New Tabs & Jesus

Hi folks. It’s going to be pretty busy work-wise around here this week. I’ll post to the blog when I get a chance, but I think I might mostly be doing some clean up and re-organizing. πŸ™‚ You’ll notice the new tabs just above the main content of the pages… I thought I would take advantage of the automatic page links generated by the labeling system. I tried to select the main categories of most of my posts. Stay tuned… they should start to make more sense as we go forward.

One quick thought for tonight, before I hit the hay…

As I was creating the labels index page, I was going through each label I have created, and in the middle were a bunch of names. Ian, Jen, Jesus, Julia, Kirsten. As I typed those names it struck me that it was easy and natural to include Jesus as a family name. πŸ™‚ He is part of our family. I love that our kids know that. They talk to him like that. Just like we do.

We didn’t plan to have an I, J, J & K string of names… it just worked out that way. But it’s pretty neat that Jesus is right in the middle of us. πŸ™‚ (Actually, my name starts with G… so we just need to get an H in there somewhere…) πŸ™‚ (Who knows what happened with Alex! I don’t think we’re going to fill in the alphabet between him and me!) πŸ™‚

So, enjoy the tabs. Do a little exploring perhaps… and hopefully this will help tailor your reading experience. Lemme know what you think if you’re so inclined. Comment away! πŸ™‚

The Shack – Completed

The ShackI think I have mentioned a few times the book I was reading (and finished last night) The Shack? I know I did at least once. Well I finally finished it and though it came extremely highly recommended, it did not disappoint! I was impressed. πŸ™‚ Usually such high praise as it received can only lead to the actual experience not measuring up to expectations.

But The Shack does.

I think what I most enjoyed about this very well-written story was the unexpectedness. There were times when I felt it was just what I was expecting, but more often what I thought was, “That’s a cool way to look at it…” The premise is that a man who has faced unbelievable tragedy, and feels far from God – really on purpose – is called to the location of a focal point of his pain to meet with God. And this is not the big shiny booming voice old guy you might expect. It’s a very cool look at God in his infinite – and personal – uniqueness.

The book even had a surprise ending! (At least to me!) I kept reading and reading last night as I couldn’t put it down. It’s a great story of redemption, how God brings life from death, and forgiveness, healing… just all the stuff God works in us. And as I said, very well written, so an easy read.

I want to get a copy to give to our library, so people can find it that way. And we may buy a copy or two to hand out to friends. Jen is reading our copy now, and Laura is in the queue.

Anyone else want to get in line? πŸ™‚

I may continue to reference the book as I continue to process it. Till then, check it out for yourself at the links above.

Interesting Coincidence

Full Solar Eclipse
We found a neat little podcast from NASA called “Ask An Astronomer” that is definitely very cool for the kiddos. (Mom & Dad like it too!) They are little three minute answers to some big questions regarding things in the sky.

Today we watched a couple: one about lunar eclipses, and one about solar eclipses. Both Jen and I caught a pretty humorous line from someone who either didn’t want to – or didn’t feel “free” to – admit that God could have had some part in putting that stuff in the sky.

Speaking on solar eclipses, the astronomer said, “In an interesting coincidence, the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, but it’s also 400 times closer to the Earth than the sun. So they appear to be the same size in our sky.”

An interesting coincidence… πŸ™‚

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… there are just too many “interesting coincedences” for me to think that what we see around us has created itself over billions of years. I’m no weirdo who thinks I know how everything got here exactly… not by a long shot. I just can’t believe Someone didn’t have a hand in putting it there. It’s too amazing to not have some Originator.

But anyway… thought that was a funny line. Interesting Coincidence. πŸ™‚

Our Only Rule Book

Our Only Rule Book?Inspired by recent readings, hearings and various thinkings floating through GregsHead, I have thought again about our push for being right. For knowing the truth and letting others “have it”. I read a column this morning by a local radio talk show guy who was certainly convinced that he had the “right” answer for what the church should be and do. (Now, I know… that’s his job… but still, furthers my point that we all love to be right.)

Maybe Christians are the worst at this. From early on, most of us are taught that there is a right, and definitely a wrong. Actually, many wrongs. We recently heard the Bible referred to as “our only Rule Book”. Ouch. Is that what it is? What about all the people who interpret it differently than you do? They have rules, too… just different from yours. In most cases (in the view of both parties) the other guy is wrong. And you’re right.

This obsession with being right actually removes us from relationship with other people. We focus so much on having and knowing the “truth” that we must first verify that those with whom we associate are “with us”, and “doctrinally correct”, and if not, we must instruct them accordingly. There is always a bit of an angst as errors in thinking must not be tolerated. At least when it comes to Christianity.

