Uh Oh.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I went up to block Scott’s shot this morning at around 8:30am. It was a nice friendly game of one-on-one-on-one, game to 21, every man for himself. Scott was taking a shot from around the arc, and I was close enough to challenge, so up I went. I missed the block, but as I came down, I did not miss Alex’s foot. Alex had stepped up to challenge as well (I think that’s what happened) and my foot came down on his instead of the floor.

Pain. Searing pain. Bad. Thoughts of being laid up in bed for months.

I tried to get up, cause I was going to will my ankle to be ok… even if it was broken. It was stiff, but I could put a little weight on it. That was good. 🙂

I got some ice from the person on duty at the gym and put it on my foot. That helped. But it felt really stiff. I looked down and it was twice its normal size. That was bad.

I went home and, long story short, the hospital x-rays showed no broken bones – so I am home again, and soon to put it up so it can get better. We hope.

This is a bit of a set back when I am supposed to be helping Jen by taking care of the house and three tiny kids. 🙂

Welll… that’s the news from here. I’ll probably give an update later.

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