Labor Day Stories – Alex

Since we’re fast approaching the unleashing of another Campbell upon this unsuspecting world, I thought I would post one of the crazier birth stories from our little ones so far. I wrote this soon after Alex, our now 4-yr-old was born. It’s quite a story! Enjoy!

PALMYRA, NY – Thursday, October 4th.

Greg & Jen return from a brisk walk through the lovely village of Palmyra on a beautiful fall day. Jen is somewhat tired (and really getting rather large…) πŸ™‚ but can’t wait to go for another walk… a little later. πŸ™‚ They get inside, listen to the phone messages, start getting lunch ready, and Greg heads back upstairs to the office to get back to the day’s work. A friend had called and left a message just wondering how we were doing, and if there were any signs of labor yet… a common call these days. But, alas, there were none yet.

Yet. πŸ™‚

At 1:00pm (or so) on Thursday, October 4th, Jen started to notice signs of the baby coming. Nothing major, so it could be a false alarm… but did seem like more than that. She proceeds to nap. πŸ™‚ Greg gets back to the office and continues work on arranging their early spring west coast tour. Lots of phone calls! πŸ™‚ Also, making plans for that evening’s concert.

Around 3:00pm or so, Jen climbs the stairs again to where Greg is talking on the phone with a friend out west… and looks like something’s happening… πŸ™‚ Greg asks, Jen replies it doesn’t seem serious. But, it was serious enough to call the Dr. and ask what we should do.

The doctor listens, asks questions, and then says, why don’t you come in tonight and I’ll check you out. We ask about the concert, should we come now, or later, and the doctor replies, “Oh, just go ahead and do your concert and then come on in. That will be fine.” So, surprised, but excited, we proceed with the plans and get ready to do the concert.

All the while, Jen is having stronger and more frequent contractions.

So, we set up (well, Greg does) and Greg begins the concert. By this time (6:00pm or so) it is quite obvious that this baby is coming tonight, so what does Jen do? She comes up on stage and joins in!!! Jen sang 3 or 4 songs that night… WHILE IN LABOR!!! πŸ™‚ What a story to tell Alexander later in life! πŸ™‚ Turned out to be a pretty nice turnout, met some neat people, and a bunch of people were there to help us tear down and get our stuff back to the house before we left for the hospital! Very interesting… πŸ™‚

So, around 7:30-7:40pm we head to the hospital and arrive around 8:00pm. This baby is coming tonight! We make the appropriate calls and alert everyone to the immiment arrival of baby Campbell #2 and continue to be excited about this. This was our second baby – no problem! We knew what to expect, and knew it would just be great.

We forgot labor is very, very hard. πŸ™‚

Jen proceeded through labor incredibly quickly (last time was a total of 17 hours, this time, around 8!) and after Jen’s Mom & Dad arrived late Thursday night… we had a SON!!!!! Alexander Caedon Campbell came into this world! It was as amazing as the first time, slightly different, but wonderful. The Dr.s and nurses were skilled at what they did and helped a slightly complicated situation with Alex and he was healthy and happy and great.

The hard part was that Jen kept bleeding for a while. Normal part of birth, but Jen lost more blood than normal. The doctors and nurses again worked hard and skillfully and finally were able to stop the bleeding and get things under control. That did manage to make Jen extremely weak, and sore… but thankfully still quite healthy. God is good!

Within a day or so we were all back to normal pregnancy recovery stages and Alex was doing great.

He was bigger than Ian (stayed in longer!) at 7 lbs 12oz. 20 inches long. But overall labor was much quicker! That was nice for Jen — we think πŸ™‚

You may be wondering about his name…

Alexander is a name Jen has always wanted for a boy of hers. This was before she knew she would marry a Campbell. πŸ™‚ We did not name him after the 19th/20th century Restoration Movement leader… though this Alex’s Grandpa also shares a name with one of those men, Thomas Campbell. πŸ™‚

Then, we were trying to think of a middle name that had some significance, but didn’t want it to just be an english word that was just a word. So, we tried words in other languages we were familiar with. Finally came up with one we kind of liked – Queda. It’s the spanish word for “Remain, Stay” and reminded us of the Scripture in John 15 where Jesus talks about himself as “the vine” and we are “the branches” and that we need to remain in Him. The key verse might be John 15:4…

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.”

