Some Things Don’t Change

You know, with all of the changes we have made in our lives and in our schedules, we still feel busy! I hardly get to sit down and write lately because (1) I’m doing a bunch of web-design work at the moment and (2) I’m doing a bunch of OTHER stuff at the moment! 🙂

This week we:

So, I’m just trying to keep up. Next week is not too bad, and then we get crazy starting next weekend!! I’m sure there will be a post or two over that time, but don’t be expecting too much “fresh content” on the blog page over the next couple weeks. 🙂

That said, I do plan to write up the story of Ian’s birth. It was an amazing working of God in our lives and the lives of our family. He was so gracious that day… which is what Ian’s name means. How cool is that?

So, stay tuned. More to come.

Living In Perfect Harmony

Last night I had a conversation with a friend about some of the choices we have made recently in how we live out our relationship with Jesus. Our close friends know how we have struggled recently with the current (and long-standing) set up of the “church”. How we have tied our weekly programmed gatherings into the essence of who we are as the church, and things of that nature. This friend disagrees with our conclusions, and just wanted to ask me about some scriptures, in a slightly confrontational way. (Not bad confrontation… no malice was evident, only concern for a friend.)

Well, we went around a few times on a few scriptures, and ideas and practices that some would consider essential, others not. We definitely had differing conclusions on similar scriptures. Again, we did not throw punches, but there did not appear to be any reconciling of our intellectual differences.

And to my friend, they seemed important. Very important.

So I tried to make a break in the conversation and get us out of the loop of arguing our different vantage points on truth, and try to come to some agreement. Even an agreement to disagree. We agreed to continue the discussion at a later date. That was at least a good step I think.

I still believe that if we argue “truth”, it will only cause relational friction. I have a few friends who are skeptics at least, and on many days they are more like atheists who
need to speak their mind to God. (Which is at least a little funny…) 🙂 But what I have noticed is that when viewpoints are in such stark opposition, the arguing is mostly just wasting time. No opinion will be swayed by such banter. No “truth” will be settled by an argument. I really believe that nothing can be gained in such a confrontation.

(NOTE: That is not to say there is no place for confrontation. If there is a person whom you love who is clearly doing something that will harm them, there is a place for direct and unpleasant confrontation. It most likely will not resolve the issue at that moment, but can certainly lead to better choices down the road. If, as in everything, it is done “in love”. Real love. Not just, “I say this in love” love.)

It has become obvious to me that the only way the give and take can happen in relationships is when differences are 1) accepted and 2) discussed when not in conflict. If there is any hint of “I’m right, you’re wrong” then no relational progress will be made. And again, the emphasis should be on relational progress and not on intellectual, factual “truth” progress. In my opinion.

So after that conversation, I just realized how incredibly different we were. (In the area of life we were discussing) and actually, how badly I had responded. He brought a few things into the conversation that I personally think are silly, void of meaning practices, and, unfortunately, I laughed as he brought them up. I was only thinking of me at that point (I was slightly on the defensive, I suppose, too…) and I reacted as though he were not a person capable of being hurt. I hope he was not, but I realized very much to my chagrin after he left that I had reacted very unlovingly to some things that he holds to be very important.

As I thought about it more–both my reaction and the issues he raised–I recalled a chapter in the letter Paul wrote to the church in Rome about the very thing we were discussing. And, again, my reactions to it.

I read it today, and I was blown away by the applicable truths I found. I need to quote large chunks of scripture below, so please do read it all, and I will add my comments as we go.

Rom 14:1-4

Accept Christians who are weak in faith, and don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. For instance, one person believes it is all right to eat anything. But another believer who has a sensitive conscience will eat only vegetables. Those who think it is all right to eat anything must not look down on those who won’t. And those who won’t eat certain foods must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them. Who are you to condemn God’s servants? They are responsible to the Lord, so let him tell them whether they are right or wrong. The Lord’s power will help them do as they should.

Oh wow. I have read this before, and in Bible college, it was funny to say that, “Vegetarians have weak faith!” 🙂 That’s obviously not the point, and the comment was made in jest, but funny how even in jest we were criticizing, as Paul is warning us not to do.

Two things: 1) don’t argue with them about what they think is right or wrong. and 2) who do we belong to.

