Book Update

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I forget if I have mentioned this here, but, remember the new book I have been working on? It’s now two. I decided (based on advice from a few folks) that two would be better than one. One was going to be about 350 pages! So, we made it two.

The first one is on to the final proof reading stage. That book is called “Life In The Rear-View Mirror”. The second book will focus on the church, and a lot of what we have been processing over the past couple years regarding all that. I really think there’s some great stuff in there. It has been an issue in the forefront of our thoughts over 2004-2005, and so there is a great deal of material I have written on that subject. That book is still nameless, and definitely close to being ready for the final proof read.

Exciting! 🙂

With the baby and all I have not been able to do much with it, but thought the update worth posting.

Stay tuned…

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