
Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

In case you are not aware, we reside in the town from whence came the entire Mormon religion. Back in the 1800s, a man named Joseph Smith lived here, and had a little vision which led him to some gold tablets which when translated revealed the true Christianity which men had twisted and distorted, so God used J. Smith to spread the news of this new “restoration” of the church.

Well, this week is the big Hill Cumorah Pagent, and there are some hundred thousand plus visitors from all over the globe in our little town that is used to only about three thousand inhabitants. It’s quite different. And interesting to watch.

You have tour buses, and tourists. License plates from all over the country. Lots of guys in white shirts and black ties with little name tags. Many of the stores either completely convert to LDS (Latter-Day Saints) novelty stores or at least carry some of the gear. And then there are the Christians who come to convert every Mormon during their one week visit to Palmyra. They set up tents and pass out literature and mostly just win the lost by badgering them. I am not certain how well that works.

But the best part was the t-shirts the bookstores have posted in the windows. There are some silly ones, like, “I love Mormon Boys” or “I love Mormon Girls”. Then there is a crazy one, like, “Praise To The Man – Joseph Smith”. Fascinating.

But, by far my favorite, and the winner of best shirt I wish I could afford from a Mormon bookstore….

– Moroni 6:6

Sorry… but, that’s hilarious. And I wish I could buy it. Maybe someday…

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