We liked the imagery there, and wanted our child to remain in Jesus and Jesus to remain in him. So, Queda was cool… but just sounded like a spanish word. So, we played with it and ended up with “CAY-den”. Then we figured we’d go with a gaelic spelling, being somewhat Scottish, and we settled on “Caedon”.

Well – we arrived home to a big party with the whole extended Walker family Sunday afternoon, and then Alex got to see his first Bills game!!!! (Actually, it wasn’t so bad, though they did lose… but the back-up QB came in and was great. His name? ALEX Van Pelt! :-))

Everything is great here. Happy and healthy mom and baby (and dad and brother!) πŸ™‚ Thanks for praying for that – God certainly delivered!

(pun intended…) πŸ™‚


When we married, I discovered that Jen was a wonderful mason. Over the years, she had learned to build some pretty terrific, fortified walls to protect her heart from invasion. I had not seen this outside the intimacy of marriage – or I was just a clueless young guy. πŸ™‚ But once we were inside, the insurmountable walls appeared.

My wife is an amazingly gentle spirit. She is so kind and thoughtful. She is encouraging, and the kind of person you always want to be around. That’s why I wanted to spend my life with her! I love to be with her. I have noticed that my son, Ian, is similarly a gentle spirit. This will be a wonderful gift he can give people, that God will use to heal and restore and show his compassion and mercy through. Just like his mom.

However, with such a gentleness, comes very, very easy pain. Both Jen and Ian are quite sensitive to the words and opinions of others. Harsh words or tones – even not directed specifically at them – can crush their hearts quickly. So, Jen has learned over the years the fine art of masonry. She can build (and has many times) walls that will keep out any painful words or connections with people. She has been hurt – and not just because she’s a gentle spirit, she has been through her share of very rough times – and she has built walls.

Over our eight years of marriage, we have worked through some of those walls, but they have certainly been a barrier to intimacy at times. Intimacy has no walls, and that is the thrill of it. (OK guys, knock it off. I’m not just talking about sex!) The deep sharing of everything you are with another person. Proverbs says that our hearts are the “wellspring of life”. They are who we are. And when we share that with another person, on every level, that is intimacy, and a closeness that God intended us to experience in a marriage relationship. Complete commitment to the other person allows for complete freedom in intimacy.

While Jen is gentle, and compassionate, and thus easily hurt… I appear to have been made the (almost) complete opposite.

I am confident, unafraid to be different, and naively optimistic – not concerned with the opinions of others. This can obviously be a positive, a strength. I choose a direction, and I go for it. I am not hindered by the negative opinions of others, nor am I necessarily caught up in any positive praise from others. I am me, and that’s pretty much it.

The obvious negative of this is my sensitivity to the outside world – and to you, my friends and neighbors – can be somewhat absent at times. πŸ™‚ Ha ha. πŸ™‚ Being married to a person like Jen has helped to increase my awareness of the impact my words and decisions have on other folks. I actually do think of other people a bit more now.

But for the most part, the benefit of this has been, I haven’t built any walls. I am pretty much completely accessible to anyone who cares to enter my world.

Until late 2004.

In October and November 2004, we lost a baby. Jen carried the baby for about 14 weeks before we discovered that it had stopped growing (they think) around 12 weeks. The entire pregnancy was quite precarious. There were signs of trouble almost right from the start. But we were so excited about another baby – I was so excited about another baby – that I kept up hope that all would work out. We thought we lost the baby at 11 weeks, but got to see it happily bouncing around in the womb via an ultrasound. That was joyous. But a short two or three weeks later, we saw no life. No movement. And my heart was crushed.

But Jen’s was not. She said multiple times how her wall-building ability kept her removed from that hurt in many ways. Now, she hurt, don’t get me wrong. But I was more affected by all that transpired, I would say. As would Jen.

Now, just two weeks from the due date of our next baby – the first since losing the baby a year and a half ago – I have seen that I have built walls. I have learned the skilled craft of masonry from my wife.

