Unseen Help

My two boys and I have been trying to read through the book of Luke this month. At least the beginning, where we got to read again the story of Jesus’ arrival. It really is both ordinary and incredible all at once.

We read the part about the angel appearing to the guys who were taking care of sheep in the middle of the night. And then how there were lots more angels with that one angel all of a sudden, and they were singing! (Or shouting?)

Luke 2:8-15
That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. β€œDon’t be afraid!” he said. β€œI bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Saviorβ€”yes, the Messiah, the Lordβ€”has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.”

Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of othersβ€”the armies of heavenβ€”praising God and saying,
β€œGlory to God in highest heaven,
and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”

When the angels had returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, β€œLet’s go to Bethlehem! Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

After reading that, and talking about the craziness of an angel just appearing out of nowhere, and then a million more showing up and chanting in unison, kind of like a pep rally from heaven. The contrast I was pointing out was how that was shockingly weird compared to the very ordinary entry of God into his created world. Born just like the rest of us. Spent his first night in a barn (not like most of the rest of us). Fairly ordinary.

To ensure that it wasn’t only ordinary, God chose to let some (ordinary) folks in on it. In a super-incredible way.

As we were talking about those angels and the super-incredibleness, Ian said, “How far away do you think people could see that? Was it only the shepherds who saw it?”

“Good question!” I replied. It was! I wonder if God chose to reveal the news only to those men right there. You’d think that “vast hosts of … armies” and the”radiance of the Lord’s glory” might be somewhat conspicuous. But I wonder…

Ian’s question reminded me of a story from the prophet Elisha’s life. I couldn’t remember exactly, so I told them I’d look it up and we’d read it together. It was related in that an army of angels was all of a sudden revealed to one person (and in position for battle) when before they had been unseen. (Perhaps like the angels the night Jesus was born?)

The story is from 2 Kings, and is fascinating.

2 Kings 6:8-23
When the king of Aram was at war with Israel, he would confer with his officers and say, β€œWe will mobilize our forces at such and such a place.”

But immediately Elisha, the man of God, would warn the king of Israel, β€œDo not go near that place, for the Arameans are planning to mobilize their troops there.” So the king of Israel would send word to the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he would be on the alert there.

The king of Aram became very upset over this. He called his officers together and demanded, β€œWhich of you is the traitor? Who has been informing the king of Israel of my plans?”

β€œIt’s not us, my lord the king,” one of the officers replied. β€œElisha, the prophet in Israel, tells the king of Israel even the words you speak in the privacy of your bedroom!”

β€œGo and find out where he is,” the king commanded, β€œso I can send troops to seize him.”

And the report came back: β€œElisha is at Dothan.” So one night the king of Aram sent a great army with many chariots and horses to surround the city.

When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. β€œOh, sir, what will we do now?” the young man cried to Elisha.

β€œDon’t be afraid!” Elisha told him. β€œFor there are more on our side than on theirs!” Then Elisha prayed, β€œO Lord, open his eyes and let him see!” The Lord opened the young man’s eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.

As the Aramean army advanced toward him, Elisha prayed, β€œO Lord, please make them blind.” So the Lord struck them with blindness as Elisha had asked.

Then Elisha went out and told them, β€œYou have come the wrong way! This isn’t the right city! Follow me, and I will take you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to the city of Samaria.

As soon as they had entered Samaria, Elisha prayed, β€œO Lord, now open their eyes and let them see.” So the Lord opened their eyes, and they discovered that they were in the middle of Samaria.

When the king of Israel saw them, he shouted to Elisha, β€œMy father, should I kill them? Should I kill them?”

β€œOf course not!” Elisha replied. β€œDo we kill prisoners of war? Give them food and drink and send them home again to their master.”

So the king made a great feast for them and then sent them home to their master. After that, the Aramean raiders stayed away from the land of Israel.

There is so much to this story! I wish that I currently had time to share my thoughts on this one, but I’ll stick to the link to the first story for now…

The armies of heaven (as they were described in Luke) were apparently poised to assist Elisha, though no one could see them. And, when Elisha prayed that the servant could see them, my guess is that only the servant could then see them (along with Elisha). The rest of the story is fascinating, too, with some Jedi mind tricks played on the army sent to capture Elisha. Who knew 2 Kings was the source of George Lucas’ inspiration?

Also, it is interesting to note the description of this unseen army. “Horses and chariots of fire” sound rather menacing! If these are the same “armies of heaven” that are in Luke’s story, no wonder people are always afraid when they see these guys!

I’m not sure if more than the sheep herders were able to see the messengers that night. Perhaps they were the only ones to see the spectacular first christmas light show. That would fit God’s apparent M.O. He slipped in, nearly unnoticed. And it continued for many years to come. Even when he was working miracles, there were times (it seems) when his students forgot who he was, and he wasβ€”in a wayβ€”God, unnoticed.

