My Burdens Are My Blessing

Last night I hastily ate the awesome dinner my awesome wife prepared because I had less than half an hour to scarf it down before I had to head up to a nearby church building to record some piano songs with Ian’s piano teacher. The day began at seven in the morning, as I got up early to do some work before my weekly basketball game with a few friends. We also had a doctors appointment for Jen in the middle of the day, so it was a super full day!

As we were finishing up the recording, I was talking with Mrs. Anderson about the busyness of life, and how I am just feeling so overwhelmed these days, but I told her that God had perhaps showed me a glimpse of the bigger picture earlier that day.

You see, our fourth baby is due in less than a month now. That’s very cool. We’re looking forward to it, and planning for it. As I did last year, I plan to take 2 weeks off from regular office work, and take all the kids and household duties so Jen can just get used to the new baby, and recover and relax. It worked well last year, so I am looking forward to it again.

Well, as you might imagine, it’s not easy to take two weeks off from your job. And, obviously, there will be some things I will still need to do – whether at naptime, or at night, or whatver – but pretty much I’ll be in shut-down mode. So, I thought… oh… this is pretty neat. I have all these super deadlines right now, and the pressure at times seems unbearable, and my body is weary… but maybe all these deadlines now will make for a lighter March, when the baby comes? Maybe since I won’t be doing much work then, and money won’t be coming in regularly there, this big build up now will help us then.

Isn’t it cool that God pays attention to things like that? 🙂

So, for a brief window of time yesterday, I saw how my burdens currently are really my blessing. Right now: overwhelmed, tired, weary, fried. But the blessing is that maybe God has arranged it so that I will have completed the bigger projects just before the baby arrives?

Maybe. I’m hoping. 🙂

Anyway, it was a cool reminder that God makes good from hard. That we can rejoice in all things. That’s been hard to do for a little while. So that was a welcome respite.

Everyday Life With Jesus

I think I recognized a slight change in me tonight. Something that I have intellectually grasped for quite a while, but perhaps not till recently have I really lived it out.

I was in the bathroom, prior to our gig tonight, and I had a sort of flashback. Instantly, I was whisked back to many a bathroom, in many a church building (or other location). It was minutes before the event for the night, and I was alone in the bathroom, praying. It was a great time for me to connect with God one last time before we got up to represent him on stage wherever we were. I remembered sincere wishes that whatever we did that night would be fruitful. Our words, our songs, our voices, our instruments – everything we had any sort of control over – would carry the truth of God’s love to the hearts of everyone listening. I would ask him best I knew how to ensure that what we were doing would be worth it. For them. For us. For Him.

And then tonight I realized, the thought of doing that wasn’t in my mind, nor had it been for months. That is no longer my practice before any singing event.

Have I lost touch with God? Have I forgotten the significance of every opportunity to share our music and the life-giving truth of God’s word (mixed in with our songs)? I don’t think so. Actually, in some ways it might be almost the opposite.

You see, over the past while, I have been learning to live every day with Jesus. Not in a building, or at a service, or at a special time of the day, or the week. I have been learning to do everything, “whether in word or in deed”, with Jesus. No, I don’t add his name, or an exclamatory, “Hallelujah!”, or, “Praise The Lord!” to every sentence I utter. I mean, Jesus is with me. For everything.

I mean everything.

When I go to sleep, he’s there. We chat. When I wake up, he’s there. Usually, we chat. When I take a shower, he’s there. When I eat breakfast, he’s there. When I am at work, he’s there. When I am with my family, he’s there. When we are playing Lego Creator, he’s there.

The hardest part to grasp is when I blow up at my kids for something too small for such a response, he’s there. And he doesn’t leave. When I am angry with Jen, he’s there. If bad thoughts are floating through my head, he’s still there. He is not scared away by my sin.

He’s always there. Always.

What I am learning to do is not evoke his presence at special times and places, but to be in a constant dialogue with him. At high points, and low points, and everywhere in between. And, to listen to his Spirit in me. If God had wanted me to pray tonight before the concert, I think that would have been “on my heart”. Otherwise, I trust Him to “always be working”, and everything I say and do is something he can use. Not just from a stage. Not only when I use words that include Jesus own name, or something else you can find in the Bible.

Always. Everywhere. All the time.

Do you get it? I think I am starting to, and it was a very cool, enlightening moment! It is theory now implemented. What I saw tonight was not a new idea, it was that Jesus has slowly integrated it into the way I live! Those are cool moments.