And there’s the rub. We have something (Christianity) that we need to protect, not Someone we want to introduce. An institution is defined. It has a Rule Book. It’s easy (at least, sort of) to protect and preserve. A Person is not. Someone who is alive and dynamic (yet the same “yesterday, today and forever”) is not easy to define, protect or preserve. Many have said, “You can’t keep God in a box.” Of course, they were probably referring to “the other guy’s box”… but, I believe that statement is true.

For some reason I was reminded of a strange rule we have made up today. Perhaps it’s due to hearing of marriages and other similar relationships dissolving for one reason or another. I remembered a “proof text” that many use for when it’s “OK” to divorce. Remember when Jesus said that divorce was bad… unlesssss… the WIFE has been unfaithful. Don’t you know that people (your intrepid author’s former self included) use that to say that if there has been infidelity (perhaps especially from the woman???) that divorce is OK. And hold mightily to the words Jesus said previously that divorce is always bad. Which, I believe is correct, since Jesus seemed to say it as truth… but we leave out the “context” part where something that’s bad might be better than something that’s worse.

On many such occasions, we take the Rule Book and we bash it over each other’s heads… saying my way is right. I got it from the Book! You must be wrong! (Even though our “adversary”) is many times doing exactly the same thing. They just view it differently.

I am coming to understand that it’s not my job to interpret the “Rules” for someone… for anyone else. My job is to be faithful to my understanding of what God wants from me, and then to love other people as I have been loved. Yes, sometimes love is “tough” and requires an uncomfortable confrontation – BETWEEN FRIENDS. It seems a confrontation is only effective (and then only sometimes) if relationship already exists. If not, why should the confronted change their “aberrant” behavior based on the “Rules” of a stranger?

The Bible is not a Rule Book. God doesn’t even want us to live by Rules. The Rules were fulfilled by Jesus. It is finished. That doesn’t mean it’s not good to live as God intended us to… certainly God’s law will last forever. BUT, we were never meant to keep the law… never able to do that. I’ve been reading Romans again, and Paul emphatically states that:

For no one is put right in God’s sight by doing what the Law requires; what the Law does is to make us know that we have sinned. But now God’s way of putting people right with himself has been revealed. It has nothing to do with law, even though the Law of Moses and the prophets gave their witness to it. God puts people right through their faith in Jesus Christ. God does this to all who believe in Christ, because there is no difference at all: everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s saving presence. But by the free gift of God’s grace all are put right with him through Christ Jesus, who sets them free. … In this way God shows that he himself is righteous and that he puts right everyone who believes in Jesus. What, then, can we boast about? Nothing! And what is the reason for this? Is it that we obey the Law? No, but that we believe.

Taken from Rom 3:20-27, Good News Translation.

If you try to keep the Rules, and make others do the same, you’ll only be butting your head up against a wall that won’t ever be knocked down. We’re meant (I think) to live in the fullness of a restored relationship with our Creator, and then to love the other Createds he puts around us. Rules work perhaps in a computer program… where everything is always (supposed to be) the same. But when people are involved, Rules almost never work. We’re too unique. Principles, that can adjust to the context of a situation are more applicable, to be sure. But… maybe we could just make our only “rule” the rule to love everyone we meet, as we have been loved.

At least then the Rule Book would be a lot smaller. πŸ™‚


There’s some stuff stewing in Greg’s Head this week… perhaps a bit longer… about two different ways of approaching life. This common theme seems to be running through my head, a thread of thought that permeates many conversations, events, and other happenings. Basically it comes down to whether we attempt to control our surroundings (including people around us), or whether we (as a general rule) live and respond to the moment. I’ve noticed it in the training of our children, in how we live life with God and the Church, and even on a personal level.

I won’t elaborate now… my time is demanded elsewhere. (Gotta pay the bills!) πŸ™‚

Stay tuned… I look forward to fleshing out these thoughts and reading your responses.

Errands of Grace?

This morning I had to head out for a few quick errands, which turned out to be at least three opportunities to connect with people I know around town. None are “good friends”, but I do have a connecting point with all of them.

I was heading up to the post office to grab a few checks that I expected had arrived from a couple different clients. I was by default going to drive, but then I remembered I like to walk when I’m just headed to the post office, and the bank. But I thought, “Today I need to drive… just because it’s faster.” So, I headed out the driving door and got in my van to drive off.