This morning, I think for the first time, I felt the excitement finally surface in me about the new baby. I can honestly say that I have not until then. I have intellectually thought, “It will be nice to have a new baby.” I have not really let my heart experience the real excitement of holding my baby, bringing him/her home, playing together with the rest of the family – all of the joy of a new life in a home. I realized today that I have protected myself from the hurt I felt last time by building walls around my heart.

But I have missed the joy!! I have not truly been excited about this baby. I have chalked it up so far to it being our fourth baby. We’re veterans. We’re experienced. It’s not exciting anymore… That’s for first-timers. In fact, we have a friend who just had her first baby, and I think we have had just such a conversation or two, about “getting excited”. My response to her has been, no… we’re just looking forward to Jen not being pregnant. πŸ™‚ (That’s not completely try, but sadly, more than I’d like it to be.)

I obviously can’t speak for Jen on this, but I imagine she has the same walls. She already knows how to build them.

It’s understandable. I had a large amount of fear in my heart the first time we went to listen for the baby’s heart beat. And the next. And the next. I have not taken any visit for granted, until lately, I suppose. I have grown increasingly confident that we will meet this baby, since it won’t STOP moving inside Jen. πŸ™‚ (It really is quite an active baby!) But along the way, I have not let my heart get too excited. I hope today’s excitement is not premature.

But in the end, I think that’s my lesson for today. Excitement is never premature. The pain of loss is worth the excitement, the hope of life. There is joy and fulfillment in hope. Hope is the promise of what lies ahead. And beyond the hope of future joy, there is the present reality of a life growing (and kicking) inside of Jen. I have had moments of joy, but overall, I think I have missed the excitement of this baby, because I was afraid to lose it.

Don’t be afraid to lose it. Live and love what you’ve got. Hope for more. Let’s bring down the walls, and unabashedly let the joy – and pain – of life fill our hearts.

I think we’ll be better for it.

Newsvine Goes Public

Over the past couple weeks, I have posted a few articles here about a news website called Newsvine. The reason I did that was that the site was still a private Beta, meaning that only those with invitations had access to the site.

Well, if you were at all curious… the wait is over.

Newsvine is officially public. If you go to you can now read through the news just like I have been for the past few weeks.

The charm of newsvine, and perhaps the addictive quality for some, is that the news it interactive. When you sign up for a free account, you can comment on articles, you can easily link to articles you have seen elsewhere on the web, and you can even join or start a chat right on the page of the article you just read. In addition to all of that, you are encouraged to add to “The Vine” by posting your own articles at your very own column. “Yourname” Mine is

Newsvine is attempting to create a place for “citizen journalism” by not only having easy to find articles from the AP and ESPN wires, sortable by many “tags” assigned to each one, but these AP articles are placed right next to the many member contributions. There are two separate columns, to better distinguish the source of your news, but I think it’s a cool feature that the site is so interactive, and integrated.

I will post most of my Apple Computer news, as well as Buffalo Bills and various other newsworthy articles there. You can book mark the site if you like, via the link given above, or, if you are a super techy type… there are RSS feeds available for my articles there as well. (Since you’re super techy, I’ll let you figure out where they are.)

I have been following and contributing to some interesting conversations in the science section of the site recently. You may want to stop there are read along. Or, as I mentioned, there have been a few exciting things from Apple recently as well.

So, it’s now available to all, and I just wanted to pass that along.

Check it out, and have fun reading. πŸ™‚

You Can Now See Again!

This morning, as is our custom, the boys and I were reading a short bit from the Bible. We’re reading through the book of Acts currently, and it’s really interesting. There are always lots of things I don’t remember, and some cool stories the boys like to hear. Paul definitely had a crazy life – always being accused of things that would start riots, being put in jail, beaten, having his life threatened. Crazy.

Well, today, we were in chapter 22, where Paul was arrested following another riot. He asked the commander who arrested him if he could speak to the crowd, and he was allowed to. He spoke of his heritage, his background, and how he was zealous for God, just as the crowd of Jews who were listening. And then he told the story of how, on his way to arrest more Christians, he was knocked to the ground by a blinding light, and heard a voice ask him, “Why are you persecuting me?” The voice was the man, Jesus, of Nazareth, and Paul was then given instructions to go ahead to Damascus, where a guy named Ananias would meet him.