Sometimes we try so hard to live spiritual lives that we end up missing real life. We miss the fact that the Kingdom is right here, right now. Jesus said he would send his Spirit to live IN us. Always. That’s just incredible. And I think I am understanding that more and more.

It’s not bad to pray before some public event. It’s certainly not bad to just pray. But I have even learned to not use that word, as it implies something magical and other. “Praying” is not magical. It can be just a conversation – that never stops – with the Living God. We have constant audience with Him, because he’s always there. With every one of us. Listening, watching, going through our lives with us. He will never “leave us or forsake us”.

Never sure is a pretty cool word.

Live today with Jesus. For real with Jesus. Not just quiet times or prayer times. Every time. And see how freeing is the reality of his presence. Every day. In every way.

The Difference Between OS X and Windows

I recently wiped my hard drive, and transfered all the files back to the clean HD, and have experienced the usual minor bumps. (A few preferences were deleted, had to confirm a few software registrations, etc.) One of those was our digital magazine reader. It will not allow me to access my magazines anymore. I tried calling customer service, they don’t do phone service. So, tonight I tried e-mail, and I got a helpful link in return. That was cool.

What I noticed was something I saw the other day. There is a pretty big difference between the Mac OS and Windows OS. Check it out:


For Magazines:

  • Make sure the Zinio Reader is closed and check to see if the Zinio Delivery Manager icon is displayed in the lower right corner of your screen (system tray). If so, right click on it and choose Exit.
  • Click Start >> Settings >> Control Panel and select ‘Folder Options’.
  • Select the View tab and click the radio button next to ‘Show Hidden Files and Folders’, and then click OK.
  • Click the “Start” button on the task bar and select Search >> For Files or Folders.
  • Search on your C-drive for folders called “ContentGuard”.
  • There should be two ContentGuard folders found: “C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\ContentGuard” – (or something similar, depending on your operating system) and “C:\Program Files\Zinio\ContentGuard” –
  • Delete only the first folder (the one not located in the Program Files) and empty the recycling bin.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Go to Start –> Programs –> Zinio –> Check for Magazines or Check for New Deliveries, and try downloading your magazines again. If the Delivery Manager reports “no magazines to download,” then visit (you may be prompted to log in) and choose “Download a Magazines Again.” The Zinio Delivery Manager will re-try the license activation and download process. If you get an error again, please let us know.

    If this does not work, and you still cannot read your publications, please let us know.


For Magazines: Generally, when you receive Error 22-M (Mac), there was a license failure during the download of the publication. Please follow these steps to regenerate the licenses.

1. Find the ContentGuard folder. It can be found in the following folder: Users > Library > Preferences
2. Delete the CGGuardLib file in this folder.

After you delete the licenses, you should be able to open the Zinio Reader and view your publications without difficulty.

DO YOU SEE THAT??! It’s the same with the kids software programs. The CD-ROMs come with Windows and Mac versions on the disc. To install/play the software on a Windows box, you have to follow about eight HUNDRED steps, while under Macintosh instructions, they usually add a few steps like, “Insert CD in CD tray” just to make it look a little better for the Windows machines. The instructions usually read something like this:

1. Insert CD-ROM into CD Tray.
2. Double-click on [Name of Game] Icon

Ha! Ha! HA! Come on, people. Seriously. Can we please understand that in most ways, Macs are better?


Civil War

War is ugly. We know that intellectually. Most of us understand that through the images we see on the evening news. Those of us who have been around for generations have seen war after ugly war. Men fighting men. Death. Bloodshed. Crying. Loss.

But how much greater is the ugliness when it is brother fighting brother.

I just finished watching Cold Mountain, a movie set in the early 1860s, during our country’s “Civil War”. The movie was not completely about the war itself, in fact the causes and justifications for the war were almost not touched upon. Instead, the movie focused on the affect the war had on the people.

There was a scene near the beginning where the two sides were preparing for a clash, lined up, holding positions. We then see several Union soldiers sneaking behind the Confederate camp and setting massive explosive charges, and lighting the fuse once they were safely away. There is an enormous surprise explosion that decimates the Confederate camp. As the dust settles, the assault begins. An unending wall of blue soldiers runs toward their enemies now shattered camp, ready for the kill.

And I thought, “No… don’t do it…”

I know, I know. It’s just a movie. They set up the scenes and music and everything to make me think that, but I did. And it was for real. A bloody scene ensues where everyone is being slaughtered by each other. Face to face. It’s unthinkable.

