
Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I really should be going to bed right now, after finishing my second 9-5 shift today. On Mondays I do a regular 9-5 shift in the day light and then after dinner and a little fun with the family, I go back at if for the night time version of 9-5 for the Buffalo Bills show I am doing. It’s a blast, but Mondays can be pretty long…

I am doing all sorts of great stuff these days, and God has given a bit of a respite from the stress of unpaid bills, but I noticed tonight as I saw the uncontainable smile of our 4 yr old son panning across the screen of Jen’s computer in a random photo screen saver, just how much my family means to me. I get to live every moment of my life (that I choose to give) with my best friend who calls me her husband, and with three (and soon four?) tiny people whom I can’t imagine my life without. The beaming smile of Alex. The creativity and gentle heart of my son Ian. The spunk and beauty of my daughter Kirsten. Whoa. I know I am tired, but just thinking of them gets me teary-eyed.

Relationships, people. That’s what it’s all about. Love and cherish the people God has put in your life. They’re worth it.

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