All of this was obviously bewildering for Paul. He was on a mission for God. He was going to erradicate these “Followers of The Way” one at a time if he had to. But then, God met him personally, and caused a physical blindness to conceal his vision. For three days he could not see a thing, nor did he eat or drink. How could he? What an astonishing life change.

Well, Ananias reluctantly came by the place where Paul was staying (He knew this was the guy who was out putting Christians in jail, or worse! For all he know, this could have been a trap!) and when he got there, he did just as God had told him, laying his hands on Paul and restoring his vision. The account even says something like scales fell from Paul’s eyes.

But the sentence that stood out to me this morning was something Paul quoted Ananias as saying to him. Ananias said, “Saul, my friend, you can see now.” It may seem an obvious thing to say, but in the light of some recent reading and discussion I have been doing, I understood that at a different level.

For so long, Paul had been pressing and pressing to do what he knew to be right. He was relentless in his condemnation and complete anhilation of this cancerous new cult that was forming. He would not rest until these infidels were crushed. Forever.

What he did not know was, he was blind. He could not really see. What he saw as a threat, was really his very own freedom. These people were not a cancer, they were the cure. It took Jesus meeting him in person – albeit a super-bright, deified person – and actually physically blinding him for Paul to understand this.

I believe those three days he sat in darkness – humbled and broken, but given visions of hope – were a processing time for Paul. To understand where his zealousness had been completely misguided. Where he had actually been blind. It wasn’t a physical blindness, but it might as well have been. He could not see the reality of God’s kingdom, until God showed him, and through Ananias, removed his blindness.

“You can see now.”

Religious folk are often accused of blindly following some leader or antiquated book or doctrine. They must be blind to think such things. Can’t they see the evidence? Where is the evidence for what they believe? It’s just “blind faith!” And indeed, Paul was religious, and I’d agree that he was blind. But a lot of the very people who accuse “religious folks” of being blind are perhaps calling the kettle black.

I have been reading some discussions over the hot “Intelligent Design” controversies in various court rooms across the country. Some segments of our population would like schools to teach alternative theories to the well-entrenched theory of evolution. My understanding is that it would be “along side” – that there is no call whatsoever to eliminate the teaching of evolution. (Though, I am sure some ID proponents would wish such a thing.)

What has stuck me as both fascinating and even scary at the same time is the pro-evolution camp seems to be even more zealous than Paul in their quick and vigrorous defense of the Evolutionary faith. (I am obviously mocking with those words. I understand that it is not a religion, however, you can not deny that the characteristics of a religious zealot are quite present in nearly all of the supporters of evolution that make the news at least.)

I do not want to begin a debate as to which theory is more plausible, and certainly not which one is “right”. You may start your own blog if you’d like to do that. I would like to draw some comparisons however, based on my own assumptions.

There really seems to be truth to the fact that we can be very blind to God’s kingdom, until he reveals it to us. I have lived my whole life with God and around his people – but I did not understand the reality of his kingdom until my late teen years. It’s like he opened my eyes, and scales fell off. Now, I do not certainly understand everything, but I do understand the truth of the phrase, “I was blind, but now I see.” The world makes a lot more sense to me (for the most part) since my eyes have been opened to (and even, keep opening to) God’s kingdom reality.

And what I notice from people who either deliberately push God away, or who really, genuinely can’t believe in the reality Jesus lived and presented is that there is really no way for them to understand what I am saying. When I talk, it’s like they are hearing different words, or no words at all, based on the response I receive. Perhaps it works both ways as well. But, it is definitely a fascinating phenomena. And, I believe it can be found in Scripture. We can’t know or understand God’s kingdom until he opens our eyes to it. He says too that we can’t see his kingdom unless we come as little children, wide-eyed and perhaps, ready to learn.

I am not trying to prove some grand point here. Just my thoughts from a simple sentence, and an interesting discussion or two I have been involved in at Newsvine. I am certain that the words, “You can now see again!” were quite liberating to Paul – even if he didn’t know before that he needed liberation. They were for me today as well.

I hope they are for you, too.