But the part that got me was thinking about who they were.

They were brothers. Granted, our country was still relatively young, in the scheme of things. But they were all Americans. Less than one hundred years prior, they had fought side by side for the cause of freedom from a colonial oppressor. Even then, they were fighting their own people. But now, they had once again turned on each other, in the bloodiest war our country has ever seen. (The war in Iraq – the entire “War on Terror” – pales in comparison to most individual battles during the Civil War.

So many scenes through the movie of pure ugliness. Not just in the heat of a battle. But the ugliness that pervades once we allow ourselves to treat other people – especially our fellow countrymen – as the enemy, no longer worthy of living.

I do understand it a bit. In order to go that far, you just have to let yourself keep going. We’ve all experienced the beginnings of it. Even in our own homes. Proverbs says, “A harsh word stirs up anger.” Boy is that true! When I don’t watch my words, or when Jen is not careful with hers, or her tone, the sparks start to fly. It’s incredible. How could I feel anger toward the person I love the most? How could she toward me? But even just our silly little words can escalate to outrage and boiling point anger.

Usually the anger is over nothing, so with either one of us offering kind words, or just stopping for a moment to process things, the moment is diffused. We go on, living in peace, and living out the love we have for each other.

But throw the mob effect on top of ever-increasingly hateful words, and it’s easy to see how an entire country could be led to take up arms against each other. I’m sure there were individuals along the way who either refused to fight, or who showed kindness in a moment where there was opportunity. But war is ugly. People can do despicable things to each other when their hearts have been calloused by untamed, unrestrained anger.

I love history, and I am often fascinated by the Civil War, but every time I think about it, my heart becomes heavy. The thought of not just so many people dying, leaving their families behind… but all of the carnage was at the hand of other Americans. Very sad.

Eventually war will end. No, not like Star Trek presumes, that some day we’ll all just magically “evolve” to a point where we come to our senses and never resort to military action again. That can not happen in a world ruled by self. Where selflessness is unnatural, and pride reigns. Sin reigns. There will never be such peace in this world.

But the Bible speaks of a day when God will judge all men, and he will bring peace… forever. Weapons will be turned into farming tools. There will be no more training for war. At the end of this age, when creation is restored to its original design – then there will be peace.

Until then, the ugliness of war will continue to destroy life across our planet. Thankfully I have not been personally touched by the effects of war in my lifetime. That movie did a good job of personalizing the Civil War. I hope it never gets much closer than that.

And I hope Jesus is coming real soon to straighten all of this out.

Real soon.

Computer Updates: Complete?

Well, I spent all last night (since the hard drive got here around 3:30pm or so) moving my entire hard drive over to the external one, and then erasing/reformatting my internal one so I could move everything back again!!!

(That takes a long time.)

So, at 2am, I headed to bed, leaving the computer to do a few last tasks on its own. Got up at 7:30am because I play basketball with some friends on Wednesday mornings at 8:00am. I spent about 20 more minutes finishing up some clean-up on the computer before heading out (at 8:07!!), leaving my computer wide-open with both internal drives pulled – waiting for me to install upon my return.


Today was also the day our phone number officially transferred to Vonage. We’re trying that out for a while. So, I had to move some stuff around, plug and unplug and all sorts of fun with tangled wires to make sure that was working (all while continuing to transfer files so that everything was in the right place.) Vonage is really cool because all I did was plug their router into my router, and then a phone cord into the jack in the wall (which now has a three-way splitter) and.. viola! EVERY phone in our house gets that signal. Crazy.

So, once I got that working, and tested that we could receive calls, I continued to reset preferences, and move and manage files on all the computers. Every time we do this it messes up our printer, too… so I have been downloading and re-installing all the drivers for that.


So… with all of this, and a few other things. The computer seen above has been on my mind. I have been thinking that 6 years will be a good time to upgrade. My computer has served me well. It’s a great computer. In fact, a friend of mine is going to purchase it from us for a fair price and hopefully it will continue to be a great computer for him. I am wanting to upgrade for a few reasons: space, quicker processing of graphics, and it just seems like time for an upgrade.

