Spontaneous vs. Contrived Christianity

Estimated reading time: 3 minute(s)

For a while now, I have been challenged by the difference between what we call Institutional vs. Relational Christianity. The institution thrives on programs and schedules, efficiency, details, and end results or products. The relational model thrives on personal, meaningful connections between friends. No schedule or other reason for gathering, just an ongoing, developing relationship, sharing our lives with our common Father. That has been the distinction I have seen with where we have been and where it seems God is leading us.

Today, after reading one of my posts from yesterday, a friend introduced an interesting new category I did not realize from my thinking on what we do being somewhat contrived. It’s really the opposite of what I was saying we do, and even spelled out in the definition I found (which I still think is perfect!).

Here is what she said in an Instant Message conversation:

Laura: truth is
Laura: spontaneous christianity is much more difficult to follow than contrived christianity
Laura: spontaneous means you get to follow and obey
Laura: at any given moment
Laura: and relinquish control
Laura: and lots of people get that feeling of “accomplishments” and “all is well with the world” when they participate in their contrived activities and don’t feel so much the need (SADLY) to truly listen for God’s voice and guidance
Laura: or when they do…they don’t know what it is
Laura: or are terrified to follow

And I said, “Right on!” A very interesting thought. Contrived is much safer than spontaneous. Some people really, really don’t like anything spontaneous. It is most definitely connected to their personality, but I think it’s something in all of us to varying degrees.

Spontaneous does not give us any control. But it is alive. And if led by our Father, it is amazing! I love it when I have a thought of a friend, even someone I have not had in my thoughts for months, and I call them or stop by or email and find out that at that very moment, they could use a friend. God is SO like that. He lives in the now. He knows the future, and exists in the forever past, but he lives in the now! It’s exactly how Jesus did life. Spontaneously. He was always available for whoever was there.

And it was real. It connected. It was not contrived.

People, please don’t think I have everything figured out. I am just a fellow pilgrim traveler on this journey. Each day God reveals something wonderful about himself or me or his creation, and I get to live it with him and his people. As much as I am able I want to be available for him. If I fill my calendar with stuff to do for him… I can definitely miss that. Not that good things won’t happen… I just miss HIM. He’s bigger than my own plans and short-sightedness… but… I so want to catch him the first time.

Feel free to comment on any of these thoughts, and please as I mentioned before… don’t feel stepped on by any of this stuff I am currently processing. 🙂


  1. well..first off, nice quoting 😉
    but second…I wanted to add that the things I said I spoke from experience. When I said “they” I really should have said “we”.
    The difference now is I try harder to let go and be more spontaneous in my walk with God, but I still fall into the trap of “planning and doing” more than “just letting” Him lead…Our wanting to be in control is wired in all of us, for some of us more than others, and it also gets reinforced through life’s experiences, but we can all know and have a real, spontaneous, ALIVE relationship with our Father AND with each other when we let HIM control. And that’s VERY COOL!


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