. This will be our 5th time doing it… you’d think we would be SuperParents…. but alas…. The course comes at a good time as we seem to be facing new challenges with our kids. How do they come up with so much new stuff? πŸ™‚ Once we get one thing licked, two more pop up.

    The course is a series of 18 videos, with workbooks. Gary and AnneMarie Ezzo are the authors/presenters. It’s now officially called Let The Children Come Along The Virtuous Way. But… that’s too long. So, w stick with the old title as it is not as offensive to us as to some folks out there. Why must people get so uptight about such things? One popular notion is that the title suggests that any other parenting thoughts outside of those taught in the course are NOT “God’s Way“… but that’s just not how the stuff is presented. They are a cool Christian couple who wanted to help other Christians instill in their kids a love for God and for his ways and for people around them. Sounds good to us… so we do it.

  • Beat The Clock
    Leonardo’s Pizza in Victor, NY has a “Beat The Clock” deal, where you pay the price of the time you called. Every weeknight (M-Th?) from 5 till 8… you get a cheese pizza for the time you call. You call at 5:05, you pay $5.05 (plus tax and stuff). Toppings are extra. It’s a GREAT Deal. (585) 924-1480. Mmmmm.

Is anybody else hungry?

OH… one more.

Some friends of ours just released a new CD under a new name. You may know them as Dividing The Plunder, but henceforth they shall be known as Ellery. Their new CD, Make Your Troubles Mine is more of the same great stuff. We very much appreciate their music and their hearts. Check out their stuff when you get a chance. We also highly recommend The Ordinary, their previous project. Great stuff.