Oh! I know. It’s also a great time to upgrade because Apple is switching their entire line-up of computers over to Intel processors. The current computers will still run all the new stuff for quite a long time, BUT, Apple likes to stay ahead of the game, so once a new line comes out, the old one goes way down in price! (I’m counting on that!) And actually, the computer linked above (the Dual 2.7Ghz G5) is already a generation old! So… if I am lucky, we’ll get a fantastic computer at a similarly fantastic price.

Here’s hopin’.

So, that’s the update from here. Sorry to any of my clients who also read my blog page. It’s been a CRAZY week just doing all this maintenance stuff at home. On top of the computers and phones… I also had to fix our washing machine! Crazy.

I hope to get some work done in the next hour or so, and get at it tomorrow EARLY in the morning!!!

So, with an expected tax return, and a little cash on hand, plus the sale of our current computer… we should make out alright with a fancy new G5 in the not too distant future!

Course… donations wouldn’t hurt… 😉

iTunes One Billion Songs Countdown

Apple is celebrating another milestone. This time, it’s ONE BILLION songs. That’s 1,000,000,000. More zeros than I will know in a lifetime. Way more.

But, they’re sharing.

They will again be giving away an iPod every 100,000 songs. Everytime the pass another 100,000, the purchaser of that particular download will receive a free 4GB iPod Nano. And, for the lucky 1 billionth downloader… a new 20″ iMac, TEN (count them) 10 60GB iPods (5 white, 5 black), and on top of that, a $10,000 USD gift certificate to the iTunes Music Store.


So, to enter, you just buy songs. Each purchased song counts as one entry. It’s just a matter of lucky timing. Though, these guys think they have that figured out. 🙂

There is an alternative way to enter. Just fill out the form linked below. Up to 25 times a day. Those entries count as downloads as well. Not sure why, but they do.

So, go grab the music you’ve been wanting to get, and there’s a chance you’ll have an iPod to put it on! 🙂

Apple – iTunes – One Billion Songs – Alternative Entry Form


We finally have some SNOW around here! It snowed all yesterday and last night and it’s still snowing. A couple inches out there on the ground. It has been the absolute craziest winter!!!

I like snow. I miss it. Glad to see it back.

The photo above was taked at a motel we stayed at two hours from here, after a concert in the middle of a huge blizzard! That was a funny night. Not many people came out for the concert (only those with 4 x 4s, I guess…) and we lost a wind-shield wiper – had to go to WalMart to get another. Lots of snow, but that was the last we have seen of it pretty much.

It’s February.

So, welcome back snow! Keep a’comin’!!!

Groundhog’s Day

I think I was up with the groundhog today. I could have either stayed up last night after midnight to get some extra stuff done in this short week we have (we’re doing our music for a retreat this weekend) or I could get up early today.

For some reason, I chose the latter.

The alarm went off 3 times before I actually got up, but I made it, and even ate breakfast, and was here in the office by 7am. That’s totally, completely insane.

But, I am getting work done on this project, and should complete it by 9:00, and then start my normal day, working on all the rest of the stuff I have to do.

Not bad. 🙂

Oh, by the way…

I think I saw my shadow.

State Of The Union Address

Jen and I grabbed the laptop at about 10pm EST, finally able to watch the state of the union address. I figured by then it was probably over, and available somewhere on the internet. I did a quick search, and sure enough, at, I found a link to either the Windows Media version or Real Player. Being an Apple guy, I of course did not click the Windows Media option… 🙂

It started right up at the beginning of his speech! I was impressed. Either we have impeccable timing, or they had this thing like TiVo where, whenever you logged in, it started at the beginning! Very cool!

We listened as Bush covered the war in Iraq, the war on terror, the Patriot Act, and a strong economy due to tax cuts. All the right people were in the right places, but surprisingly, Condi Rice was absent while Colin Powell had a front row seat. We commented on that, but kept listening.

At one point, President Bush said it had been 28 months since September 2001. That’s when we both thought, “Huh??” Who writes these speeches???

The connection is fading now, and it’s not very easy to watch, so we head upstairs and try again. And to my chagrin, the Windows Media stream played better than the RealAudio one, so, I had to actually choose a Microsoft product!!! For shame!! But, we wanted to watch, so we plugged the laptop into our TV and popped WMP into full screen mode and sat back and listened again.

Powell was in the front row. Only twenty-eight months had passed since Sept. 2001 (we still couldn’t figure out how he got that one…) but we still thought nothing of these glitches.

Then, Bush said, last month, Libya gave up it’s weapons of mass destruction program.


We had a good laugh, and turned off the TV. We’ll try again tomorrow.