There is something so ordinary about him. It’s fun to read the Christmas story and see how he came to be one of us. He is not like us, but he chose to be. God came to live with us. The unseen became seen.


Blessed Are Those…

But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the LORD their God.
Psalms 146:5 (NLT)

At our home school group yesterday, a friend of ours spoke of the people he had met and is currently helping in Sierra Leone, one of whom is a 10-year-old boy named Joseph that he and his wife (rather miraculously) financially support.

When speaking of that boy and his amazing smile, he reminded the group of 9 and 10 year olds in the room of the verse quoted at the top of this post from Psalm 146. While some translations use the word “blessed” in place of the word happy, the meaning of the word in the original language is more akin to our words for “happy”. The happiness that he saw in the faces of the people thereβ€”including and especially in the face of Josephβ€”is definitely a result of where their help and hope comes from.

You may have favorable circumstances in life at the moment. You may not. Circumstances can and doβ€”and willβ€”change. They just will. But God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn’t change. If at our core, He is our source of life, help, hope… our bread of life and living water … then happy will we be.

Serious Discussions

After seeing her Mom crying while listening to the Beauty Will Rise album in the van yesterday, Kirstie seemed to be the most affected by the story of a five year old girl going to heaven. (Perhaps because she is also five years old herself?)

She told me about it when they got home, and kept bringing it up. So we got to chat about the strange paradox of the joy of heaven and the sorrow of death, the reality of where our “home” is and the beauty of living in a broken world that Jesus walks through with us. (Good stuff about that paradox in 2 Corinthians 5.)

It was so interesting to see the seriousness in her face as we talked about these things. As she talked about a little girl dying. As we thought ahead to the time when both of us will go home to heaven, eventually. She said, “But you’ll always be my Dad. Even when you’re a Grandpa, you’ll be my Dad.” She added later, “And I’ll always be 5, or 6, or 7.” πŸ™‚ I assured her that she would grow up, and that was a good thing.

And I also hugged her and assured her that I’ll always be her Dad.

Even our three year old got in on the serious discussions, relaying to me the story of Maria Chapman, how she had died and gone home to heaven. It was pretty interesting how the new album we were listening to sparked many thoughts and discussions throughout the day. And why not? It is a strange part of life. Death, seeming like an end from behind this door, but our confidence that it is a beginning … happy and sad all at once. How can that be?

Who knows what the future holds. On the album, Beauty Will Rise, the song “February 20th” is about that day in 2008 when Maria was asking about heaven, and said she wanted to go there. A line from the song says, “But we could never have imagined she’d be going there so soon.” We never know. All we know is that Jesus said he would never leave us, and that when we die here, we will be with him. For real.

For now, the events of the last day or so have made me notice when my kids need me. I may be doing something, feeling busy… but I can do that later.

How special each of my kids are to me. How special Jen is to me. That is what matters. Now, and forever.

Thanks Steven, for the reminder.

Beauty Will Rise – Steven Curtis Chapman

As with pretty much every release of his, we purchased Steven Curtis Chapman‘s latest album, Beauty Will Rise, the day that it was first available to do so. We love his music, so there was no question we would purchase it at some point, but this project was different.

On May 21st, 2008, the Chapmans lost their then 5-year-old daughter, Maria in an accident on their own property. Horribly sad event, compounded by the fact that her brother was driving the car that took her life. (I wrote about it here the day after it happened.) An unthinkable series of events that obviously changed their lives forever.

Now a year and a half later, the title song of this collection says it all: Beauty will rise. (From Isaiah 61:3.)

From his blog, and his Facebook fan page, Steven has been sharing a lot of the backstory of the songs and the album. The songs (as always) do a good job of telling the story themselves.

Even if you have never experienced a similar tragedy, I am almost certain that everyone has wondered “where were you God?” on an occasion or two… or more. These songs are real, “raw” (is what Steven called them), honest … and incredibly hopeful. I think every comment or review I’ve seen has mentioned tears flowing when listening to the songs for the first time. It’s hard not to, yet somehow, they are hopeful tears.

I think that is what God does best. He is with us through the hardest stuff. And somehow brings greatnessβ€”beautyβ€”from the ruinβ€”the ashes.

He knows the way to wherever you are,
He knows the way to the depths of your heart.
He knows the way ’cause he’s already been where you’re going.
Jesus will meet you there.

I really like the third line of that chorus (from the song Jesus Will Meet You There) because it reminds me of the bigger picture perspective. No matter what happens, we will continue to move forward, and Jesus knows where we’re going. And he’ll bring and meet us there.

