Ten Years

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Today marks an anniversary of sorts. June 9th, 1996 was the first Sunday that I began working with the Church of Christ at Victor. That was what brought me to Rochester, NY along with my former college roommate and his wife. Fresh out of college and ready to tackle the world!

So much has happened since then, and much has been chronicled on these pages. And though many spots have been difficult, I really wouldn’t change anything about the past 10 years of my life lived in the greater Rochester, New York area. 🙂

The one thing I thought was really interesting was that I believe this is now the longest that I have lived in one place. (Not one house, as I have had several residences since living here, and three since we’ve been married. But one general region.) I lived in Springfield, OH till I was 8 years old, then in Caracas, Venezuela for the next three years, then in Clarence, NY till I graduated high school in 1992. Then East Lansing, MI, Clarence again, and Cincinnati, OH during my four college years. And now, Rochester area since 1996. (We’ve been in Palmyra since 2001.)

I do move around…

So, kinda fun to celebrate markers in life. I think today is one for me. 🙂

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