Kirstie Rae

Today is my daughter’s birthday. She’s two. I love her. πŸ™‚

She’s a very cute little girl, with a tender heart – except that she’s being raised by two brothers – and she definitely loves her daddy. πŸ™‚ I love the greetings I get when I come down from the office. πŸ™‚

Today we’ll celebrate her. We’ll have a nice birthday cake. We’ll have some presents. I think we’ll probably even have a special fun treat at the end of the day. πŸ™‚ I can’t wait.

I’m even staying up extra late to make her a little birthday poster (a bit of a tradition in our family).

It’s funny, but as the kids get older, even though Kirstie is only two, I really am beginning to experience what so many parents have said. The time goes by so fast. It’s way too short.

Well, it does. But today, I’m going to enjoy celebrating my two year old daughter.

Happy Birthday, Kirstie! We love you!!!! πŸ™‚

A Day Of Unexpected

I woke up this morning at 9:35am, quite shocked that I had not been woken by some small person in the house already. There hadn’t been a peep. Quite odd.

But, my unexpected bliss was short-lived, as Alex came in to let us know it was 9:37am. (Pronounced “Nine-Three-Seven”.)

So, with a little coaxing, Alex was able to rouse Mom and Dad, and soon the family began to awake. I took my morning shower, then collected the laundry to do a few loads today on my half-work day. I came down and had a bit of breakfast, and we planned to head out and do some thrifting today, since we had a few items we were hunting.

All of this went mostly as expected.

We didn’t find exactly what we were looking for, but a decent alternative. We returned home for lunch, and then put Kirstie down for her nap, and I headed out to get our oil changed, and then work on my book at the coffee house.

I was not expecting to be there for most of two hours.

It ended up our brake pads and rotors were toast. So, a twenty dollar oil change ended up being $450 worth of repair. Ouch. And, I was not able to get to the coffee house…. which I had been looking forward to all week.

One positive – I met a fellow musician from Fairport. Nice guy. Hopefully we will connect again in the future.

So, I came home a bit frustrated by my foiled plans, and had to do the dishes, switch the laundry and make dinner for the family. The reailty of a pregnancy-hindered wife is setting in. Time to hunker down I suppose.

We’re heading out tonight to get Kirstie’s birthday photos at WalMart (a coupon) and some other stuff. Though, I am not wanting to spend ANY more money today. Funny how an unexpected major expense can do that to you… πŸ™‚

OK, I have to eat my dinner now… and then get on to the rest of the day. πŸ™‚

I wonder what else I can expect from today?

And The New Apple Products Will Be…

Apple will be announcing “some new fun products” on February 28th according to an invite they sent to selected media personnel this week. In anticipation of that, the internet is full of rumors about what those products might be. Well, as I have mentioned here before, I have a column at a news site called Newsvine(.com), and I posted some thoughts there. That column should be public within the next week or so, but until it is, I’ll post some of my favorite articles here as well. πŸ™‚

Here it is…

And The New Apple Products Will Be…
by Greg Campbell

On February 28th, Apple has promised to reveal to a group of invited members of the press “some fun new products”. The speculation began soon after the last wave of Apple products was unveiled at the 2006 MacWorld Expo back in January. Will we see a full-screen video iPod with a touch screen? Will we see a tablet Mac? How soon will the rest of the Mac line-up be switching to the Intel processor?

But my favorite by far is the rumor that Apple will finally put the Mac Mini in its rightful place: in your living room.

There are rumors that the mini will receive the Intel upgrade, and perhaps a built-in iPod dock. There are some rumors that the Mini will be the next in line to receive the FrontRow software that has been offered in the iMac and now the MacBook Pro lines. Even cooler, perhaps, than these, some have speculated that Apple will ship the new digital media hub Mac Minis with their own DVR software integrated with all of Apple’s iLife suite.

Now that would be something wouldn’t it?

Media is certainly moving toward digital. I mean completely digital. CDs of course, are digital. However, so many people are ditching their CDs for MP3 players of various sizes, and certainly the king of these is the iPod. The idea that you can actually carry your entire collection of digital music with you everywhere you go is simply amazing. Add to that your digital photos stored on phones, or the 4th gen iPod on down, and you already have quite a collection of your life, literally in the palm of your hand.