Nothing will bring back their daughter, but they have the hope that one day they will see her again. (Another great song from the album, “See”.) Meanwhile, they know Jesus is going with them through the lossβ€”which Steven likened to an amputation, and coping with that, adjusting to that as being how they are “healing”.

If you have $10 or so… my opinion is, it couldn’t be more well spent.

Life Is You

So… it always happens this way…

In the middle of intense busyness and while feeling quite burdened and overly stressed … a song was birthed.

I really don’t do that much anymore. I can easily push them aside, the little lyrics and melodies and piano/guitar riffs. I have other stuff to do. And, well, I really do. But today, it just didn’t work. The song was coming out whether I wanted it to or not. (These are the kind that I write in about 15-20 minutes total.)

It’s pretty cool because, this is definitely a lot of what I have been thinking lately. Two things I wish I could pass along to other believersβ€”really just everyoneβ€”is that they are so treasured by God the Father, and that they truly are lovable. The other thing (that is often a product of understanding the first thing) is the freedom from religious and performance-based mindsets. God wants a relationship with us, not a behavioral adjustment.

I haven’t played it enough to have a coherent audio recording of it yet, but I figured I’d publish this “first draft” of the song lyric here, just for fun. Maybe I’ll add the audio at a later date. (Though I’ll probably do that here…)

For now, here’s the song I couldn’t keep back: πŸ™‚

Life Is You
© 2009 Greg Campbell

Part of me wants to sit down and write a song for you
So you can know the freedom I do
Part of me wants to give up my very life for you
So you can know the Way, the Life, the Truth

Part of me wants to give everything that I can give
And end all the hunger I see
Part of me is aching for everyone to see
They are beautiful inherently

(But) it seems so futile, it seems so pointless
I’m not getting through
My words don’t seem to have the power
To really show them you

I will just live it, live this life with you
And watch you open eyes
I will just live it, the Way, the Life, the Truth
Until they realize
You are the Way…
You are the Truth…
You are the Life… the Life
Life is You!

(Instrumental loop, then pre-chorus to Chorus)

There is nothing that has been made that isn’t from you
There is nothing that has been made that isn’t for you
‘Cause you are the Way, you are the Truth, you are the Life… Jesus
‘Cause you are the Way, you are the Truth, you are the Life, yeah!

(Chorus 2x to end)

Life is You… you are the Life
Life is You… (ad lib)

Related Scriptures, if you’re interested: John 14:6, 17:3, Ephesians 1, Colossians 1:15-23(ish), and probably more…

[Song For The Day] Come As You Are

Come As You Are
Come As You Are

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Song (at Amazon) | Album

Come As You Are
Today’s song – the final song in this 7-day celebration of the 7-year anniversary of the album – is the title track, Come As You Are. If you have been following along all week, you may see the reason we chose this song as the title song for the album. Most of the 13 tracks on it remind us of God’s unending grace and love for us. How he invites us to Come As (we) Are, not who we will be. It’s truly the “good news” that Jesus brought, and we still live in today.

I wrote the song for both piano and guitar, but perhaps mainly piano. The song is sung from the voice of God, until the middle section where we sing back to him “I am not worthy of the cross! I am not worthy of your love!” How can we, who are so often selfish and so often just messed up … how can we be the object of his affection? But, “as dearly loved children” … we are. And the middle section resolves back to our Father singing to us, “Come as you are, I want to be – so near to your heart just call on me. I will never desert you, in my arms I will shield you from all harm… come as you are.”

LISTEN HERE (for RSS feed only) | lyrics @ basicmm.com

With this being the 7th anniversary week of the release of Come As You Are, I am highlighting some of the songs we liked best from the album. All week I’ll post a song (via the magic of Grooveshark.com) that you can listen to, and a link to purchase the song or album from iTunes or us. You don’t have to buy it… since you can just listen to the whole thing right here at GregsHead.net … but if you don’t have the album, we have a bunch of CDs sitting in boxes that would be better off sitting in your music player of choice. πŸ™‚

[Song For The Day] You Love Me

Come As You Are
Come As You Are

Purchase @ iTunes
Song | Album

You Love Me
Today’s song probably doesn’t get played very often. It’s not a “radio length” song. (It’s around six minutes long.) It’s near the end of the album, and we don’t do it that often when we perform live. But in our recent listen to the album, we really enjoyed it on many levels. First, it’s another great reminder that no matter how ugly we get, even at our worst moment, God loves and accepts us completely. He’s not afraid of our ugly. And that super amazing love draws us to him, and truly changes our hearts. Amazing.