First, as I mentioned to my friend, I really don’t think arguments over what is right or wrong will really go anywhere. God has given us much more freedom than the institution of church is able to allow for. An institution, by nature, must have some set of guidelines or principals to adhere to that separate it from any other organization and society at large. Otherwise, it would have no reason to exist. So, there is a bit of conformity necessary for its very existence. But that is not so of Jesus’ body. We do not conform to the pattern of this world, but we are transformed by him.

Therein lies the other, deeper truth.

He does it. It’s his body. His church. He knows his servants, and he will lead them. This theme is present through this entire section of Paul’s letter. Who are we to question the practices or beliefs of another brother or sister (that are not specifically against the revealed will of God for all of us) in any matter? Paul says they (we) are “God’s servants.” The owner is not the person in question. Nor can they be or should they be controlled by other servants. The Owner is Jesus Christ.

Listen to this powerful line again:

They are responsible to the Lord, so let him tell them whether they are right or wrong. The Lord’s power will help them do as they should.

Wow. What if we really lived that way? What if we really trusted God to take care of his own people??? They are not responsible to you, or me, or any group of elders, pastors, apostles or anyone else who cares to wield the authority of a title over them. They are personally responsible to the Lord, so let HIM tell them whether they are right or wrong. The Lord’s power will help them do as they should.

I say this with such emphasis because I think this piece is so lacking from our corporate life together. Even our individual lives with God. We really don’t believe he’ll do it. We know he can, but in order to be responsible, and keep things going at least in a good direction, we have to make things happen. We can’t trust God to speak truth into someone’s life. We need to do it. And when the task grows too large, we arrange any sort of structure–rigid or not–to implement that “back-up” plan.

In short, we don’t allow room for Holy Spirit to convict and transform people, we feel like we need to do that. Because he won’t.

Well who do we think we are??

Amazing stuff. Please read on.

Rom 14:5-9

In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. Each person should have a personal conviction about this matter. Those who have a special day for worshiping the Lord are trying to honor him. Those who eat all kinds of food do so to honor the Lord, since they give thanks to God before eating. And those who won’t eat everything also want to please the Lord and give thanks to God. For we are not our own masters when we live or when we die. While we live, we live to please the Lord. And when we die, we go to be with the Lord. So in life and in death, we belong to the Lord. Christ died and rose again for this very purpose, so that he might be Lord of those who are alive and of those who have died.

Arguing from the same line of thinking, Paul partially turns his focus from food to a subject that hits much closer to home currently. He says that some Christians have a special day for worshipping. And he does not say this is good or bad. He says it just is. But what we do with that is where the good or bad arises. We should not condemn someone for not holding a certain day sacred, or worshipping on the day we do. Nor should we condemn someone who does have a “special day for worshipping the Lord.” That line obviously hit home, as one thing that irks me about our current structure is the emphasis we place on Sunday. How we even call it both the Sabbath and the first day of the week, which are incompatible terms. (Sabbath was Saturday, 1st day was Sunday, and in our culture, I’d say the first day would be Monday.) But again, the details are not important. Paul says, “Each person should have a personal conviction about this matter.” Whoa! Really? Is that how we live corporate Christian life today? I don’t think so. I think because of the nature of a large institution, we require a bit of conformity, that Paul says here is unhealthy to individuals and to the body.

Romans 14:10-13

So why do you condemn another Christian? Why do you look down on another Christian? Remember, each of us will stand personally before the judgment seat of God. For the Scriptures say,
    ” `As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
    `every knee will bow to me
       and every tongue will confess allegiance to God.’ “

Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God. So don’t condemn each other anymore. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not put an obstacle in another Christian’s path.

I just want to point out again that Paul is emphasizing again that we are not to call each other to a life according to our own conscience, but to your own conscience. He says we will each give a personal account to God. So, if I do something because you tell me to, even if that doesn’t really match what I am thinking or hearing from God or my understanding of Scripture–if it goes against my conscience– then I will have to answer to God for doing something that I did not think was right.

But at least my helpful Christian brothers and sisters will think I am right. I look like them.

We do not own other people, or have a say in what is right or wrong for them. Nor do they. They answer personally, and directly to their Master and their Father.

Romans 14:14-19

I know and am perfectly sure on the authority of the Lord Jesus that no food, in and of itself, is wrong to eat. But if someone believes it is wrong, then for that person it is wrong. And if another Christian is distressed by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don’t let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died. Then you will not be condemned for doing something you know is all right.
    For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God. And other people will approve of you, too. So then, let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up.

