Happy Memorial Day!

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Today is Memorial Day, and we are here in Clarence at Grandma & Grandpa’s house, getting ready for a parade this morning! We had a Memorial Day Eve party with our friends the Drakes last night. That was fun! There was a giant new swingset in the back yard that kept all the kids entertained for literally hours! 🙂

Today we’ll be doing the cook out thing (I think) with Jen’s brother’s family too. Holidays are fun family get-together times. 🙂 The only thing I am not looking forward to today is the weather report! Looks like it will be sunny and up towards 90 today! Argh. That’s definitely not good.

Well, have a happy Memorial Day. It’s a great day to remember that the freedom we have is at least in part a gift to us from people who were willing to even give their own lives so that we could live in that freedom. I post a link here every Memorial Day, so I might as well again. Click the song title below to listen to (and read the lyrics from) my song called:

Memorial Day

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