PALMYRA, NY – It was an exciting evening for residents of the Southwest 100 block of Canandaigua and Jackson streets in the village of Palmyra. A rabid racoon was terrorizing the neighborhood for a few hours this Sunday afternoon.
“I saw him come across our neighbor’s yard,” explains local tax payer, Greg Campbell, “and kinda meander his way down the side of our house. I peeked out my side door to see him up close and boy was he a sight! All snarled and crooked, and he was growling and sorta, hissing, as he ambled by. He even tried to come in the door! I shut it of course…”
Reports began circulating of the wild animal’s antics. A few dogs were attacked by the creature, and neighbors began warning one another of the danger to their pets.
“Our neighbor told us that some dogs had been attacked,” said tax payer Amy Tones “so we were a bit concerned about our own dog. Sick racoons stay in the same general location, so I wasn’t sure what we were going to do when we had to let her out later tonight!”
But worries subsided when two shotgun blasts rang out shortly after 6pm. The local sheriff department sent a man down to a house on Jackson street where the animal had been cornered in a tree. The first shot knocked the critter out of the tree, and they had to fire a second round to finish him.
“Tough little critter,” commented one resident.
Life has returned to normal for this quiet neighborhood, after quite an exciting series of events instigated by one tough (but sick) little critter.