As iTunes has begun integrating video into their offerings, and the 5th generation iPod has been capable of playing video, people have been increasingly moving toward a more digital approach to TV and other visual content. Apple adds new content every week to the iTunes store. TV shows are even being offered now before they actually air. And, even for free!

As the selection increases, and as hard drive space becomes greater for a smaller price, why would we not do the same thing we have done with our music, and our photos? Instead of having shelves full of DVDs, perhaps the time is coming soon when we will have our entire collection of DVDs (and VHS?) on one tiny 6″ x 6″ x 2″ box sitting unassumingly in our giant entertainment center.

The day is certainly coming, and I am hoping that 2.28.06 is it.

I actually submitted an idea to Apple sometime last year about this. Long before I heard rumors on the rumor sites (perhaps simply because I was not paying attention) I thought it would be really cool to have the Mini be a home entertainment hub. And beyond that, I thought it would be really cool if Apple would not just offer content song by song, or video by video… but channel by channel. Apple with their a la carte media offerings could put the cable companies out of business by offering monthly subscriptions or even yearly subscriptions to just one channel’s content. Packages would also be available, but the appeal to me was the thought that I could actually pay for say 10 channels that I really want instead of 400 that I don’t care about at all!

And all of this could be piped directly into a DVR Mac Mini!

Here’s a clip from the e-mail(s) I sent to Apple on March 24th, 2005:

We were frustrated recently by our large cable bills ($65/mo for digital cable with DVR) when all we really want are local channels and perhaps 4 others. And we asked the cable company if they would ever offer packages where you could select your own channels. They said no. And I thought, why not? This is the age of select the songs you want from albums for $0.99 each… making your own greatest hits albums. Why could we not do something similar with cable TV.

But I had no idea how to get started, and then I had an idea.

What if Apple opened the iTV (or something like that) Video Store! It could be similar to the Music store, except you could purchase monthly or annual subscriptions to individual cable networks. This way people pay either buy the network, or perhaps some sort of package price for people who really do want all of those channels? AND, in addition to that, people could purchase movies just like they do songs!!! Not “rent” them like cable companies offers now with their OnDemand videos… PURCHASE them, download them, and burn them to DVDs on the Mac Mini!!

The service could work as some sort of attachment to your regular cable internet – perhaps through your computer? That box/device could then send a signal (ethernet OR wireless) to the Mac Mini-like device that sits in your entertainment center (with your TV). That device (which would no doubt have a fantastic name, better than iTV.. iView or something?) would act as a cable tuner (using software) and a DVR (using it’s hard drive, way bigger than any other decive out there, such as TiVo) and a SuperDrive with easy Apple-designed software that allows you to click a button on your remote (instead of a mouse) and burn a DVD of the movie you just downloaded for $9.99!

Cable channels would work similarly… you would purchase channels by the month, year, or more, and those would be in your purchased channels screen (with all the information of what’s on that channel for the next two weeks at your fingertips…) You could purchase ESPN for the baseball season, and then take a break over the off season. Or, you could purchase a sports-lovers package for a whole year that includes ESPN and several others… much like an iTunes Essentials album collects several tunes and puts them in one easy to purchase package.

I was really excited about this when I sent it, and couldn’t wait to hear back from Apple. I actually received a legal notice back telling me Apple does not allow unsolicited ideas. Ha! Actually, that made me think they were close to something like this, and last summer, they added video content to the iTunes music store, and away we went.

I believe this device is coming. I don’t know if it will be next week, but probably this year. As for the movies and even the cable channels… that might take a bit longer.

But wouldn’t it be cool?

Well, I for one am looking forward to the “fun new products” to be unveiled next Tuesday.

(NOTE: The image with this article is completely fabricated. I made it in Photoshop. I have no inside information — does anyone? — this is just based on the rumors I have read, and my own creative ideas. There is certainly no basis to claim this product will be made by Apple this week, or ever. That said… I sure hope they do!)

Black And White

I have thought a lot recently about the dangers of viewing the world as black and white. One thing is right, one thing is wrong. There can be such a rigid interpretation of this way of thinking that legalism, and even hatred and violence completely take over. People take sides, and create battle lines. Wars are waged over the noble cause of Truth and Purity.