I think that’s it. I think, as I mentioned at the top, that relationship is the key. Not an intellectual understanding of truth, but not devoid of any absolute truth. It is the truth applied in love and lived out in relationship. As paul says, aiming for harmony as we build each other up. I do like how he uses the words “aim” and “try”. He knows we are all flawed. Every one of us. So complete harmony is impossible. But it should be our aim to only speak words of love that build up and encourage harmony among us.

It is interesting to note that Paul actually makes a definitive statement regarding the morality of what we eat or drink. He says he knows for sure from Jesus that everything is OK. And yet, that absolute knowledge of truth can not supersede relationship. The relationship is paramount. Not the intellectual truth.

Also, he reminds us that the Kingdom is not a matter of what we eat or drink–or what days we hold as special, or even what we do on those days, I suppose–he says it is a matter of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Again, the focus is not on a factual truth, but a life of love toward one another directed by Holy Spirit – not requirements or restrictions placed on us by others.

Romans 14:20-23

Don’t tear apart the work of God over what you eat. Remember, there is nothing wrong with these things in themselves. But it is wrong to eat anything if it makes another person stumble. Don’t eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another Christian to stumble. You may have the faith to believe that there is nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who do not condemn themselves by doing something they know is all right. But if people have doubts about whether they should eat something, they shouldn’t eat it. They would be condemned for not acting in faith before God. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.

I noticed that Paul specifically included drink wine in here. There is a taboo associated with alcohol among some groups of Christians in America these days. I wonder if the same was true in Rome in the first century? Well, Paul’s truth then applies the same today. Jesus says there is nothing inherently wrong with any food or drink, but as he has led each individual, so must they choose. If it’s wrong for you, don’t do it. If it’s wrong for the brothers or sisters you are with, don’t do it. Food or drink–or your own freedom–is not worth the conscience of a fellow believer.

What an interesting chapter. It has given me pause again to consider my reactions to things spoken of or done by the believers whose lives I come across. God is working in their lives, and who am I to say how they live out their relationship with him is either good or bad?

Please don’t interpret the words on this page that way. That is not my intent. I do not want followers. I don’t want to convince anyone that I am right about anything. This is a page where I get to work out stuff that Father is teaching and working in me, and I hope that by sharing it here, perhaps you may hear something from him as well. But it is certainly not intended to be taken at face value and applied to your life.

I am not your teacher. I am not your master. I am only a fellow servant, who longs to know and follow our Master, and our Friend. He is who I answer to, and so do you. Not anyone else who would presume to take his place. Listen to him, and follow him. Do as your conscience tells you to on matters where he has given us freedom.

Some might balk at that. In fact, I know they would. That, they say, will lead to anarchy. But it won’t. Listen to Paul’s claim one more time:

They are responsible to the Lord, so let him tell them whether they are right or wrong. The Lord’s power will help them do as they should.

We rob each other of so much joy in directly following the Head, our Shepherd, our Master. He can, he does, and he will rightly lead us to Truth. To Him.

I supposed that is my challenge. To me, and to you. Let’s allow each other to live out a life directed personally by Jesus. Let’s use our words to encourage and build up, not to condemn a fellow believer, when that is so clearly not our place.

You do not belong to me, nor do I belong to you. Together, we follow Jesus. And none other.

The Right Place

I often think about what I could be doing. If I could just do this, that would be great. If I only had time for that… If I could somehow manage to do this… I am always thinking about the possibilities.

Sometimes that is a good. It doesn’t hurt to dream, or to imagine something better. It’s good to have goals, and aspirations, and even dreams that seem unreachable. It’s even good to think on them from time to time. That can keep you going when life doesn’t seem to be.

But, I think I have been missing what I have.

Let me explain myself, because so far you’re probably thinking, “Uh, Greg… who doesn’t?”

The other day, I received an invitation to talk to people in a bar about life in Jesus, I got an IM from a friend who would like to get together to chat about things of the kingdom, and I got a few more of those as the day wore on. Then after a phone conversation or two, it hit me. I am right where I want to be. I have complete freedom in my schedule to just talk to people. I can drop what I am doing (on most occasions) and just hang out with people who drop by whether physically, or more often, electronically. Because of the nature of my jobs, I am free to be available.