First stop was the PO. As I was walking in, a Bookseller friend was heading out. I wasn’t sure she was going to see me, but I watched her, waiting for a chance to say hello. She seemed in a hurry, so I was going to let her notice me. She did catch a glimpse of me, and so I waved a hello to her. That seemed to break up her rush a bit, so I went over to say hello. We chatted about the things she’s dealing with right now (she’s closing down her bookstore) and a few other things. She asked how we’re doing, and I couldn’t help but bring up money, as once again that is the pressing issue in the front of my mind. She offered a few encouraging (and sympathetic) thoughts, and we parted ways with a smile. I was glad we had a chance to connect, even if only for a few brief moments.

I went in to check the box, and unfortunately, no checks. I would have been more disappointed, but I was still glad to have had the chance to have a chat with our Bookseller friend.

Heading out the door, I noticed she was just leaving, and as she did, she slowed and motioned through her window, “No checks?” I shook my head, and she again motioned in empathy, “Sorry… that’s too bad…” I smiled, and we went about the business of the day.

But I wasn’t done yet. I did have one check to deposit from the day before. So, off to the bank I went.

But as I was ready to pull out of the driveway I remembered a conversation I had previously had in my head (presumably with God) about a little coffee house in town…

I have visited there only maybe two times – three at most. Often I will think of it, when she is closed. This morning I had thought of dropping in for a chai, but dismissed it as my little addiction – for which we needn’t spend any money, that we don’t currently have. But as soon as I dismissed it, another thought entered my mind. Often, when I think of something out of my normal or planned line of thinking, it is a prompting from God that is not necessarily about the “thing” I am thinking about. I chuckled, and conceded that perhaps God had something more than a cup of chai for me this morning.

So, sitting at the end of the post office driveway with a smile, I decided I would stop by and see what that cup of chai might bring.

I pulled up to the parking lot, and noticed balloons blowing in the breeze at the door of the coffee house. As I got closer, the sign said, “Come celebrate our 1st Anniversary!” So I walked in and said, “Happy anniversary!” The owner thanked me, but seemed… preoccupied. We exchanged a bit of small talk about her menu and such. I placed my order for chai. “I don’t have any large cups,” she said, obviously frustrated, “I could give you two small cups and you could do a double-fisted drinking thing?” I smiled, and said that one small cup would be just fine.

I believe I asked her how her first year was, but I don’t remember exactly what I asked. Whatever it was, it was the right thing to ask. She began pouring out emotions of the day, perhaps recent weeks or months… perhaps even the whole first year. Overall, she is tired… and not seeing the fruit of her labor. So I, being an outsider, was able to see some good things, and remind her of those. And reluctantly she admitted them.

One of her most recent frustrations was that whole large cups thing. She just hadn’t had the time to get them, and it seemed that EVERYONE needed them. So I said with a smile, “Well, I’m glad to have a small cup of chai.” πŸ™‚ She smiled, and thanked me, and I left as another customer was coming in. Hopefully I was an encouragement to her this morning, and the rest of the day might be a bit lighter.

I guess I did go for a bit more than a chai. πŸ™‚

Well, now it was off to the bank, with my one tiny check. At least I did have something to deposit, even if it was small. I filled out the deposit slip, and got in line, and went right up to this morning’s teller. She was friendly, as always. I have spoken with her many times before. She’s a fellow believer, and on the worship team at her church, so we have had several conversations about our music ministry – which is what the check was written to. That prompted her to ask how that was going… so I explained our current “hibernation”, and how God is leading that. So then she asked about CDs, if we had any. I explained that we had 5 currently, and she said she would very much like to get one. So, I left saying I would bring one by next time.

As I headed to the van I remembered… they’re in our VAN. πŸ™‚ So, I grabbed one of each, and headed back in to see which one she would like. Generally, I just give them to people. I’m a really bad businessman. I admit it. πŸ™‚ But today, I didn’t think that was the right thing to do. So I debated loaning them to her, then she could buy the one(s) that she liked? Seemed too much pressure. I could just show them all to her, then give her one? Nah… I’d figure it out when the time came.

The time came. She was free, so I went up and showed her all the CDs, explaining what each one contained. One of them was our demo CD that I had planned to just give to her. Then she said, “Well, I’ll definitely take the free one, and I’d like to buy this one.” She asked how much, and I told her. She handed over a ten dollar bill and I was on my way.

I got back in my van just smiling at the morning’s errands. I hadn’t gotten the money from my clients that I went out for, but I had the chance to connect (more than a “hello”) with three people, sharing a bit of what God is doing for me and for them. (Even if they don’t credit him.) And I even came home with more cash, though I had bought a cup of chai that I “shouldn’t have”.