I understand that there are some things in life that are true, and right, and good. Unfortunately, there are so many things that do depend on the circumstances of the situation to determine their “rightness”. Sometimes, it’s ok to take another person’s life. It is a side effect of a broken, fallen world. Even though murder is wrong, if someone attacks you, with the intent to kill, and in self-defense, you end up taking their life – though tragic – it’s not “wrong.”

There certainly can be danger in a world full of shades of gray. Who’s to say what’s right and wrong? Who determines which version of “right” is actually “right”? Well, unfortunately, it is often those who see the world as black and white who attempt to enforce their views on the rest of the population.

I watched the movie Remember The Titans yesterday. I had just copied it from VHS to DVD and was testing out the DVD, but was quickly captured by the story. It was about black and white. Right and wrong.

If you’ve not seen it, please do. Excellent movie. It’s not really just a football/sports movie. There’s a lot more there. It’s set in 1971 Alexandria, Virginia. The social climate is hot with racial tension. T.C. Williams is the first public school in the area to be forced to “integrate”. (At the time, “colored folks” did not mix socially with “white folk”, so this was quite scandalous.) (EDITOR’S NOTE: I can’t believe this happened only 3 years before I was born. That’s insane.) The movie focuses on the school’s football team (it’s based on a true story, by the way) where a hall-of-fame coach had commanded the troops for quite a long time to many state championships. As part of the integration however, Herman Boone – a black man – was named the head coach. The rest of the story is how two starkly opposite worlds – black and white – are forced to integrate, and in the process learn that their “black and white” understanding was not so clear after all.

Titans is a wonderful story of people choosing to see what’s inside a person rather than prejudging from what is seen on the outside. Very cool movie. I highly recommend it.

I watched it by myself – no one else was awake! – but Jen is going to watch it with the boys today. I hope they see the craziness that used to pervade our society. How we treated people like animals, even worse than animals, just because they had different skin color. I can’t even believe we could think such a thing. I still see remnants of it in my grandparents’ speech. Every once in a while, an old way of thinking will emerge in a word or a sentence. But for the most part, it is really good that we have moved on from seeing our world as “black and white”.

We’re not done yet. There is more to go. Maybe when our kids are having kids things will be different. Perhaps by then, their children will look back at the mid to late 20th century – even the early 21st century – and wonder why we just didn’t get it.

But, probably not.

In every generation, there will be people who will see black and white. It may not be applied to skin color, as it was in the 60s and 70s. It might be something else. But it will be black and white. I am right, and you are wrong. It is, as I said, an unfortunate reality of a fallen world.

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Rom 3:23

But all are freely justified by faith in Christ Jesus. All of us. Whether we can’t leave other people to their own journey because we can only see black and white, or whether we steal, kill, lie, commit adultery, or some other “grand” sin. We’re all on equal footing, whether we think so or not. There are no sides – like black and white.

We are many shades of gray.

Olympic Beef

I have read a few articles expressing disdain for the modern day Olympics, with the overwhelming influence of professional athletes. “The Olympics is for amateurs!” they say. I think I slightly agree. I don’t think that people who do these sports as a profession should be excluded from the competition completely. I actually like that the pros and the amateurs compete side by side. It’s kind of like what the digital era and the internet has done for indie musician. We are approaching a time when the independent musician will be on a level playing field with the big record labels and marketing companies. They still have the advantage, but at least we are able to compete, and in some cases do very well. (Perhaps even medal?) πŸ™‚

My beef with the Olympics is those crazy announcers! Maybe there is where there should be no “professionals”!!! Come on folks… give the athletes a BREAK. I have not watched that much, but every time I do, it seems the announcers know WAY too much (or at least they think they do) and so they are constantly critiquing every move made by the athlete. A steady stream of picky, negative commentary comes from their mouths, berating the slightest deviance from perfection. Ahhhh!!! Stop it already!

I do enjoy watching the Olympics – though usually only in short bursts – and if these professional announcers would just stick to giving us background stories and perhaps try to emphasize the good things the athletes are doing, then I wouldn’t be so tempted to just turn off the sound!

Good thing I only watch about 10 minutes at a time… πŸ™‚