Church Ball

Church BallThis past week I happened to see a movie called Church Ball come across my NetFlix new release feed. The title alone is pretty funny, but the description was even more intriguing:

Fred Willard stars as a bishop intent on pulling together a winning team for his soon-to-disappear church basketball league in this comedy from Mormon filmmaker Kurt Hale. Included among the players on the ragtag squad are an Uzbek immigrant, an overweight baker and (most oddly of all) the diminutive Gary Coleman, who serves as the center for the team.

Believe it or not, though it was corny at some spots, it’s a pretty funny movie! We watched it with the boys and they loved it. It might be funnier to anyone who has been around “church”… so, since we have, we thought it was funny. πŸ™‚

If you like silly movies, add it to the queue today!


Goal! The Dream BeginsWell I just finished watching the movie, “Goal! The Dream Begins” I had gotten it from the library last year around the World Cup time… but never got around to watching it. I saw the preview and thought it looked worth the watch… and had even planned on watching with my boys, who had really been enjoying the World Cup matches until I saw it was PG-13. So, with no time to watch, and probably stuff the boys needn’t see at 7 and 4… I passed.

But I had the chance to move it to the top of the ol’ Netflix queue this past week, and I am so glad I did!

Sometimes I fall asleep during movies. Or at least nod off. As you can tell from the time stamp on this article… I did not fall asleep, nor am I even sleepy! It was a great sports movie with your classic sports ending. But you don’t get there the classic way. It’s a great story of perseverence, character, dreams, and some great soccer, to boot! πŸ™‚

There are a few moments that make it PG-13, but for adults I highly recommend. Highly.

One thing I noticed in the flick… there’s a strained relationship between the father and the son. They love each other but see life differently. So, I think maybe a while back I might have seen myself as the son (actually not saying anything about my dad, or our relationship… though it’s pretty true that we see life differently!) but now with four kids of my own, and them all growing up and stuff… I think I identify with the dads of movies. The main character was the son, and I think the emotions you feel with/for him… I was putting my son in his place, and just hoping that I can love and encourage my son to pursue the dreams God has placed in his heart. I think he will… I just found it interesting how I’ve definitely accepted my place as “the dad”.

So… to bed for me, since we’ve some friends comin’ for a bit o’ chill and grill in the late mornin’, and before they arrive I need to mow the lawn. It’s a bit shaggy.

Check your local library… put it in your Netflix queue… download it from iTunes. If you like sports movies, soccer, and just great stories… check out “GOAL! The Dream Begins”.

(And I saw tonight that “GOAL II: Living The Dream” will hit theaters Sep 2nd, 2007! Gotta love it…) πŸ™‚

YouTube on AppleTV

YouTube coming to AppleTV
One more thing before I go…

Apple announced yesterday that coming this month there will be a new item on the main menu of your AppleTV. YouTube videos will be accessible right on your living room TV. πŸ™‚ Pretty cool idea. You even have access to some dynamic content like your History, Most Watched videos, Most Recent videos posted, etc. And right on your TV.

Good job Apple. Click the photo above for a demo.

iTunes "Releases" Music

iTunes StoreiTunes has announced today the beginning of their move to DRM-free music (meaning, no copy protection… which has been really annoying to digital music purchasers for quite some time). This also means that people who don’t have iPods can purchase stuff from iTunes and just put the song right on their non-Apple MP3 player now. (I still recommend iPods though…) πŸ™‚

Read the linked article for more.

They also announced they have added Paul McCartney’s catalog (I believe DRM-free?) to the store. Another first. The Beatles have been scarce to say the least at the iTunes store. But more will be coming.

So, just wanted to let you know… click over to iTunes and have a look!
iTunes Music Store (iTunes link)


NEStopia, Nintendo NES emulator for Mac OS XWhile reading an article on some Mac software releases and such, I happened upon a link to a Nintendo NES Emultaor for Mac OS X!!! I checked it out, and it was super easy to install and I found a game that will run on it that I have been wanting to find for a LONG time (Since I had it over a decade ago. Or two??)

A LOT of yesterday was spent playing Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. πŸ™‚

Now I think I have the boys hooked too. Good stuff.

So now I can play vintage (1987) video games on my Macs!!! Classic.

More Look-Alikes

Greg looks like Tia CarrereWell, we have been playing with the look-alike site a bit more this weekend, and I was again today (it’s sort of addictive or something?) And I must say that it’s interesting accurate, and hilariously funny…

Except perhaps these results????

I used a photo of me and Alex today, and all TEN results came back FEMALE! Ha! Pretty funny.

Greg looks like Sidney CrosbyI tried it again, just to be sure, and the second time ONE guy did come up. Guess I also look like Sidney Crosby. The boys will like that. πŸ™‚ (Although… Sidney is the name of my sister’s DAUGHTER…..)

Anyway… click a couple more links and let me know if you agree… do I really look like a GIRL? πŸ™‚

First Results
Second Results

Problems With Your PC?

Ian found this game online the other day on a visit to the Apple Store! πŸ™‚ The store employees thought Ian was pretty cool finding this “beat up your PC” game… a future Mac Man. πŸ™‚ (Future?? πŸ™‚ He loves them now!) πŸ™‚

Anyhoo… here’s a fun little game for you, especially if you’ve had computer trouble of late. (Viruses? Spyware? Other system failures?)

Enjoy. Let off a little steam… πŸ™‚

Who Does Greg Look Like?

Tyana posted a link to this site on her blog recently, and I found it amusing enough to give it a try myself and the results were at least comical if not all that accurate. πŸ™‚

You upload a photo of yourself, then it uses face recognition software to match you with several celebrities. I don’t know most of the ones that came up, but there were a few funny ones. I tried it with three different photos… including one of me when I had long hair and an extra long goatee πŸ™‚

The results were… fascinating. Everyone from Tommy Lee Jones to Tom Petty to even… Tom Cruise! Ha! Too funny. (And, why so many Toms?)

But the best was link #2 below where the #1 look alike was A GIRL (Natalie Merchant). Sweet.

OK, click and enjoy. (Links will open a JPG in a new window)

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3