I’d say all that was worth my cup of chai.


Last night as I cleaned up after a little family birthday party for my mother-in-law, I was listening to a podcast. The regular hosts were having a chat with a guy from Australia who has been through a few crazy cycles with the institution of the church. I believe once he was “let go” from his job as a pastor… which served as a wake-up call that “the church” (meaning, the system… the programmed institution) as it was had some pretty major flaws. So, he and his family avoided such a setting for something like nine years?

After all that time, a little Baptist church asked him to be their pastor. The church was very traditional, very Baptist, and he of course said, “No thanks!” But God said, take it. So they did. And slowly over the next few years they, along with that whole group of believers, worked themselves out of that system until nothing was left of that group. They are all still in contact, but all felt that God was leading them to something different… perhaps more free that what they had before.

As I listened, I started to think, “Man! Maybe that’s what we should do! Could we do that??? Would I have the patience to go through helping a group of people de-structurize? But it sounds so cool! What a great story! I should try to do something like that….”

Within 5 seconds after I thought all of that, I realized how silly I was. πŸ™‚

What is this unquenchable drive to duplicate? Why is it that when we hear a story of some good thing that God did through another believer, it makes us think, “Ooo! I should do that too!” I realized that I was really just trying to do what the church has done with every current manifestation of itself (at least in this culture)… I was trying to DUPLICATE.

They spoke about this a bit later in the podcast I think. Or maybe that was just me, my thoughts, and God having a little chat in my head? For some reason we can’t help but try to capture again a moment, or a season, or whatever where we saw God do something incredible. It must somehow be able to be duplicated, right??

Not necessarily.

Yes, God seemed to have led them to take that pastorate… and yes, in my eyes, it turned out pretty great. But so far, God is not leading me to do that… so if I were to do that, it would most likely be (in some way) a big flop. I would be trying to copy – in my own effort – something that God had done somewhere else, but was not asking me to do. THERE’S the point. God leads, we follow. It’s not the other way around.

So, I’m not sure I can say that God is behind “Mega churches”, but I am saying that we probably shouldn’t be trying to copy every little thing they do. God wants to lead each of us, and even groups of us as the church wherever we are. He is our Shepherd, and we get to follow him … daily. So, if today he asks me to do something, and it works fantastically, is very “fruitful”, or whatever… tomorrow it’s not my job to go out and do it again. It’s my job to get up, listen to what he is asking me to do, and do that. It might be the same thing for another day, week…. maybe a year or two. OR, it might be something totally different. And that might be even harder! Who wants to leave something that’s going so well? (Just ask Brett Favre!)

I really don’t think formulas, systems, programs, methods, etc are helpful in the kingdom of God. From what I see in the Bible, and in the life of Jesus… he was not about that. He responded to each individual, and each situation, and each leading of God. Perhaps that’s what we could do too. Listen to where he wants ME to go, and just follow.

I don’t need to be making copies anymore.

The Shack – Just Beginning

The ShackI read a few chapters of this book last night. It has come VERY highly recommended. I got a copy from the folks who are publishing it, for helping with their website. Actually, I have been worried it couldn’t possibly live up to all of the accolades it has received!

But, so far… it has.

Last night I finished chapter four (just starting really) and even though it was 2am, I couldn’t stop reading… it is definitely well written, and a sad but compelling story. (And I don’t think I’ve gotten to the good part yet!)

I know the book is about who God is even in horrible tragedy. I got to read what the tragedy was last night, and let me tell you… without giving too much away, it involves a little girl, and as a Dad… those are the worst kind. I definitely get very emotionally involved in stories about parents and kids, especially Dads and kids who are the same age as mine. πŸ™

So, hoping I don’t have to face that sort of tragedy in person… I will read on and hope to catch a glimpse of God – perhaps a side I haven’t known, or yet needed to know – via the experiences of another believer. Should defintely be a good read.

Click through the links above (click the book if you like) and order your own copy. You can read chapter one on their site, too. I think it’s as good as advertised.

More when I am done, I’m sure…

Trust In Action

I’m having a difficult time right now. I know something to be true, even able to put it into very clear words in a conversation with some friends. But I’m having trouble knowing what to do next.

I know God will take care of my family. I know that I am not the provider for our family, my job does not provide for our family… God does. I know that. I trust him to, because I have seen him do it many times over.

Right now, that is very difficult.

Money coming in is lower than usual… probably feels much lower than it actually is. And there have been many expenses this month, and coming up next month. Not a good combination.