For a long time now, I have been able to share thoughts, and my life with people through this medium called “blogging.” And, through my various other websites, I am able to express myself through words on a page. I even got to release a book this year. So, I get to write, like I have always wanted to.

And because I am self employed as a musician, and now a web and graphics designer, I can work when I am able to. Conversely, I can not work when that is beneficial. I can take an hour or two off here or there for a meal with friends, or time with my family, or any such visits. I can take a few minutes here and there to chat with people about life with God. I have great flexibility!

And actually, I love what I do. I love to create web pages. I love to sing the music God has given us. I love making music with my wife. I love that every bit of my day (mostly) is creative in some way. That is definitely who God made me to be.

Yet with all of this, I still manage to complain about how much money comes in. I find ways to worry about how to pay bills that are now overdue. I am able to look past all that Father has provided and fret over the things I do not yet have. How does this happen?

As I mentioned, I realize we are all prone to it. You have been there. An eye-opening moment where you realize all that you have, and how you have missed many chances to show gratitude rather than a complaining attitude.

We’ve all been there.

But I think the difference yesterday was I finally realized that God really has put me where I long to be. 🙂 So, what am I longing for? I’m already there!

Thank you Father, for you careful arrangement of people and places and opportunities in my life to both sharpen me and allow what you have beautifully worked into my life to flow into the lives and hearts and thoughts of those you’ve placed around me. It really is a marvelous fabric of life you have woven.

May God reveal to you what a beautiful place he has you in right now. Right where you are.

Apple Users Are… Different

I saw that Apple had updated their “Switch” site recently, so I stopped by to check it out today. It’s great. Full of good information and stories (we Christians might call them “testimonies”) about how much people love their Macs WAY MORE than their other PCs…

And I came to reason 7.

It’s just so funny (and still quite true) that I had to pass it along. 🙂

We are enthusiastic supporters of our computers. And you can’t understand until you cross over. 🙂

Enjoy the article, even if you’re not an Apple fan…. you’ll at least find it somewhat humorous.

Apple – Switch – Join The Party

Living In The Relational Church [Article Links]

I said I might post these later… then I thought, well, why not! I’m sure they are great. And, if you are a voracious reader, then you’ll be done with all of these and ready for more before I finish the next one! So why wait! Here they are:

And, if you really would like more… this is a great story…

A Bigger View of Church

“So, after 2,000 years, how do you think he’s doing?”

That was a question posed in an article I read recently about living in the relational church. It was referring to the time where Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” The question was posed by the author of the article to various individuals and groups of church leaders across the country.

You can imagine their initial response. 🙂

We can look a few hundred feet up the road and see four, large, stone examples of how he’s doing. Jesus is apparently good at building a completely splintered, divided, church that likes to erect cold, lifeless buildings in his honor. That’s not to mention all of the gossip, back-biting, positioning and other games we play inside those edifices.

No, if that’s your idea of what his church is, you’d have to start making up some excuses for his work. It’s not looking so good here.

But that is just evidence that those structures, both physical and organizational, have nothing to do with the church Jesus said he was going to build! Yes, there are members of his church living and even thriving within the confines of those systems, but they are not the source of the Life. The structures are only doomed to fail. Good can come from them, but Jesus did not say I am going to commission a few people to build my church based on their gifts and talents and leadership skills. He said, “I will build my church. He will. That’s not up to us.

I really like the article. We have mentioned this author before. Wayne Jacobsen really seems to be able to say what I have been thinking for a long time. Some things he says remind me of discussions I had with my fellow church staff mates when I first left Bible college and was working full time with a healthy, growing church. Even though we were doing it so well, there were just major flaws I could see in the system. Our hearts were great, but the focus of our implementation just seemed to be slightly (or greatly) askew.

I would encourage you to read, if you are so inclined, the articles he has posted on this subject. He says it well, and perhaps will give you some food for thought. Life with God is so much more than attending meetings or trying to woo our friends into joining us at them. The church is so much more.

Yes, his church is alive and well. We were privileged to meet another part of his body here just last night. I am praying that God would continue to connect us to the people he wants to connect us with. That he would build his church, and that we would follow his lead and be the part of his body he designed us to be.

It really is his church.

If you’d like to read the article, click the link below. Perhaps I will post links to his other articles in this series as well. I have read the first two so far, and both have been excellent.

Living in the Relational Church – BodyLife July 99