Another Thought On Scientific Thought

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Today I was at the hospital because of my sprained ankle, and something the doctor said just confirmed how silly I think science is. Not really science. I love science. Actually, it’s always been one of my favorite subjects. I read the science related headlines at news sites, I visit the NASA site pretty often, and I even enjoy a good sci-fi show. (Does that count?) 🙂

The funny thing is, there is a segment of the populous that elevates science and the Scientific Method above all else. Scientific thought is supreme. Anyone who dares question the prevailing thought of the day on a subject is either ignorant or has some agenda. Or, they are just not dealing with “science”. (The Intelligent Design stuff, for example.)

As the doctor examined my foot, and explained some things I could do for my foot, he said, “It’s debatable whether ice actually helps or not.” Now, if you will recall with me what your mother taught you, ice is the first thing you do for a sprained ankle! And, on the sheet they send you home with, I was instructed to ice the foot 4 to 6 times a day! There seems to be some difference of opinion there!

This is my point.

Everyone has the same facts. Everyone also can come to their own conclusions from the facts. There is no consensus in science, though the secular crowd would like to suppose that there is. Did you know that I have actually met a flesh and blood human being who believes that the earth is the center of the universe and that everything else revolves around it. Really. And he has lots, and lots of evidence and reasoning to back it up.

See, the thing is, science is not really helpful at all for determining answers. We can figure out some things, but if any variable changes (and last time I checked, this entire world is all about “change”) then you have a different answer. AND, over the years, “science” changes its mind about what it thinks, or there are varying views among peers.

I prefer to keep an open mind and will listen more to someone who does not come across as though they have the universe completely figured out.

I’m not God, so… I can’t do that.

You? 🙂

One Comment

  1. Dude, if I’d listened to my doctor in high school, I’d never have lifted weights. Yea, opinions get confused with facts. Just because someone thinks they’re smart doesn’t mean they’re right.


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