Musically, the song starts with a little bass groove (from Todd “Bassshaker” Earnst!) and has a little of everything in it. A guitar-driven song, there are multiple layers of guitar: acoustic, crunchy electric, a little “wah wah” 70s-sounding guitar… you name it! The funny story behind the song is that when we first got Ian a tiny 1/4 size guitar, I was having fun playing with it, and ended up writing this song while I did!

LISTEN HERE (for RSS feed only) | lyrics @ basicmm.com

With this being the 7th anniversary week of the release of Come As You Are, I am highlighting some of the songs we liked best from the album. All week I’ll post a song (via the magic of Grooveshark.com) that you can listen to, and a link to purchase the song or album from iTunes or us. You don’t have to buy it… since you can just listen to the whole thing right here at GregsHead.net … but if you don’t have the album, we have a bunch of CDs sitting in boxes that would be better off sitting in your music player of choice. πŸ™‚

[Song For The Day] What I’m Askin’ For

Come As You Are
Come As You Are

Purchase @ iTunes
Song | Album

What I’m Askin’ For

Today’s song is one of my favorites both because of what it says and how it musically says it. The song is very sad sounding in parts, lamenting. But in the angst of that lament, the truth of God’s unchanging love for me becomes the one thing I can hold on to. We can get so confused by the stuff that happens around us, wondering, “God, do you still love me? Then why is my life falling apart?” No one has an answer for all the bad-to-horrible stuff that happens in life, but we do know and trust God’s love (for us!) is the anchor we can hold on to through any of life’s storms.

What I’m Askin’ For is a piano song, and as I said before features pretty cool dynamics. Starts and ends very quietly, but builds up in the middle… have a listen, you’ll see. And don’t miss the lyric, because it’s true. “I have known your love before – and I know it doesn’t change – I know that what I’m askin’ for – has really always been the same.” This song reminds me of the message of one of our favorite books, “He Loves Me“. Also worth checking out!

LISTEN HERE (for RSS feed only) | lyrics @ basicmm.com

With this being the 7th anniversary week of the release of Come As You Are, I am highlighting some of the songs we liked best from the album. All week I’ll post a song (via the magic of Grooveshark.com) that you can listen to, and a link to purchase the song or album from iTunes or us. You don’t have to buy it… since you can just listen to the whole thing right here at GregsHead.net … but if you don’t have the album, we have a bunch of CDs sitting in boxes that would be better off sitting in your music player of choice. πŸ™‚

[Song For The Day] Hide

Come As You Are
Come As You Are

Purchase @ iTunes
Song | Album

Today’s song is one of the most rockin’ tunes we’ve ever recorded. (Though some on our Christmas album do rival Hide’s rockin-ness…) The idea behind the song comes from several places in scripture, but one that sticks out in my head is Hebrews 4, where it says since Jesus was tempted in every way like we are, we know we can come to him when we need him most. Lots of things compete for our attention, for our hearts… not all of them are good for us. Sometimes we just need to “Hide”.

Hide features Mike Muscarella on the electric guitar (several layers of them!) and Joe Manuel on harmonica. We had fun recording this one, and hope you’ll have fun listening to it. πŸ™‚

LISTEN HERE (for RSS feed only) | lyrics @ basicmm.com

With this being the 7th anniversary week of the release of Come As You Are, I am highlighting some of the songs we liked best from the album. All week I’ll post a song (via the magic of Grooveshark.com) that you can listen to, and a link to purchase the song or album from iTunes or us. You don’t have to buy it… since you can just listen to the whole thing right here at GregsHead.net … but if you don’t have the album, we have a bunch of CDs sitting in boxes that would be better off sitting in your music player of choice. πŸ™‚

[Song For The Day] My Visible, See-Through Friend

Come As You Are
Come As You Are

Purchase @ iTunes
Song | Album

With this being the 7th anniversary week of the release of Come As You Are, I am highlighting some of the songs we liked best from the album. All week I’ll post a song (via the magic of Grooveshark.com) that you can listen to, and a link to purchase the song or album from iTunes or us. You don’t have to buy it… since you can just listen to the whole thing right here at GregsHead.net … but if you don’t have the album, we have a bunch of CDs sitting in boxes that would be better off sitting in your music player of choice. πŸ™‚

My Visible, See-Through Friend
Today’s song is about how we know God. We don’t see/touch/smell/hear him the same way we do our other relationships, and yet… we know he is there. We know Him. I wrote this song – just kinda poured out of me – during a time when I felt like other relationships had failed me badly, and I was really beat down in life. Piano is the main instrument in the song, and the vocals and vocal harmonies stand out. The lyric reminds us that not even though we don’t see God with our eyes, we know he is there by using a different set of eyes, and seeing all he has done and is doing for and around us.

LISTEN HERE (for RSS feed only) | lyrics @ basicmm.com