So, I’m asking God to let me know what he wants. Does he want to prove himself to me… where I really let go and trust him? Or is there a time where we need to “take some action”? The points from each “side” are volleying back and forth in my head. I’m sure I will hear the same responses. It’s funny though.. the line reverberating in my head from one “side” is “God helps those who help themselves” (which is not a scripture…) πŸ™‚ while one the other “side” I can think of several scriptures πŸ™‚

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

“God is able to do immeasureably more than we could ask or imagine”

“We walk by faith, and not by sight”

Hmm… perhaps I am answering my own question? But that’s just it. I know the truth. I trust the Truth. But… what do I DO right now? I still have the bills to pay. I still have a family to feed and clothe?

This is heavy on my heart right now for sure.


The boys and I are reading through Luke (I believe I have already said that…) and today Jesus was addressing another crowd (SIDENOTE: I posted an entry here before about how it seemed that Jesus was not usually speaking to crowds but more to small groups and even individuals. It seems however that in Luke, almost everytime something comes out of Jesus’ mouth it’s to a CROWD, so… I stand corrected. πŸ™‚ End sidenote…) We read a story, and some more teaching from Jesus.

The story was about a rich man who had an abundant crop. He decided he would store it all up in bigger barns, so he’d be set for the future. God said, “You dummy… you’re going to die tonight… what good does all your stuff do you now?” Then Jesus reminded us that birds don’t have to worry about what they will eat, and flowers look great, even though they’re here today, burned tomorrow. We’re more important to God than both of those, so… don’t worry.

And we finished today with Jesus saying don’t treasure things that can be taken, or eaten. (Moths destroy…) Make your treasure eternal stuff… sorta, intangible stuff. Things that can’t be taken. Because, where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is.

(Somewhere else it says that your heart is the “wellspring of life”… I think that means it’s important…)

So I asked the boys what this meant. First they shook their heads in bewilderment. But with some more directed questions, we figured out that Jesus was trying to tell us not to worry about stuff. Don’t “treasure” stuff that will break, could be taken, or will just eventually be gone.

Alex didn’t like that so much.

I said, “What if our house burned down? To the ground. Everything was gone. Then what would happen? Would that be bad?”

Ian quickly said no, but Alex had a very concerned look on his face. Finally he said, “That would be bad!”

I said, “Why would that be bad?”

“Well, it would burn down, but we’d have Sega, Nintendo, and Backyard Football?” (He really, really likes video games…)

“No, they’d all be gone. But we’re all fine. Would we be OK?” I asked.

He thought for a moment and stuck to his guns, “No…” his eyes were filled with near horror, “That would be bad!”

You gotta love Alex’s honesty. He really means it. To him, that would mean the end of his world. For whatever reason, Ian has learned the lesson that stuff does not matter. It’s fun. He can enjoy it just as much as Alex, but Alex has wrapped his heart up in stuff. He can not imagine a world without his stuff.

I told him that this was a great example of what Jesus was talking about. Stuff doesn’t matter, and Jesus knew that. It’s fun, but it doesn’t matter. If we “treasure” stuff that will eventually break, be taken, or just die… then our hearts will be crushed with our treasure. Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.

And later this morning I got to thinking. I know I would be OK if all my stuff was gone. I would be a bit panicked about all my clients’ files and such. Hard to recover all that stuff. I would be bummed to lose the stuff of nostalgic and emotional value. But in the end I’d be OK.

That said, I sure do have a lot to distract me from important stuff! I love video games too. That takes a good amount of my time if I let it. I sure do love my computers, and the internet. That takes time too. I love to watch Star Treks. I love watching Hockey, and Football. I enjoy a good movie now and again. I even enjoy sitting down with a nice book and a cup o’ something.

There sure is a lot to “treasure”, eh?

So, I think at some point in the not-too-distant future… I may take a serious break from all my stuff. I want to cut away the distractions and spend some good time with Jesus. Every once in a while I long for that (I guess, when I haven’t had it in a while?) and now is one of those times. I think he was reminding me of that again today.

Some stuff in life is expendable. Well, OK… probably most stuff. Some stuff is not. Time with my Father who loves me is fantastic. I mean just hanging out time. We’re always together. He’s with me in everything I do. But sometimes it’s good to just be together, not really doing anything else, eh? I think I’m wanting some of that today.

So, I hope your treasures are in the right place today. I don’t mean black/white, right/wrong. I just mean, in a place where your heart won’t be crushed if your treasure is. We’re going to coax Alex toward that better place. Hope he follows.